Demon God

Chapter 201: Dismissed

"This is Desire, my disciple." Lionel said as he waved his hand towards  Desire, who was sitting in a chair in front of his table.

"My name is Desire." Desire said as he looked at Zero. He then...began to bow his head a little bit as a sign of respect.

After all, even though Desire didn't really care about Zero, Lionel let this man talk to him as if they were equals.

It was only natural for Desire, a disciple of Lionel, to show respect to Zero.

At least, that was how Desire viewed this situation.

"Hmm...even though you already told me before, I still can't believe that you took a disciple in." Zero said as he turned his head left and right as he looked at Desire and Lionel.

Zero continued with his curiosity plastered all over his face, "Although I can understand why this young man could be a disciple of a Conqueror, I still cannot understand why...Lionel, as an individual, took in a disciple after so many years of hating disciples." 

"Hah, don't be like that. You're embarrassing me right in front of my disciple." Lionel said.

However, it seems that Zero was not paying attention to him as he turned his head towards the woman sitting beside Desire, Jarina.

"Hmm? Wait, if your father took this young man as his disciple, does this mean would marry him?" Zero said as his eyes widened.

"I mean...disciples usually succeed their masters in their positions, right? And for this young man, uhhh...Desire, to succeed Lionel, he would have to marry you."

Indeed, what Zero said was completely reasonable. That was why he got interested in this as he...didn't expect that the pampered young lady of the Suckus would actually marry someone.

However, it was not Jarina who answered his question; it was Desire.

"Jarina and I getting married is only natural. There's no need to question that, is there?" Desire said with a straight face.

After all, to Desire, it was only natural that he would get married to Jarina.

And when Zero heard what Desire just said, he...kept quiet while having a stupid look on his face. was not only him but also Lionel and the woman who was staying quiet until now.

After all, what Desire just said was...well, shocking. It was so shocking that even Lionel couldn't believe what Desire just said.

It was then that Zero...burst out in laughter.

"Hahahahahaha!!" Zero laughed, was not only him as the woman who always stayed silent let out a small laugh, "Fufufu."

"Huh, why are you guys laughing?" Desire said with a confused look on his face as he looked at the woman and Zero back and forth.

"Jeez...why are you acting so cheesy." Lionel said as he facepalmed himself in shame.

After all, it was so...cheesy. He didn't expect that something like that would come out of his disciple's mouth.

"Cheesy? What do you mean by that, master?" Desire said as he whipped his head towards Lionel as soon as he heard what he said.

"Boy...don't you have any shame? Well, you are young..." Lionel said as he began to shake his head.

Of course, when Desire heard what his master said, confusion entered his mind as he didn't really understand what his master meant by that.

And since everyone else in this room was laughing at him, Desire...turned his head towards Jarina.

However, as soon as he did, he soon saw Jarina...with a reddened face. Her cheeks were basically tomatoes right now, and she was looking down as she tried to make herself look small.

'What the hell? Did I say something wrong?' Desire thought as he...didn't really understand what was happening right now.

"Ahhh...that was a good laugh." Zero said as he wiped a tear from his eyes. He then spoke as he turned his head to look at Lionel, "You got a blockhead as your disciple, huh. You need to teach him about these things, too, or he's gonna remain like that."

"Ah, I'm sorry about asking that kind of question, young miss. It's my fault to ask something like that but...I didn't expect your boyfriend to answer like that." Zero said as he noticed that Jarina was embarrassed by what just happened.

After all, it was indeed the truth that it was Zero's fault for asking a question like that. It was a matter of privacy, and Zero and Desire were not close at all.

In other words, Zero didn't have the right to ask something like that.

Well, Zero was quite close to Jarina as he was like an uncle to her.

"Well, anyway, I got to go. I had a good laugh out of this meeting, so this should be good enough." Zero said as he turned his head to look at Lionel.

Lionel waved his hand at Zero as he spoke, "Yeah, go ahead. I just wanted to introduce him to you this time."

And as soon as he heard that, Zero saluted to Lionel before disappearing from this place.

"I still don't understand why you guys were laughing..." Desire murmured as he turned his head to look at Lionel.

However, it seems that Lionel didn't plan to explain it to Desire right now as he spoke, "Don't mind it too much. You don't have any common sense right now, so it's only natural for you to not know about...those kinds of lines."

And as soon as Desire heard those words, his eyes...sharpened and his bearing changed.

'Whew, he's sharp but also dense at the same time.' Lionel thought as he saw Desire's piercing gaze.

"Sigh. Stop looking at me like that, Desire. Amelia is a direct subordinate of mine, so it's fine." Lionel said as he tried to explain why...he talked about Desire's 'not knowing about common sense' when someone else was still in the room.

"Well, you can also call her my assistant who handles general information about the Lion Clan."

Lionel then turned his head to look at the woman who was standing at the back, "Amelia, introduce yourself to Desire."

"Greetings, young master." Amelia said as she bowed her head and body towards Desire's direction.

Her black hair flowed down and covered her face, but it didn't cover her body's spectacular curve.

The tight suit that she wore just made her spectacular curve more conspicuous as Desire could even see her bare skin around her chest.

"I am very sorry for my impudence earlier as it was something...really unexpected." Amelia said as she began to raise her body.

And as soon as she did, her beautiful face came out in the open. She was extremely beautiful that she doesn't lose out to Jarina at all.

"It's fine, even master said that it was...weird, so I don't mind it." Desire said as he waved his hand.

The way Desire waved his hand was as if...he was used to his position of young master now, but that was only because Desire didn't really care about Amelia.

After all, Amelia was just a human.

It was then that Desire whipped his head towards Lionel as he spoke.

"So master, when am I going to go to that event where I can see how strong I am?" He said with quite the passionate eyes.

Lionel moved his eyes towards Amelia, and when Amelia noticed that look, she spoke.

"Young master must be talking about Pista. Pista is an event that would be held in the capital city of Vakigo Kingdom, Vertigo."

"Pista is quite the big event as everyone with high positions in society is invited, and that's why it would take a bit more time for the Royal Court to start it."

"However, it should take place a week from now on."

Amelia said all those words without missing a single beat as she held...some kind of folder in her hands.

'When did she get that?' Desire thought as he looked at Amelia.

However, Desire soon discarded that thought as he asked...his master.

"A week? Then, what am I going to do for the time being?"

Of course, Lionel knew that Desire was asking him, which is why he answered, "What else? You're going to train."

"However, not here. You will train in...the Dungeon that the Lion Clan just conquered, the Dungeon of the Dead."

"You will go there right after this meeting together with Amelia and Jarina."

"Wait...Dungeon? I will go to a Dungeon, master?" Desire said.

He couldn't believe that he would be going to a Dungeon now. After all, for Desire, it only feels like it was only yesterday when Lionel rejected his idea of going to a Dungeon.

"Yeah. You are going to learn about Dungeons in there, and you will also try to fight the monsters there to gain real-life combat experience."

"The one who would fill you in about most details is Amelia, and that is the reason why she would be coming with you. Try to get along, though I know you hate humans."

"As for Jarina..." Lionel stopped as he moved his eyes to look at Jarina.

Of course, Jarina was listening intently to him as her name was just mentioned.

"You are getting too heated with Grizelle, so you would go with Desire to cool off your head."

"Huh? No, papa, I'm not-" Jarina tried to offer some words, but she was abruptly cut off by Lionel as he spoke with a firm voice.

"No buts. You are going with Desire."

"Hmmm..." Jarina hummed as she just backed down. After all, her father looks like he wasn't willing to back down on this.

"Alright, now that this is over, you guys...get going already." Lionel said as he waved his hand as the sign of dismissal for the three.

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