Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 39: Holy Path


Alu looked at Elizabeth once again while snorting coldly through the voice transmission.

Elizabeth's actions this time really made Alu unhappy.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth immediately cut their voice transmission right after Alu snorted. If not, Alu would have said a few derisive words.

The two of them then looked away from each other after a moment of staring at each other.

After that, Alu no longer paid attention to Elizabeth.

Alu also no longer felt Elizabeth's gaze. But Alu still felt the gaze of Turi and his followers.

Sometime later, more participants gathered. Krinn's group, and the group from the other second tier factions have also arrived.

When they came, Alu could feel the presence of tracer jade in all the members of the second tier faction.

Previously only people from the Dark Moon clan had come to Krinn while the other second tier factions left with Jather. But the fact that they were also holding the tracking jade Krinn had given them meant that they had also joined forces with Krinn to kill Jather.

It's just that Alu didn't feel the tracking jade from the people from the Full Moon Temple. This made Alu a little surprised.

Given the strength of the Full Moon Temple, there was no way they would know nothing about the Sleeping Dragon city lord's plans, and of course, there was no way the Sleeping Dragon city lord wouldn't invite them.

The reason why the other factions joined the Sleeping Dragon city lord, of course, apart from their own advantage, it was also because they were quite confident in the Sleeping Dragon city lord's victory.

It was precisely because of that belief that they had no other choice but to follow the wishes of the Sleeping Dragon city lord. It's because they don't dare to refuse. After all, if the Sleeping Dragon city lord managed to overthrow the Holy Light clan and rule the continent, he might cause trouble for those who didn't help him.

They may cooperate for a fee, but obviously not just anyone can refuse.

ALU has no guesses why Full Moon Temple wasn't involved. Or they still support the Holy Light clan.

While Alu was thinking, the most awaited group finally came to the place. It was of course the group from the Holy Light clan led by Jather.

Alu stopped thinking when he saw them coming.


When Alu looked at Jather one more time, he found that Jather's face was actually a little pale.

Previously, after Alu took the blood essence from Jather, Alu didn't pay much attention to it anymore. But looking at him now, it was clear that the loss of blood essence had also affected Jather.

People who didn't know what happened started whispering when they saw Jather looking like he was hurt.

Krinn also looked surprised when he saw it.

Unfortunately no one can know why.

Even though Alu met Old Hodus and Jather in the city of Sleeping Dragon, their encounter clearly left no trace.

With Old Hodus' strength, not even the Sleeping Dragon city lord could keep an eye on them. If not, Krinn would definitely not cooperate with Alu if he found out that Alu met Jather.


Not long after Jather's arrival, several people finally emerged from the main pavilion of the place.

Most of those people were youths in their twenties. But in the lead was a middle-aged man who looked very strong.

The middle aged man was hiding his aura, but just by looking at it, anyone could feel how strong he was.

When that middle aged man appeared, everyone's gazes were immediately directed towards him.

He walked towards the crowd of young people who were about to enter the holy path.

After stopping, he stared at the crowd of young people for a few moments before opening his mouth.

"First; before the holy path opens, I would like to say a few things." Said the middle-aged man.

"Although the holy path holds many opportunities that can send you soaring into the sky in one step, it is also a very dangerous place.

Apart from your fellowmen, in that place, you will also be dealing with many extremely dangerous beasts.

And when you enter the holy path, there is no way for you to get out. If you are hurt, you can only hide in safe places.

But even if you can hide, there are always more that end in death.

In that place, no one will protect you. Even if you are the prince of a kingdom, you will still die when you have to die."

The middle aged man's voice echoed throughout the field where people were gathered.

The young people who heard his words couldn't help but change their expressions.

"So, before the holy path opens, I will remind those of you who wish to retreat to retreat now before it's too late. Remember, you only have one life. When you die, everything will end there. Nothing can bring you back." He said once again

But even though the people changed their expressions, nothing moved from where they were.

They naturally already know that. But no matter how dangerous the place called the holy path was, they would never back down.

"Very good." The middle aged man nodded with a satisfied expression as he looked at the young faces that seemed to have made up their minds.

Even though he was giving them a warning, it was clear he would rather see them move forward.

With a smile on his face, the middle aged man once again continued his words.

"I like young people who are passionate. To further raise your spirits, I can honestly say that in the past, my talent was so mediocre that I barely qualified to enter the holy path." He said.

And when people heard the middle aged man's words, everyone's expression changed once again.

Of course no one would have expected that someone who was barely qualified to enter the holy path could reach such a level.

After all, even though no one knew how strong that middle aged man was, there was no doubt that he was very strong. How could such a strong person only have mediocre talent.

There were many geniuses in the place, but none of them dared to say that they could reach the level of that middle aged man.

"Of course, it's all because of the holy path. Just because of one fortune I achieved there, I managed to reach my current level." The middle aged man continued his words as confusion filled everyone's expressions.

"I am an example of how extraordinary the holy path is. If you have a destiny, you may get what I have got."

After the middle aged man's words, there was no longer anyone who looked doubtful and nervous. Everyone was immediately filled with excitement. Some people even started shouting to immediately open the holy path.

Even Alu was filled with anticipation.

Of course, what Alu wanted wasn't a small fortune like that of that middle-aged man.

What Alu wants is the best of the best, namely the blessing of the holy path.


"All right, we can start now." The middle aged man then spoke to the Spiritual Academy disciples behind him.


The disciples nodded simultaneously in response.

After which, they then moved separately to the open area in the middle of the place.

They move to certain positions.

And after they arrived at their respective positions, the middle aged man who had not moved also started to move. He jumped directly into the middle of the Spiritual Academy disciples.

"Now, activate formation." The middle aged man then shouted.

After his words, each of the Spiritual Academy disciples suddenly released spiritual energy.

That spiritual energy surged from their bodies before connecting as they arrived just above the middle aged man.


After all the spiritual energy is connected, it then releases another energy which then forms a circle of energy.

The middle aged man who was just below the circle lifted his head up before he raised his right hand towards the energy circle above his head.


Spiritual energy that looked like an ocean wave then surged from the middle aged man's hand. It surged towards the energy circle above.


That circle of energy suddenly spun as it merged with the spiritual energy belonging to the middle aged man.

And under the shocked gazes of many people, right in the middle of the spiraling circle, a portal suddenly formed.


Shouts instantly echoed all over the place when people saw the portal.

What surprised people was that inside the portal was actually a vast ocean. And in the middle of that ocean, people could see an enormous island but it was covered by a mysterious energy that made people barely see the island.

As people continued to look at the portal, they saw that it was actually moving closer and closer to the island.

As the distance got closer, people also began to be able to see the island more clearly.

"So that's the holy path." Alu said when he saw the island.


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