Demon God

Chapter 224: All-Seeing Eye

Desire and Jarina entered the tavern where the Elves were located, and as soon as they did, they saw...Amelia sitting in a chair.

However, that was not all as there was someone sitting across her, which was Aerith.

There were two Elves standing diagonally from Aerith, and her daughter was also present in the room, who was sitting behind the counter of the tavern.

There were ten Elves standing behind Aeri as well, who all looked to be quite young, but well.

The Elves always looked young no matter what their actual age was.

That was all the Elves present in this place.

Incidentally, the whole place was cleared except for the table and the chairs that Amelia and Aerith were sitting on.

That was why when Desire and Jarina entered, all of the people present here turned their heads towards the entrance.

No...the Elves had their weapons out as they were about to jump on Desire and Jarina, but...they all were stopped by Aerith, who raised her hand.

"Stop! This young man is our benefactor," Aerith said as she ordered the Elves.

Benefactor? The Elves murmured amongst each other when they heard that word, but Aerith didn't care about them at all as she just stood up to welcome Desire.

However, she was beaten to it by Amelia, who was already bowing her head towards Desire, "Young Master."

She then raised her head to look at Desire in the eyes, "What brought you to this place...I thought I would handle things with the Elves?"

Right, Amelia has been ordered by Desire to sort things out, but...since Desire wanted to look at Aerith and Aeri with his God's Eyes, he came here, trying to find them.

Of course, since that was all that he came here for, Desire...has no plans in interfering between Amelia and Aerith's negotiations.

"Ah, you can continue. I'll just watch," Desire said as he looked around.

He then continued, "Aerith, give me a chair, will you? One for Jarina, as well."

Aerith then signaled with her hand to one of the Elves to do as Desire says, and the Elves who she ordered moved fast as a woman came up to Desire and Jarina with chairs in her hands.

"H-hello, here you go!" The Elf said as she put down the chairs for Desire and Jarina to sit on.

Though, they didn't sit right away as Desire moved the chairs towards the sides and proceeded to sit there. Jarina did as well.

"Proceed," Desire said as he gestured for Aerith and Amelia to continue talking.

Although both of them thought that it was weird for Desire to just come here and not actively participate in the negotiations, they still did as they were told.

The talk continued and the atmosphere in the room became awkward ever since Desire entered the place.

Nevertheless, Aerith told Amelia about what the Elves would like for their homes and all that stuff.

And while they were doing that, Desire was already working on the reason why he came here for.

He...was using his God's Eyes to look at Aerith. His right eye turned white as he looked at her, and Desire only used the All-Seeing Eye ability of the God's Eyes.

After all, he didn't need to see the future right now for a few seconds as it was utterly pointless for him to do so.

Well, what Desire wanted to do was just to look at Aerith and Aeri while the God's Eyes is on, hoping that there might be some clues about himself and the Forbidden Ones.

However...there was nothing that Desire could see as he looked at Aerith.

'Hmm...since the God's Eyes isn't letting me see anything abnormal, does that mean there's no deception going around?'

'Since there isn't any, then that means that Aerith or Amelia isn't lying.'

Right, since Desire was not receiving any abnormal reaction from the God's Eyes even though he was using the All-Seeing Eye, it is safe for him to say that there's no deception going on.


'Or...I am not strong enough to see through it. That's one of the possibilities, but according to the Unknown, I should be able to see through everything.'

Remembering that the Unknown didn't say anything about the All-Seeing Eye not working if the target is too strong made Desire confident about his conclusion.

' I guess this was a useless trip. Either way, I should keep Aerith and Aeri near me just in case.'

Right after thinking that, Desire...turned off his God's Eyes and his right eye returned back to its original color.

'Hmm...there isn't any strain on my eyes, and I can use it freely as well. Interesting, this God's Eyes of mine,' Desire assessed himself after using the God's Eyes, and the result was great.

There was nothing abnormal with him and he was feeling fine as well.

However, it seems that Desire couldn't think about this any longer as a loud voice resounded out in his ears.

"Kekeke! So that merchant was right! The other woman is already here!" The voice said, and this made the people present here turn their heads at the entrance once again.

However, unlike the time Desire first entered this place, the Elves didn't draw their swords or something like that.

Why? It was because...there were several men standing in a straight line with the symbol of the Lion Clan on their chests.

And the Lion Clan was...the clan that was going to help them, so it was only natural for them to not do anything rude towards them.

The only reason why they acted that way towards Desire is that they didn't know his identity.

Anyway, in the middle of these men was Sir Baho, who had an eccentric smile on his face as he basically confirmed that Amelia was indeed here.

Amelia was...she was just looking at him with a scornful look since this man was basically a subordinate of the Lion Clan and here he was, destroying shit that would benefit the Lion Clan, seems that Sir Baho didn't know her.

"Oh! Oh! There are Elves, too! Kekeke! This is a good day for me!" Sir Baho laughed out loud at the surprise of Elves being present in this place.

"Now, where is that man..." Sir Baho had a confident grin on his face as he surveyed the place like a hawk.

He wanted to make sure that his target was here, and when he saw Desire's face, he could feel his excitement explode.

"Kekeke! There he is!" Sir Baho said as he pointed to Desire, "Tie him up, boys!"

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