DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 61:

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[David Lance POV]

After weeks of tracking the rumor, which I had started for the sake of information gathering, all in hopes of finding a lead on Grey Shadow, I managed to catch wind of a meeting that was going to happen tonight in an abandoned building that was close to Parc Blandan, the reason for this meeting being a certain rumor going around, mine.

Needless to say, seeing as this meeting promised to be what I was looking for, I got ready, moving to Parc Blandan in order to survey the area before going in.

Once in the park, the abandoned warehouse in question was rather easy to spot, given that it was the only one in the area that looked like it hadn't been used in years.

After confirming the place was empty from a simple glance, I grabbed my backpack, and made my way there, being extra careful not to be seen or heard from anyone around, while taking my time to survey the perimeter thoroughly, looking for any signs of life or any traps that might have been set to keep intruders out.

Having confirmed the coast was clear as far as the eye could see, I made my move, making my way into the warehouse through a small opening near the bottom of the door. Once inside, I took a quick look around, trying to take in as much detail as possible in the dark, before finding a hiding spot where I would wait for the meeting to happen.

Finally, out of sight patiently waiting for the meeting to come, I couldn't help but think about what would happen if this meeting turned out to be a trap, which, all and all, was a very good possibility; for all I knew, I was probably playing into the Burglar's trap.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, trying not to think about that too much; not only I was certain I could deal with anything if the situation required it, but seeing I had no way to confirm any possible worries I might have, it wouldn't do me any good to get caught up in such thoughts.

And so, I waited.

From there, time passed slowly but surely, as I counted the seconds from the dark of my hiding spot until I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the warehouse, multiple footsteps to be exact.

From the sound of it, there were at least three people, maybe four, making their way into the building. As they got closer, I started to hear voices as well, though I couldn't make out what they were saying from where I was until they reached the general area I was hiding in.

From the safety of my hiding spot, I confirmed with a quick glance that those that had entered the warehouse were homeless, at least if their dirty, tattered clothes were anything to go by. Four men, all over forty years old.

"Do you think Grey Shadow will come?" One of the men asked, the first one to the left, as he looked at his companions.

"I don't know. I heard the rumor too, so who knows... I mean, we were ordered to come here, and I remember the old man saying that Grey pays off anyone with a rumor about him quite handsomely," Another one answered.

"Or she, we don't know." The third man chimed in with a thoughtful nod.

"I wonder how much the guy or gal will play us," The fourth and final man muttered.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough," The second man answered with a tired shrug. "But I still think it's weird that someone would go through all this trouble just to get a sentimental item."

"Not our problem, really," The first man said.

And so, the four men continued chatting aimlessly amongst each other about anything and everything that came to their minds as they waited for Grey Shadow, until finally, after what felt like hours, another set of footsteps echoed through the abandoned warehouse.

This time, however, the footsteps were different; they were softer, almost as if the person walking was trying to be as quiet as possible without even trying, meaning whoever it was, had a skill that had evolved to passive control when it came to walking.

No ordinary person walked like that. It took years to master a skill to the point where it would permanently affect your life, meaning whoever this person was, it wasn't your average Joe.

Taking a deep breath, I focused on the steps as they neared, and from the sound of it, there was only one person this time, and they were heading in my direction.

Curious to see who it was, I carefully peeked out from my hiding spot, trying to get a look at the person without being seen myself.

And that's when I saw her.

An ivory-skinned woman with long, straight blonde hair, wearing a simple dark jumpsuit that covered her, for the most part, as she slowly walked towards the homeless guys, with them only noticing her when she was already two feet away from them, coughing for their attention.

"Are you... Grey Shadow?" One of the men asked.

She chuckled. "Goodness, no, I am not. I am simply the girl that pays the payroll." Saying that, she took two packs of bills before handing them to the homeless guys. "Here you go, for your service."

The homeless guys shared a look, "But we haven't told you anything..."

"That's fine, Grey Shadow knows," She replied.

Deciding not to question her any longer, the homeless guys took the money, thanking the woman before happily leaving the warehouse a few thousand euros richer than they had been a few moments ago.

"So, who are you?" The woman asked, to the supposedly empty warehouse. Meaning she knew I was here.

Seeing as I intended to talk with her, figuratively speaking, I stepped out from my hiding spot, revealing myself to the woman, waving.

"So, you said I stole from you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

At this, I inwardly cheered. I had managed to find the Burglar.

"He did say you would find me, sooner or later," She sighed as if resigned to her fate before stepping closer to me. "I had expected your hunt for me to take a few months or so, but color me impressed; you managed to force my hand out of hiding with your strategy, bravo."

I freaking knew it.

Batman knew Grey Shadow personally, and her comments confirmed it. From the day I had started on my quest for her, or perhaps from even before that, she had known all about my little mission.

Meaning that capturing her wasn't at all the real objective of this mission. It was learning from her.

"Follow me; the sooner you learn what I have to teach you, the sooner we can get this over with," Grey Shadow said as she turned around and started walking away, with me quickly following behind her.

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