Date The

Chapter 330: SS1 07: How You Impress the Girl

"Dude, check that out."

Two young adult males stood together a few meters away from Ambryan and Eve. They had entered the beginner's area for some warm up, not expecting to find a pretty girl. Their eyes easily found her since she sat beside the windows by herself. 

There had been numerous females who visited the skate park but her beauty was unparalleled. If they didn't know any better, they would have mistaken her to be a celebrity but no brown-haired female A-list stars came to their minds when they stared at her face.

Her high-rise jeans cinched at the waist so despite her oversized white shirt, they saw enough to make out her curves. To them, it was inevitable to be attracted to her.

"You can do it, Ambee!" She yelled, clapping her hands together. The smile on her face could lit up any room. "I believe in you! You're always going to be the best guy for me."

The two boys followed her line of sight.

Ambryan pushed himself up a slope. This one had a milder slope, intended for rising back up instead of sliding down. He tried again to glide over the small hill. He had tripped over the first time by underestimating the wind resistance. His body had inclined backwards which almost caused him to fall.

Thank goodness he caught himself in time. 

"Wow…" one of the guys said. "Look at gramps go. What do women see in this type of guy?"

"Money?" His friend shrugged. "He got the looks though so money and looks."

He pointed to his chest. "Well, I have those too."

"Come on, man. We're still in uni. Women like her want a stable future."

"I could always get a part-time job."

"Quit playing. You wouldn't last a week working."

"Hey!" He defended quickly. "All I'm saying is there is nothing to lose when trying."

His friend snorted and patted his shoulder before walking away. "Good luck, Tristan."

Tristan glared over his shoulder. Then, he shook his head. It didn't matter. He stood by what he said. So what if he was a few years younger? He had a bright future ahead. A seven-year-old boy rolled past him.

An idea struck him in the head.

"Hey, kid!" Tristan called out. "I'll give you a twenty if you do me a favor."

Eve shifted positions. Legs still crossed, she had lifted her knees off the ground so she could prop her elbow on one of them while leaning on the window. A small smile never left her face while Ambryan practiced.

If he had never left Cornelia Town, would they have been like this as teenagers?

Her imagination ran wild from the thought. Knowing Ambryan, he wouldn't have wanted anyone to know—but she would. Then, it would become their thing and she'd lie to Andie saying she asked Noah to tutor her—

Who was she kidding? Andie would have found out. Maybe even Rose.

"Miss," Eve heard a small voice say.

She peeled her gaze off Ambryan and found a little boy beside her. Her sitting height was just below his forehead. The first thing she noticed was his chubby cheeks. It took all her willpower not to pinch them. So cute!

"Hey…" she breathed out gently. Her head whirled around to find his chaperones. They couldn't have left him unsupervised. "Are you here alone?"

The little boy shook his head. Then, he pointed his finger towards a spot on the skate park. "That guy wants to tell you something."

Eve flickered her eyes to where Tristan did a grind rail. The back of his skateboard scraped the metal railing, its sound echoing around the complex. He turned his head towards Eve and the kid when he landed on the ground. A smug grin spread across his face.

Confused, Eve tilted her head sideways.

"Is he a fan of mine…?" She ended up asking. The question made her cringe. It sounded obnoxious but she couldn't figure out a better way to say it. That was also the only reason she could think of for a young guy to take notice of her.

The little boy nodded his head. "He is."

"Then…, why doesn't he come over?"

"He wants to show you a cool trick."

"Oh." Eve raised her eyebrows and blinked. Then, she waved her hand towards Tristan. "Hi!"

Ambryan heard her voice but spotted her stare elsewhere. He planted his foot on the ground from the top of the hill. Crease lines wrinkled his forehead. The flecks in his violet eyes darkened, a menacing look directed towards the obnoxious twerp.

On the other hand, Tristan felt a boost of confidence when Eve grinned his way. His heart threatened to pop out of his chest. She really was a beauty. So what if she might be a little older? Attraction was attraction.

And they were both of legal age.

"You have a trick for me?" Eve shouted, totally missing Ambryan's glowering face. 

"Did you see the one I did just now?" Tristan replied. He could see two holes being drilled into his back but ignored it. He had the upper hand now. He wasn't about to let it go.

Eve scrunched her eyebrows. "Was that it?"

"No, but they're connected."

Tristan hopped off his board and climbed up the mini stairs. He rolled away to gain distance and momentum. This was sure to amaze her. It was far too advanced for Ambryan to master in a day. Even if he didn't get her—at least, he had impressed her with something her rich and handsome boyfriend couldn't do.

"Are you watching?" He yelled just to further spite the sniper on his back.

"Let's see it!" Eve answered. She lowered her knees back on the floor and paid close attention. Since he was a fan, it was only right of her to amuse him for a while. It was just a skateboard trick after all.

Kicking the floor, Tristan glided across the floor and jumped once he reached the end of the railing. This happened to be one of the longer railings in this side of the park so he had time to really show off. 

The back of his board hit the railing in a twist, his feet on either side of the metal. It slid down over the railing then he jumped for another turn. This time his back faced the lower end of the bannister. He did it again so he switched to his front before slipping off and landing on the floor.

"Cool!" The little boy gaped. 

Eve giggled at his fascination. "It is cool, isn't it?"

Ambryan grimaced. This had gone a little too far for his taste.

He rolled his skateboard towards the same railing Tristan had used. The latter noticed his approach and widened his eyes. That was when Eve and the kid finally noticed him too. 

There was no stopping him. Ambryan went full speed but changed directions. Instead of the railing, he aimed for the mini stairs. The twerp probably thought he couldn't match up to the trick. Ambryan saw right through him. It wasn't the first time he had witnessed such behavior.

But it was the first time he had it happen towards his fiance.

So what if he had never skated before? 

He knew enough to know if something felt right or wrong.

And like he had thought, the second Ambryan jumped off the top step on the mini stairs, he knew that it was a bad landing ahead of him. The board dropped off his feet until it was too far away for him to catch. He landed on his front foot and tumbled to the ground. 

Sharp pain climbed up his leg.


"Gramps, are you okay?!" Tristan exclaimed. He ran for Ambryan and checked his front leg. The foot it connected to had twisted into a weird angle. "Ugh. That's bad. Very bad. Were you out of your mind?"

Eve reached them in seconds. She kneeled beside Ambryan who gritted his teeth. So what if he had sustained an injury? He still had enough dignity left not to reveal his agonizing pain.

"Ambee? What the—How could you—Damn it," Eve muttered. "Wen is calling 911. Don't move until the paramedics get here. What had gone through your head, huh? You're never this reckless!"

Ambryan directed a glare towards Tristan. The latter stepped back and raised his hands in surrender. He hadn't even touched his woman nor had he flirted with her. It was just harmless fun. If anything, it was Ambryan's temper that was to blame for the mishap.

Tristan chose not to say anything and retreated. He nudged his skateboard, catching it in one hand. Ambryan may detest him but he was still staying close by until the ambulance came. 

"Is it some male ego thing to refuse being outdone by someone?" Eve thought out loud. Her irritation had outweighed her concern for Ambryan's injury. It was going to be fine. It would eventually heal. What needed more attention was his brain. "You just started skateboarding a few minutes ago! It's normal to not be a master at everything the moment you try. You didn't have to rush it!"

At that, Ambryan had enough. "I brought you here so I could impress you! I wasn't about to let some skinny arrogant baby try to take that away from me."

Eve gaped at him in disbelief. "He's just a kid!"

Tristan flinched at her words. Violet eyes glanced his way, letting him know that it hadn't gone unnoticed. Well, damn. He really never had a chance. It was one thing to think about it but it was another to actually hear it.

"Well, he doesn't think of himself that way!" Ambryan answered, glaring at Eve. "And you even encouraged him!"

"I was told he was a fan so I gave him some encouragement as thanks for supporting me!" Eve explained and scoffed. This was getting sillier by the second. "You're not gonna be like this every time I interact with a male fan, are you?"

Ambryan had gone quiet for a while.

"... not if they kept a social distance."


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