
Book 3 Chapter 45: Arrests

When I reached the Khan’s temporary quarters, his honor guard looked at me and my load with surprise. I tipped my hat to them.

“Morning. Wake the Khan, Atlan, and everyone else. Bring me Atlan’s other bodyguard too, the one with the scar, do not let her come armed.”

They looked at each other, then me, clearly debating if what I was asking was beyond the authority I’d been granted.

I sighed, and raised my pistol into the air. “You can wake them, or I will. Up to you.”

That got their attention and they went back into the house, rallying several other honorguard, and then waking the rest of the household.

Atlan and Leroy were the first to arrive, and when she saw Ba’al on the ground in front of me, she drew her pistol without hesitating.

“What did you do to him!? Release him at once!”

I shook my head. “Can’t do that.”

She took a step toward me, steadying her aim at my head.

Leroy rested a hand tentatively on the hilt of his sword as she moved forward.

I looked to Atlan. “Your bodyguard here just destroyed the device meant to detect who’d planted all of those speakers… Then he made his way for Bill and Jeb with this.” I held up the pistol. “A las-pistol unlike any I’ve ever seen… though I have a good guess as to where he got it.”

Atlan lowered her pistol slightly, and looked at Ba’al in askance. He simply averted his gaze. She took a step back and sat on a loose chair, a disgusted scowl on her face.

The Khan arrived after, appraising things with his one eye before calling for a guard to bring him a chair and some water.

The last guest, Atlan’s other bodyguard, arrived shortly after. She’d clearly struggled. I could see bruises forming on her, and scratches bleeding on the guards that grabbed her. I gestured for her to be placed next to Ba’al.

I gestured to them both. “These two are the ones responsible for the speakers, and the attempts on your life.”

The Khan nodded. “Your device?”

I shook my head. “Yes and no. The device was fake. There was no way to build a machine that could detect who’d placed the speakers. I told everyone about it loudly and visibly, making sure everyone knew about it, marked it with an ability to track it, and waited for the culprit to expose themselves in fear of being caught.”

The Khan nodded. “Go on.”

“Ba’al destroyed the device, and I intercepted him on the way to Bill and Jeb, I assume to kill them and keep them from creating another one. He had this pistol on him, I assume he got it from the Remnants.”

The Khan stood from his chair, and walked toward them. “Why?” he asked.

Lilith looked up at him. “Because you should no longer be in charge.”

Ba’al looked at her. “Stay silent, talking benefits nothing.”

She ignored him. “You’re getting old…weak, you waited to attack STAR for too long, and now they’re stronger than ever. Your own wives betray you, and you refuse to name Atlan your heir in spite of all she does in your name.” She spat, hitting the Khan’s bare foot. “You’re unworthy to lead the Horde.”

The Khan leaned down, grabbed her by the hair, and slammed her head against the floor with a heavy thud. While she was dazed he wiped his foot clean against her face.

Ba’al strained against the two guards that held him back when Lilith was struck.

I activated my Lie Detector ability. “So, you did this so that Atlan could take over the Iron Horde?” I asked.

Ba’al nodded.

“Yes or no.”



“Who gave you the tech, the instructions?” I asked.

“A woman, an agent with the Remnants, named Leah.”


I didn’t exactly need the ability to tell me that was accurate. She had been who I’d suspected all along.

“Was anyone else within the Horde, aside from you and Lilith, involved?”

“No. We acted alone.”


I paused, I needed to be sure. “Was Atlan involved?”

He spoke without hesitation. “No.”


Atlan approached now, reaching Ba’al, and drove her fist into his face with enough force to make his head snap back. “You idiot!” She struck him again, and again, until the force of her blows actually caused the guards holding him to drop him to the ground. Once there she began kicking him with her metal leg.

“And if the Khan had died here, what did you think would happen!?” she yelled. “Your betrayal could’ve cost us the war! Would you have me rule over nothing!?”

Lilith spoke up. “We were promised that you would still govern! The Horde and its territory would be ruled by you, under the Remnant’s old world flag.”

Atlan ceased her beating of Ba’al and approached Lilith, lifting her by the hair. “You have known me my whole life. Helped to raise me, been my friend, yet you believe I would be content as a puppet? Enslaved to the nation that attempts to remove us from these wastes!? I considered you both family, but you are fools.” She drew back her hand and backhanded Lilith with such force that it produced a sound like a thunderclap. She lifted her metal leg to kick her, but the Khan interrupted her before she could strike.


She froze, looking back at him as she placed her leg back to the ground.

“The beating is earned, but it is not punishment enough.” his eyes flicked to Atlan's bloody knuckles for a moment, and I saw something resembling pride flash across his expression for a moment. “They will be placed in a cell until morning. By midday, you my daughter, will decide their fate.”

She inclined her head. “Yes…father.” The words sounded almost alien coming from her mouth, as if she was using the word for the first time.

The Khan looked to me. “Once again Donovan, you have done me a great service.”

I nodded. “I have.”

“There is no reward great enough to honor what you have done for me.”

I stood there, and thought about it. I hadn’t asked for a reward. He hadn’t threatened me into having it done, or demanded tribute when I’d arrived to assist him. It was out of character for both of us in many ways. Our relationship had changed, I was no longer simply a vassal, and he was no longer a means to an end for me. I had very few people with whom I had such a relationship.

I shook my head. “I ask for no reward. That your life is secure, or as secure as it can be for now, is enough.”

He smiled. Not his usual thoughtful smile, or grim one, but a true one, an expression I’d never seen on his face, and I found myself returning it. He held out his arm.


I clasped his hand and inclined my head at him.


Excellent work Marshall! You’ve successfully performed the primary goal of your job ‘Completing Investigations’! You’ve earned 575 Patriot Points!

Congratulations Citizen! You’ve earned a level in Marshall, Justice is an American tradition. You have received +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, and +1 Perception.

9th level also unlocks

(TEST): Modifier- Mass- can be added to any ability, that ability can now apply to 10 citizens at once.

I blinked the notifications from my vision as I was making my way out of Medina, pausing before I left. Mass modifier? I hadn’t ever seen or even heard of anything like that in the system. The language around it was similar to the messages I’d seen when I’d deputized Nico. I turned around, and looked at a group of busy people pushing one of the gun emplacements that the remnants had been using, deeper into the city for either defense or scrap. I placed them all Under Arrest but added the Mass modifier. Instantly, all seven of them were highlighted in my vision. I tried again, focusing on another group and Mass Arrested them as well. I blinked, and dismissed the ability. Well… that was going to make fights a bit easier.

I began walking out of the city, considering what my next move would be. The siege of Medina was broken, the Khan recovered, the Remnants on the back foot, and all of Pott’s allies were united. I could take a moment to go back home to my boat, I could see what targets I might be able to hit deeper in Remnant territory alone, or I could make my way to Pott’s to see what other help they might need. It was possible I could search some additional bunkers to see what additional weapons or information I could find to help in the war effort, or assist with whatever effort was being made to counter a future vaccine if it ever came into being.

I was pondering all of this, wandering vaguely in a direction between Remnant territory and heading back to Pott’s, when I smelled the approach of eleven Deadmen, ten of them in power armor.

I slowed down, and let them approach. They had their weapons ready, and when they approached me, I realized it was all of the remaining entombed and Nix. I watched calmly as they surrounded me.

I crossed my arms, trying to keep from picking at my itching teeth. “What’s going on?”

Nix looked uncomfortable, but took a step toward me. “Donovan… the Honored Dead have requested you return to Pott’s. To answer for crimes against the deadmen of Eden.”

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