DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 213:

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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I will post two chapters this coming Sunday.


There was once a man, a being, known as Olethros.

Olethros abandoned his realm and his responsibilities hundreds of years ago. The reason for this was the onset of the age of reason, a dark time that culminated in the invention of the atomic bomb.

Olethros, disgusted by this, was unwilling to remain, to be responsible for the destruction this would cause, and therefore left his post forever.

There are few who remember him now, but the tale of his existence still lingers. It is a tale of sorrow and regret.

Eventually, however, just as the tale of Olethros was almost forgotten, a new being emerged, an anomaly, a being blessed with unnatural power and strength,

The day of his birth was like no other. From the very moment he opened his eyes, it was clear that he possessed something different, something unheard of in the realm.

Unbeknownst to him, to everyone but a selected few, he was connected to something greater than himself, a source of immense power that resonated within him at all times.


[Unknown POV]

A pale girl with black hair made her way through a field of wildflowers, in the sky the sun shining brightly and casting a hue of yellow over the flora.

The breeze blew softly, playing in her hair, she smiled. The sweet smell of the flowers wafting up to her nose being almost too much to bear; they were like delicate little stars that filled her with an indescribable sense of peace.

As she continued down the path, weaving between each perfect flower, she caught sight of a man standing on the other side.

He was tall and broad-shouldered, yet gentle and inviting in his posture. His hair was dark brown and he wore simple clothes that fit him perfectly.

Even from this distance, she could feel his gaze on her, he had been waiting for her arrival all along.

She made her way closer to him, marveling at each step as if they were taking place in slow motion.

"Long time no see, Death."

The girl smiled. "Please, we are family Destruction, there's no reason not to call me your sister."

Destruction smiled back, and without another word, the two embraced.

"It has been too long. Fifty years since you last visited." He said softly, a warm smile still on his face.

Death nodded, breaking the embrace. "How have you been?"

"Good. I've been busy lately, so it's not too bad," he said with a chuckle. "What about you? How have you been faring?"

Death smiled sadly. "My job is not a fun one."

Destruction nodded in understanding. "I can relate, and if it's any consolation, I understand what you mean sister," he said softly.

"He's growing strong," Death said, breaking the silence that had entered their conversation.

Destruction nodded solemnly, his gaze troubled for a moment before he returned it to her. "Yes, I can feel it."

The two fell silent for a few moments, both lost in their own thoughts and memories as they took in the beauty of the wildflowers around them.

"Are you scared, brother?" Death asked gently.

Destruction smiled. "No, why would I? You'll be there at my last stop, won't you?"

Death brushed a hand across her hair. "I will."

"Good," Destruction sighed, his eyes still fixed on the flowers.

"Samael sends his regards by the way," Death added before taking a seat beside Destruction.

"Doesn't he hate that name?" Destruction chuckled, giving his sister, Death a side look.

"He does," Death winked at him.


[Brainiac POV.]


Defeat was an impossibility.

I had developed hundreds of countermeasures to fight against the Anomaly, and Darkseid.

For this very purpose I had created the ultimate body, the ultimate vessel, designed to cybernetically evolve to fight any threat in the most efficient way possible.

Now it was all a matter of letting those intellectually inferior creatures attack first.

"Soon, all in creation will be mine."


[Raven - Rachel Roth / POV.]

After having convinced the wizard Shazam to help us, we regrouped with Batman, leaving the old wizard alone to find the new Shazam. Batman had summoned us to the tower of fate, to tell us about his plans.

Once in the tower of fate, we found Batman with Aquaman, Dr. Fate, and... Harley Quinn. Wasn't she supposed to be a villain?

"Oh hey!" Harley Quinn said with a wide smile on her face. "How was your mission sugars!"

"What is she doing here?" I asked.

"She's with us," Batman replied.


If he hadn't said that, I would've never figured it out.

"So... Batsy any idea where Boltsy is?" Harley asked.

"No," Batman replied.

B... Boltsy?

"What is your relationship with Bolt," I asked, confused.

Harley Quinn turned to me, beaming I had asked her a question, "Oh oh is this girl talking? Yeih! Well, girlfriend, let's just say I'm a special kind of friend to him."

Special kind of friend...

"They are fucking," Lucifer interjected with a laugh. "Oh, this is a gift that keeps on giving."

"I see," I replied calmly, when all of a sudden something exploded near me, what an odd occurrence.

"Did… did the floor spontaneously combust?" Harley asked, narrowing her eyes. "And since when are explosions black and bird shaped?"

"Since you fucked his yet to be boyfriend," Lucifer laughed.

"Ohhhhhhh," Harley chuckled. "Well, if it's any consolation girl, he's very proficient in bed, mama Harley taught him some stuff."

"The swimming donkey?" Lucifer inquired, as another explosion came out of nowhere. What a second odd occurrence.

"And, the Dirty Harley," Harley nodded with a beaming smile.

"Good, good," Lucifer nodded, before turning to face me. "Isn't this great? We have real reviews saying you didn't pick a mediocre partner."

"I won't humor you any longer," I replied, walking towards Batman to see what he had in store, as another explosion came, once again, odd.

"Enough, I don't care what's happening, but it has to stop," Batman growled out.

"Let her be furry, she's just having a jealous moment," Lucifer replied.

"Furry?" Harley asked between giggles.

"He's dressed like a bat," Lucifer nodded.


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