Demon God

Chapter 194: Innate Skills

Desire was able to find out about most things in his current arsenal of skills and magics.

And what he was able to find out about his magic and skills was that...he really didn't have anything that could be used in a fight.

Desire knew about it before, was just shocking to know it now.

Of course, that wasn't really a problem as he could just pick new things up, but considering that he didn't have anything that could be used in a fight, Desire was surprised that he was even still alive.

He was aware of how hard his past trials were, and he was now aware of how...lucky he was considering that he was still alive.

Well, even Desire considers that luck is a part of his skill.

That was why Desire didn't really think too much about that part.

And as Desire was about to finish packing things up regarding the Unknown, he soon remembered that he had another set of skills that he hasn't checked yet.

And those skills were the Authority and Pandemonium Innate Skills that he had.

"I guess I'll check them, too." Desire murmured as he brought up the Unknown in front of him.

Innate skills were innate skills because...they were innate skills. It was natural to Desire, and Desire...knows them naturally.

Although it sounds weird, it was actually not. It was like...knowing how you can walk without actually know how to walk.

That was why Desire didn't consider finding out more about them since those innate skills were natural to him.

However, since he was already on the track of checking out his skills, he thought that he should just do it.

After all, it's not like it would be a waste of time. In fact, Desire might even find out more things about them if he checked them using the Unknown.

Either way, it would only be beneficial to Desire.

'Authority.' Desire thought as he intended for the Unknown to show more details about the Innate Skill, Authority.

And as soon as he did, the Unknown showed another screen in front of him.


-First Authority: The Demon's Oath

-Second Authority: ???

-Third Authority: ???


-To unlock the Second and Third Authorities, Desire must learn about them.

And that was all the Unknown had to say about Desire's Authority.

And as soon as Desire finished reading them, his red eyes started to widen.

"Huh? It's not the same?" Desire murmured as he looked at the detailed information about Authority again.

However, it was really the same, and this made Desire very confused.

After all, Desire could remember, with the help of his Heavenly Demon Trait, that he once tried to find out more about Authority.

And what the Unknown gave him before was very different from the current information it was giving him.

He remembered that it was something along the lines of, 'A field where Desire can lord over...locked, locked, and locked.'

That was why Desire couldn't understand it. However, if one thinks about what happened to him, it would only be natural that this would happen to his Innate Skills, too.

Of course, when Desire took his time to calm himself down and analyzed the situation, Desire could understand why Authority's detailed information changed.

"It got affected by my growth or...the Quarter God blood." Desire murmured as he nodded his head with a satisfied look on his face.

"It should be fine even if they changed, but...what would happen to those locked abilities or the field that I can lord over?" Desire murmured.

Would they be gone? Desire thought as he tried to probe the Unknown for more information.

And it was then that a new screen showed up to Desire to answer his question specifically.

[Authority's previous abilities are now the current abilities' abilities.]

[They have been absorbed by the current abilities as Desire grew up.]

[Once Desire unlocks the Second and Third Authorities, Desire would be able to see detailed information about how the abilities were relocated.]

And when Desire read it, he soon understood why those abilities disappeared.

Well, the Unknown literally explained things to him.

However, there was something that caught Desire's attention and that was the third line.

"So, does the Unknown mean that I won't be able to see detailed information about the Second Authority or even the First Authority?"

Desire murmured as he willed for the Unknown to give out the detailed information about the First Authority.

And what he saw was...

[First Authority: The Demon's Oath]

-The Demon's Oath

It was a...simple way of explaining things, but Desire didn't stop at that at all as he willed for the Unknown to explain about the first line.

And what appeared was...the same thing that appeared to him before when he tried to find out about The Demon's Oath.

"Hmmm...the previous abilities are the Second Authority's or the Third Authority's ability."

Desire murmured as he wiped the screens away from him.

Since the questions that he had about the Authority were now solved, it was now time to go to the second Innate Skill.

And that was...

"Pandemonium." Desire murmured as he willed for the Unknown again.

And as soon as he did, another screen showed up in front of him.





[More abilities are hidden due to Desire's weakness.]

And that

"Huh?" Desire murmured as he was surprised that it was such a...bland way to present his abilities or whatnot.

However, Desire didn't let this cloud his judgment. After all, who knows what kind of an amazing Innate Skill this would be.

That was why Desire immediately willed for the Unknown to give more information about Rend.

And what it said was...


And that was it.

The Unknown literally didn't give any information about the Pandemonium or any of its abilities, not even the available ability, Rend.

"Hmm...I guess that's that." Desire murmured as he wiped the screen away from him.

After all, if the Unknown can't tell shit about it, there was no need to force it.

Pandemonium was a new Innate Ability that Desire just got. It was not like the Authority, which Desire knew about before.

Desire didn't have anything to compare to Pandemonium's current abilities, and that was why it didn't really stay in his mind that much.

" that I know about my skills and magics, it's time to sleep." has been a long time ever since Lionel left him alone to rest.

And since he was done with sorting things up, it was now time to sleep.

However, it seems that Desire...couldn't sleep anymore as a strange light suddenly entered Desire's field of vision.

Desire squinted his eyes to see better what was the source of the light, but...his eyes soon widened when he realized that it was the sun.

"Huh?" Desire murmured with a dazed look on his face.

"It's already morning...?" Desire said as he looked at the sky.

Although the sun was still not dominating the sky, the rays of the sun were definitely showering all over the world.

It was...dawn now.

" I took 12 hours or so just to sort things out." Desire murmured as he began to shake his head.

Well, he couldn't believe that he took that much time just to find out about his skills and all that.

However, Desire soon took that topic off of his mind since it didn't really matter now.

What mattered for Desire right now was...the question of sleep.

"Master would come back soon...if I sleep now, I would just be interrupted." Desire murmured, but he was not done as he continued.

"Well, whatever. It's not like I feel sleepy." Desire said as he whipped his head towards the sun.

It was the truth that Desire was not sleepy as he feels that he could even go for another round of tag against Lionel.

Well, that was just an exaggeration, but it just means that Desire was full of energy right now.

"I guess this is because I ate too much, huh." Desire said.

"Anyways, what do I do now..."

As it would still take time for his master to come back here, Desire didn't know what he should do.

After all, it's not like Desire knew which way to go so that he could come to his master or something like that.

He also didn't know how to return back to Jakart, and what's more is that...Desire could feel that Fyu was not here in this place.

That was why...Desire thought that he should find a way to kill time, but he couldn't find one.

After all, what could a youth possibly do in a forest like this?

"Hah...I'm bored." Desire said with a sigh as he plopped down on the ground.

Desire then looked at the forest as he rested his chin on his right hand's palm.

"One bird...two bird...three bird..." Desire murmured as he began counting the birds that he could see flying in the distance.

It seems that Desire had no problems seeing into the far distance with his eyes alone.

And it was in this way that Desire...killed time.

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