DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 217:

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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Update schedule: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Marvel: Monday, and Friday.

I'm slowing down updates because I'm about to start a new . By the end of Jan. But unlike doing what I did with Marvel, I intend to keep updates going just at a slower rate.

Why starting a new ? Well, it's not really new new, it's something I've been working on, on Patreôn, like I already have like 20 chaps ready.

DC will remain with constant updates both here and Patreôn.

But seeing as I'm reaching the last arc, I need more… time to write the chapters and can't sustain a daily update schedule.

The last arc of DC will be back in the young justice universe, and will cover the second seasons 2-3-4. And in order for me to deliver the ending I want, I need the time to work with the chapters.

So, yeah, I need to stop the daily release.

But I know you guys want something to read daily, so I might as well go for one of the projects I already have and can sustain with daily chapters.

I will also update Marvel two times a week, so all and all, I will be both updating more and less. It makes sense to me, I know it's weird.


[David Lance POV]

I moved with Raven to intercept the Kryptonian shuttle, wondering how things would play out.

If the person within the shuttle was who I thought it was, I had no doubts in my mind that Batman would use the fact I had killed Superman, to manipulate Supergirl into his agenda.

Not that she needed much to side with him, I had, after all, killed her only living relative.

If anything Batman would simply push things into the faster lane, so to speak.

I wasn't worried though. Supergirl was weaker than Superman, and I had taken care of Superman with relative ease.

Sure, I was weaker now, seeing as my rage had dwindled considerably with the object of my hate being gone, but I was still stronger than both Kryptonians.

I would've probably had problems dealing with both at the same time as I am now, but individually I had no doubts I could take her on.

"You know who's inside," Raven commented, as we waited for the shuttle to enter Earth's orbit.

"I have a good idea of who we are dealing with," I nodded.

"I missed your mysterious bits of knowledge," Raven smiled.

I smiled back, my eyes fixed on the sky. "What are we now, Rae?"

"What do you mean?" Raven asked calmly.

I paused, taking a deep breath. "We kissed, and that pretty much says what I feel about you, so… My question is, what are we now?"

Raven tilted her head, a thoughtful expression clear on her face. "I don't know, this is new to me. I never thought I would have a friend, so obviously a boyfriend was out of the range of possibilities."

I can relate to that. With my powers, with the burdens I had been given, I never thought I would have a relationship.

"I suppose we will see what comes next, together, I mean, you did agree to go on a date with me," I replied.

Raven chuckled briefly. "I did, I wonder what I was thinking when I said yes."

"That I was unimaginably handsome?" I shot back with a playful smirk.

"I won't dignify that with an answer," Raven rolled her eyes.

"But you didn't deny it, so I'll take it as a win," I beamed at her, patting on the head.

Then, as I continued teasing Raven with pats on the head, the shuttle entered the Earth's atmosphere with a loud boom.

"Shouldn't we catch that?" Raven asked as the shuttle descended toward the ground.

I shook my head. "Nah, Kryptonians are tough nuts, let her crash."

"Ok," Raven shrugged.

Seconds later, the shuttle crashed into the ground, sending a plume of smoke and dust into the air.

"Let's go and see who this is then," I said as we flew toward the site of impact.

Now to see, Supergirl or not. This would be interesting to say the least.

As we approached the crash site, I started to hear clear groans, female by the sound of it.

Taking a few steps in, I inspected the broken shuttle, confirming without a shred of doubt that the person inside was Supergirl.

Kara Zor-El.

Surprisingly, she seemed to be injured, which explained why her groans were full of pain.

A landing such as this shouldn't have injured her. Unless… her powers were still dormant due to her lack of exposure to a yellow sun.

If that was the case, I should've caught her. A Kryptonian without a Yellow Sun, is like any other human, fragile and easy to crush.

In fact, if that was the case, it was a marvel she wasn't in a worse state.

She seemed to be unconscious now, which was for the best. Having her awake and in this state would only worsen the situation.

I glanced at Raven, who nodded in confirmation of my suspicions.

"Let's get her out of here then," I said as I crouched down next to Supergirl's body. "We need to treat her wounds."

Raven nodded in agreement, as I carefully lifted Supergirl off the ground and flew off with her to Lucifer's bar.

There I would treat her wounds, and once she was in a good state, I would explain the situation myself, telling her what I had done from my own words.

"We are flying towards Lucifer's bar, why?" Raven asked, a small frown on her face.

"It's the only place Nabu wouldn't dare to teleport Batman to," I replied; as much as Lucifer annoyed me sometimes, he was a valuable friend to have.

If not the only friend worth having, after all, him backing you up meant certain victory.

There were maybe two beings that could go against him, at least that I knew of, those being Gabriel, and the Presence.

Gabriel being his equal, and the Presence the only one above him.

Other than that. He was unmatched, by lengths no one but a few could truly grasp.

"I suppose that makes sense, should I open a portal there?" Raven offered.

That's a good idea, I must have been spacing out, I don't know why I didn't ask for that before.

"Yes," I nodded.


Upon arriving at Lucifer's nightclub, Lux, which was located in Los Angeles, we were met with an image we didn't quite expect to see.

Lucifer dressed like a Gothic stereotype.

"Why, hello there," Lucifer greeted us, as we both stared at him in disbelief. "I know I'm devilishly handsome, but do try not to stare too much. Who am I kidding, I can't deny you both the pleasure of looking at me."

I blinked, slowly moving Supergirl to an empty couch in the corner.

"Ok, I have to ask, why are you dressed like a Hot Topic advertisement?" Raven asked, her eyes fixed on Lucifer, a question which made Lucifer twitch.

"Well, if you must know, I lost the bet I made, your boyfriend over there was the one to initiate the kiss, so, here I am," Lucifer crumbled under his breath, before breaking into a big smile. "But this is but a small price to see this love rise from the embers of friendship!"

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"But of course, this is a small price to pay, be that as it may, if you two tell anybody you saw me like this, I will erase you both from existence," Lucifer smiled, a cold detached smile.

"Charming," I replied.

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