Demon God

Chapter 211: Rose

"Ke ke ke ke ke," the skeleton, Muzziah laughed as his bones rattled.

Muzziah then raised his head to look at Amelia straight in the eyes, "I never expected that the Rose is with Him, ke ke ke ke."

"No matter, my goal here is finished. I shall go back to my real body," Muzziah continued, but...when he was about to return to his real body with his magic, he soon found out that he...couldn't.

He couldn't return to his real body, 'What?!' Muzziah thought as he whipped his head to look at the cause, "Rose!"

"What are you doing! Do you want me to be bound to this skeleton!" Muzziah shouted out loud.

It was amazing to see that a frail-looking skeleton could move its body without getting destroyed or something like that.

It was then that Amelia...Rose spoke again with a sharp voice.

"You haven't answered my question, yet, Muzziah. What are you planning to do?! You know very well that once someone's blood has made contact with the orb, the contract would be processed and it cannot be stopped!"

"Using your powers to corrupt His brain and make Him enter a contract with this Dungeon's you want to betray  the monster race?!"

"Most importantly, do you intend to betray Him?!"

From Rose's perspective, what Muzziah did was definitely a sign of betrayal.

No matter who it is, once one has been bound to the contract with the Representative, one would never be able to get out of the city.

And since Muzziah controlled Desire so that he would be able to get into a contract with the Representative, one could say that...Muzziah was planning to lock Desire up in this place.

"Ke ke ke ke, it seems like you are not aware of what is happening between the monster races."

"Well, I don't blame you. After all, you have always been on the lookout for the Beast Lord's descendant."

"All because you want to be the first one to meet the Lord, you got no time to go back to our world. Ke ke ke ke." Muzziah said.

However, he was not done as he continued, "As a gift to our little and sudden reunion, I shall tell you one thing."

Muzziah then raised his hand as he pointed at himself with his bony fingers.

"Us, the Abnormal Monsters, have a different way of serving the Lord."

Muzziah then turned his hand around to point at Rose.

"We are different from you, Rational Monsters, who only know how to hope and pray."

"We actually take matters into our hands and take actions upon it. This meeting with the...'young version' of the Lord is the same."

"Ke ke ke ke." Muzziah laughed as his whole body started to rattle.

"You mean to say that endangering the Lord is your way of serving?!" Rose shouted out as she clenched her teeth.

Her face was showing the anger she clearly felt for Muzziah, who placed Desire in danger.

However...Muzziah laughed as he saw the anger on Rose's face, "KE KE KE KE!!"

"Rose, each True Monster Lords has their own roles to play in the Lord's birth."

"Don't forget; all of us know the prophecy. Even the pitiful demons know the prophecy."

"The hateful heavenly beings know the prophecy. Even the disgusting humans know it!"

"So you should know the prophecy. How come you're acting naive, huh? Did finding the Beast Lord's descendant in all those years made you senile or something?"

"Ke ke ke ke, if that's the case, this is funny. To think that the Thorn that couldn't fit in any side is being naive...KE KE KE KE!!!" Muzziah said as he laughed his heart out.

It was indeed funny for him to see Rose acting like this as he knew her from way, way back in time as a woman who used everyone and everything for her goals.

Rose just clenched her teeth and fists as she couldn't do anything in this situation.

After all, she knew that she was being naive as she knew the contents of the prophecy, was really hard for her to accept that what Muzziah did was correct.

It was then that Muzziah spoke again, "Ke ke, this was a good laugh. Now then, how about you release the hold over my subject?"

"Any more than this and I will truly be bound to this subject of mine and won't be able to return to my main body."

"I'm sure you don't want that to happen. After all, if that happens, then the monster world will lose another True Monster Lord."

Indeed. Muzziah was one of those True Monster Lords, who he himself said that had a role to play.

In other words, Muzziah was just playing his role here in this situation.

And those True Monster Lords were important forces and influential figures in the monster world. In fact, there were only 12 True Monster Lords. That was how...special and unique these True Monster Lords were.

That was why...even though Rose wanted to kill Muzziah right now, she can't really do it.

Well, there was also the question of Rose being strong enough to kill Muzziah, but...considering that she was able to prevent Muzziah from returning back to his main body, it was no brainer that she could give Muzziah a run for his money.

"Tsk. This leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth," Rose finally spoke as she withdrew the power that she was using to keep Muzziah from this place.

Of course, Muzziah could feel that the power detaining him in this place was no longer there, which is why he was about to go back to his main body, but...when he heard Rose speak again, he stopped it and listened intently.

"Wait, Muzziah. How were you able to identify him and how were you able to locate him?" Rose said.

She was interested in this as Desire shouldn't be that...famous or, at least, people in the Lion Clan should be the only ones to know about his existence.

"Ke ke ke, you really are naive now. Rose, who was trying her best to find the Beast Lord's descendant, suddenly settled in a clan. Ke ke ke, that's enough of a clue, don't you think?" Muzziah said.

And when Rose heard those words, her eyes widened as shock overcame her, "No way! You used me to find Him?! You bastards!!"

Rose then tried to use her powers to prevent Muzziah from going back out of despite, but...

"Ke ke ke, we shall meet again, Rose the Thorn." Muzziah's voice resounded out, but the Representative's body suddenly became...dead.

Well, the skeleton was already dead, but...the life in its body and in its hollow eyes was gone, which indicates that Muzziah was now gone from the Representative's body.

"Tsk! Worthless bastards," Rose murmured as she tried to hold in the anger that she was feeling right now.

The only reason why Rose knew that Muzziah was in the skeleton's body was that it moved. A Representative can never move on its own even if it got a will of its own.

However, the fact that it moved means that there was a stronger being in it, and Rose was able to recognize that stronger being when the unmoveable Representative moved.

That was why...since the Representative was no longer moving and Rose could feel that there was no other presence other than the original Representative, she couldn't really do anything to let her anger.

"Hah...I hope nothing bad happens to the Lord," Rose murmured as her aura suddenly changed.

Her demeanor changed and the way her face looked was...a little bit different.

And it was only natural. After all, Rose...returned to being Amelia now as she was done with Muzziah.

"No blood was on the orb. I shall return and tend to the young master," Amelia said as she turned around and started to climb down the stairs.

And while she was walking down the stairs, she murmured, "Still, the prophecy, huh..."

And her soft voice was carried by the wind and was brought to someone's ears.

"Hmm...I came back here, hoping to ascertain the situation with the Representative, but...I found something else, huh." A murmur resounded out as the one who was eavesdropping on Rose and Muzziah started to run.

Of course, not the loud and conspicuous run, but the sneaky run.

And while that someone was running, a murmur resounded out again, "So, Amelia has another identity, and that Representative was possessed by someone called Muzziah."

"And all of that is because of I've thought, Desire really is special!" A smile suddenly crept up on...Jarina's face as she thought about how special Desire really is.

"Still, this is not the time to think about this. I have to nurse Desire back to health," Jarina murmured once more as she saw a door.

This door was connected to the room where the Black Hand's members placed Desire to rest.

Coincidentally, when someone from the Black Hand tried to carry Jarina on his back, Jarina...suddenly woke up.

Jarina didn't know, but...her instincts actually woke her up. Jarina, deep down in her heart, didn't want to be touched by another man, especially in her womanly places.

As it would be a back ride, Jarina's breasts would naturally touch the man's back.

Anyway, when she woke up, she immediately decided to return back to the Lord's room to confirm with Amelia about the orb, only for her to find out about something else.

"Fufufu, I can't wait to tell Desire about this..."

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