Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 32: A Challenge

The Holy Light Continent had traces of his mother, and anyone who knew hisnmother wouldn't dare do anything strange to him They will even take the initiative to become friends with him.

ALU doesn't know which places have traces of his mother, but Alu knows that in the near future, he won't be able to go to those places. And even if he went to those places, other than the Holy Light continent, people elsewhere would clearly not know the connection between him and his mother.

Using the background to bully others is an extremely despicable and embarrassing act even for Alu, but Alu is also not a person who likes to waste opportunities.

At least for the time being when he was still very weak.

After Alu said his aim, Alu stared at Old Hodus' face.

However, to Alu's surprise, there was no change in expression on Old Hodus' face. He still looked as relaxed as before.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Old Hodus suddenly chuckled.

And after that, he suddenly got up from his chair.

"Come on follow me." Old Hodus then invited Alu.

Alu who wasn't worried about Old Hodus doing something to him casually followed behind Old Hodus.

At this moment, Old Hodus walked towards the door to the restaurant's kitchen.

None of the waitresses stopped Old Hodus, which meant that the restaurant belonged to the Holy Light clan.

After entering the door, Alu saw the restaurant kitchen. And at the end of the kitchen, there is another door.

Old Hodus led Alu to the door.


After the door was opened, Alu saw a tunnel that led to the underground behind the door.

"Come on in, this is my clan's secret room." Said Old Hodus.

The tunnel has a very long ladder. Alu estimated that the ladder might be up to a kilometer long.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, Alu found a very large basement.

Looking further, Alu even saw several tunnels leading further underground.

"What did you bring me here for, old man?" Alu then asked Old Hodus.

"Well, because you want my grandson's bloodline, you can ask the person directly. I've called him, soon he will come." Replied Old Hodus in a relaxed tone.

"Oh." ALU was a little surprised by Old Hodus' answer.

"Looks like you don't mind me taking your grandson's bloodline."

"You're still too young, son. In the cultivation world, when you are weak, there are too many things that will leave you with no other choice but to keep your head down." Replied Old Hodus.

"I know your enemy is your son who left the clan. Can your son make you bow your head?"

ALU doesn't know much about the background of the Holy Light clan conflict. Alu asked because he wanted to find out.

"Mmm." Alu's words made Old Hodus shake his head.

"Actually he is not my son, he is just my adopted son. Of course, even though he is very strong now, it is still not enough to make me keep my head down. The problem is; When he went to the outside world, he had become an extremely strong expert disciple. And the master plans to help him get revenge."

"Oh, I see."

The first information did not interest Alu, but the second information. If there was an expert who could terrify a peak Nirvana stage like Old Hodus, it would definitely be someone with Cultivation of the Earthly Nirvana stage.

"But old man, even if you help me, I can't do anything to your enemy..." said Alu.

If Old Hodus volunteered to give Alu the bloodline of his grandson, Alu would be considered indebted to Old Hodus. Just helping to protect his grandson on the holy path was clearly not enough to repay that debt of gratitude.

Considering the current crisis of the Holy Light clan, waiting for Alu to mature was clearly pointless.

"Oh, you are a smart old man." Alu suddenly thought of something that made him immediately understand Old Hodus' purpose.

Old Hodus' real aim was not to make him indebted to him, but to make his mother indebted him for helping her son.

Alu' mother may not be able to return the favor because she is not here, but the people she sent can do it for her. Old Joz is definitely that person.

"By the way, my Holy Light clan actually doesn't have a special bloodline like you might imagine. Otherwise, how could my clan only live on this tiny island." Old Hodus suddenly said something that caught Alu's interest.

Alu then looked at Old Hodus with a questioning expression.

"Jather's bloodline is an external object. If it really was his, his talent would naturally be even more extraordinary. In fact it is the blood essence that my clan ancestor obtained in the past. Unfortunately Jather wasn't strong enough to refined it. But it is compatible with him." Said Old Hodus.

"Oh." Alu became more interested when he heard that.

Just when Alu wanted to ask more, the sound of footsteps suddenly echoed from the tunnel stairs.

Alu looked back when he heard the sound of those footsteps. Some time after Alu looked back, he saw a white haired young man coming.

"Jather." Alu immediately recognized the young man when he saw it.

When Jather arrived at the basement, he greeted Old Hodus first before looking at Alu.

There weren't many expressions on his face as he stared at Alu.

"For the sake of the clan that gave birth to and raised me, I can do anything. Since you want my clan blood essence, I will naturally give it to you." Jather suddenly spoke.

"But before that, I want you to convince me first."

While saying that, Jather who had just arrived suddenly let off his aura.

"I hope you accept my challenge and show your strength to me." Said Jather.


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