Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 52: Meet Again

Far ahead, there were several people gathered right above the river.

Two of the people were Roux and Reva.

At this time, Reva was surrounded by several people who prevented her from moving. And on the other hand, Roux fought fiercely with a young man who looked his age. That young man was naturally Varog.

When the two youths fought, they released all their strength. Their eyes also looked very cold as they stared at each other. It was a gaze where each of them wanted the other to die.


The two then hit each other, and their blows caused the water in the river to be swept everywhere. They formed waves of water which then swept the forest beside the river. In an instant, even the forest beside the river was swept away along with the water waves.


The ground by the river suddenly cracked like spider webs as the body of one of them fell from above.

The person who fell was Roux.

Even though Roux has grown quite strong since he was with Reva, he is definitely no match for Varog who is the crown prince of the Great Kingdom.

Roux might still be able to fight Varog. But over time, the difference in their strength will become clear.

With such a difference in strength, if it was someone else, they would definitely choose to run away. But in front of his love rival, how could Roux want to run away.


As Roux was lying on the ground, a scream filled with murderous intent suddenly echoed from above.

Varog suddenly appeared about a kilometer above Roux, and the moment he appeared, he immediately released an attack that made the earth tremble.

Behind Varog, suddenly appeared the shadow of an eagle.

The eagle looks very big.

Even though it was only a shadow, it almost covered the sky above Roux.

As Varog shouted, he swung his hand down, and immediately, the shadow of the eagle behind him charged towards Roux who was still sprawling on the ground.

Varog's expression seemed distorted as he unleashed an attack. He looked like he wanted to eat Roux's body.

Varog's expression now was clearly very different from when Reva left him.

Below, Roux who saw Varog's attack, which was likely to kill him didn't actually look scared. On the contrary, there was a sinister smile on his face as he stared at Varog. His smile seemed to be filled with ridicule.

Even though he lost the fight, he still won elsewhere.

"He-he-he, Varog, so what if you kill me, you still won't be able to get Reva. She's completely mine. Even if you take her now, you only take my leftovers." Roux then spoke to Varog.

He spoke via voice transmission so only Varog could hear his words.

And Roux's words caused Varog's expression to change instantly.

Of course, what really upset Varog at this point was the fact that Reva had actually been taken by Roux.

He and Reva have been engaged for quite a while, and have been doing a lot of romantic things together. Varog also respected Reva so much that he didn't even go very far.

However, it has only been a while since Roux has been with Reva, the two have actually done what he didn't.

When Varog found out about it, he was almost insane. He did not expect the reality about Reva to be completely different from what he had imagined so far.

And as Roux said, even if he could get Reva back, all he would get was Roux's leftovers.

As the crown prince of the Great Kingdom, how could Varog possibly endure such humiliation.

What made Varog even more angry was Reva's reaction.

When Roux had said that earlier, Reva actually seemed very relaxed. There was no expression on her face as if it was just a trifle.

Now Varog realizes that Reva is not only far from what he imagined. In fact, he really didn't understand her.

Varog's eyes then turned red. In an instant, the aura emitting from his body immediately shot up drastically.

When someone was really angry, even their strength could increase without them knowing it themselves.

The pressure that Varog was releasing at this time made even his followers who were in the distance tremble. Neither of them would have thought that their prince who used to look friendly could turn crazy just because of women's troubles.


As Varog's aura surged, the speed of the eagle shadow that charged towards Roux also grew even faster.

If nothing got in the way, the eagle's shadow would have reached the Roux in just one breath.


However, right at that very moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted in the distance.

The eruption caused the mountains to shake while the river looked like it was about to capsize.

Before Varog and the others could even react, a wave of energy suddenly came from a distance and headed towards them. More precisely towards the shadow of an eagle.


In a short time, a wave of energy hit the eagle's shadow.

Even though it was sent from afar, it still made the eagle's shadow tremble as it collided with the energy wave.

And it doesn't just stop there.

After one energy wave, other energy waves came successively. And they all hit the eagle's shadow too.

If the former only made the eagle's shadow vibrate, the latter and so on actually pushed the position of the eagle shadow that was originally down towards Roux.

After several hits, the eagle's shadow finally strayed from its target. It fell about a kilometer away from Roux.

But, even though his attack missed the target, Varog no longer paid attention to it. His attention was currently fixed on the direction where the aura was coming from. And the moment he felt that aura, Varog's expression immediately became even worse.

Varog naturally realized whose aura it was.

While Varog felt very bad, Roux who also recognized the owner of the aura couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He quickly stood up and flew towards Reva.

Although it is a bit embarrassing to be saved when she fights against her love rival, Roux who knows his position has changed doesn't really mind it.

He also knew that if it weren't for his current position, he might not be able to get what he wanted. He may be forever overshadowed by Varog.


Not long after, the wind blew fiercely before blazing black flames appeared in the distance. The flames were moving very fast and it didn't take long before they arrived in front of Varog and the others.


When the flames stopped, they began to shrink, and in just a short time, a young man in a black robe appeared behind the black flames.

"That is you."

When Varog saw Alu, he immediately pointed his finger at Alu. His hands seemed to be shaking as he did that.

Even though it was Roux who snatched Reva from him, it was this person who caused it all.

Seeing Alu's face that looked like an evil devil, killing intent immediately flashed through Varog's eyes. A spiritual aura also erupted from his body, and this time it was even stronger than before.

But Alu who saw Varog only smiled sarcastically. He then said.

"I was already planning to get rid of you. I just didn't think we could meet so quickly. It seems that even fate wanted you to die sooner."

After saying that, Alu then took a leisurely step towards Varog.

No exaggerated aura emanates from Alu's body. However, every time Alu took a step, Varog who looked like he wanted to kill Alu suddenly felt his aura tremble.

Varog originally wanted to curse Alu with a few words, but the change in his aura made him unable to open his mouth.

This also causes Varog to immediately realize that he is not facing Roux.

Facing Roux, Varog felt complete dominance.

But in front of Alu? Only Alu's footsteps made him feel such extreme danger that his own aura was made to vibrate.

This made Varog realize; Just breaking through to the Life and Death stage didn't make the distance between them shrink. On the contrary, it became even wider.

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