Daomu Biji: The Southern Archives

Chapter 23: Three People, One Bathtub

Not only had the ship sailed from the area where the outer sea met the coastal waters, but its hold was almost completely enclosed. No one would have thought that someone would climb onto the ship from the sea.

Zhang Haiyan also never would’ve thought that those corpses turned out to be fake. Moreover, they were all killers who had taken pills to fake their deaths.

More than a dozen people had now become poor ghosts. They were martyrs who were willing to risk their lives. Zhang Haiyan guessed that they had probably drowned before it was time for them to wake up.

He sighed in his heart. Between that woman and this group of killers, he hadn’t figured out which side was good and which was bad.

He had drowned more than a dozen people, so now it seemed like he’d have to choose to be on that woman’s side. Otherwise, it would really be embarrassing.

But it was disgraceful for killers to pretend to be dead. Killing people should be simple and straightforward, after all. Their method right now was equivalent to performing a big show, which wasn’t in line with the principle at all.

Nevertheless, they seemed to be quite professional, so there was only one possibility— it was too hard to kill this person using conventional methods.

Based on their descriptions, the woman they wanted to kill seemed to be giving them a lot of headaches, so much so that it was difficult for them to even see her face.

As the conversation in the ship’s hold continued, Zhang Haiyan cautiously found a corner and squatted down. He planned to put He Jianxi down so that he could keep eavesdropping, but quickly discovered that He Jianxi was asleep.

He Jianxi’s long eyelashes almost made him look like a woman as he lay there asleep. Zhang Haiyan thought he had died from the exhaustion, so he quickly checked his pulse.

He’s not dead. He sighed inwardly. Mortals.

He continued to eavesdrop and heard another person say, “How can you be sure that woman will examine the bodies herself? We’ve boarded the ship from various places and have been here for so long, but she hasn’t taken a single step out of the room. Don’t you think she’s definitely aware that something is off?”

“Don’t you know that’s just how she is? Moreover, the American named Warner escorted her to the ship, and there’s a team with submachine guns patrolling outside her room. She must have expected there would be risks and made considerable preparations. She doesn’t leave the room because she’s a cautious person. This Warner is probably her concubine. She’s very good at seducing men, so there’s no shortage of manpower around her.” Zhang Haiyan heard the first person say.

“Now that you mention it, what’s this Warner’s background? You two, find a way to check him out.”

A girl’s voice answered, “Why do we need to know so much about them? Aren’t things finished as long as we kill her? You’ve been after her for four years, and she’s still unscathed. How many of you have showed up to kill her, and how many are still left? Don’t you think she can predict all your moves? In my opinion, your method won’t work. Those fake corpses outside will become real corpses sooner or later.”

Zhang Haiyan rubbed his forehead and thought to himself, girl, there’s no such thing as “sooner or later”. All of them are probably dead by now.

The first voice was a little unhappy, “Little girl, if we hadn’t spread wudou disease in the South Sea, you wouldn’t have even seen Miss Dong’s shadow just now. You saying things like this makes you sound ungrateful. Our two families have agreed to benefit each other. Even if you want to say something bad, you should hold your tongue.”

Zhang Haiyan shook a little. What did he hear? Plague? The gods truly favored those who worked hard! Sure enough, these people had something to do with the plague.

He immediately tried to listen carefully, afraid that he would miss a word.

But it wasn’t meant to be.

Maybe it was because this girl had said something wrong, but they all suddenly stopped talking. The ensuing silence made the cargo hold seem extremely quiet, eerily so.

Zhang Haiyan held his breath, afraid that his breathing could be heard in the quiet the environment. It was completely silent all around, when suddenly, he heard a high-pitched snort come from behind him. “Hoo~ shoo. Hoo~ shoo.”

Zhang Haiyan looked back in surprise and saw He Jianxi’s mouth wide open, snoring.

Fuck you! Zhang Haiyan felt cold all over. He didn’t hear any whistles and suddenly felt puzzled. Then, he found that everyone had come to a tacit understanding and was moving to outflank them.

Zhang Haiyan couldn’t see clearly in the dark, so he put He Jianxi on his back and started running wildly towards the exit.

Seeing that he wasn’t far from it, he rushed out in an instant. At almost the exact same moment he jumped onto the ladder, he saw one of the masked girls appear out of the corner of his eye.

It was the girl with shorter hair. She had spikes in each hand, and used them to pierce Zhang Haiyan right on the ass.

Zhang Haiyan immediately released his hold on He Jianxi, whose body landed directly on the girl’s face. With her vision blocked by He Jianxi’s ass, the spikes pierced the ladder, causing sparks to fly.

The girl felt embarrassed and immediately became furious. Zhang Haiyan grabbed He Jianxi’s neck and pulled him back, but the girl started stabbing at whatever was in front of her. When the spikes pierced He Jianxi’s pants, the girl immediately twisted them and hooked the pants directly.

Zhang Haiyan was up there pulling He Jianxi’s neck while the girl was down there pulling his pants. He Jianx’s whole body was stretched straight as an arrow.

Desperate, Zhang Haiyan unfastened He Jianxi’s belt, and the pants were immediately ripped off.

Zhang Haiyan saw that the belt was about to be pulled off along with the pants, so he immediately stepped forward, grabbed it, and hauled He Jianxi up.

As the girl fell over, Zhang Haiyan pulled the now pantless He Jianxi onto his back and leaped onto the deck as if he were flying.

Without looking back, he jumped directly onto the outer wall of the first-class cabin and climbed up level by level like a monkey.

There were balconies on both sides.

His room number was 345, which should have been on the third floor. But where’s the third floor? Screw it!

Zhang Haiyan picked a random balcony that looked pleasing to the eye and then jumped to it directly.

The balcony lights were still on, so he rolled into the room. That was when he saw Steven coming out of the bathroom, naked and shaving his beard.

What a coincidence! Zhang Haiyan looked around. It’s Steven’s room. No wonder the balcony looks so familiar.

He had unexpectedly come back again.

The two men were stunned. Steven looked at the topless man carrying a pantless man standing in front of his naked body.

“It’s you!”

Zhang Haiyan didn’t give Steven a chance to yell and immediately threw He Jianxi at him. Although He Jianxi wasn’t heavy, this throwing method still managed to knock Steven back into the bathtub.

Steven was very strong. Although he looked like a gentleman, he had a surprising amount of strength and was able to stand back up almost immediately.

Zhang Haiyan charged at him without warning and pressed him back into the bathtub. As all three of them fell into the tub, Zhang Haiyan headbutted Steven and knocked him out.

Everything happened so fast.

He Jianxi seemed to wake up a little at this time, and saw that he and two other men were squeezed into a bathtub full of foam.

He didn’t speak, but looked as if he was on the verge of tears.


Tiffany’s Notes:He Jianxi takes the definition of “sleeping like a log” to a whole new level lol. Goodbye, He Jianxi’s pants, you have been through a lot.

Merebear's Notes: That chapter title, though (¬‿¬ ) Not only is He Jianxi lucky, he makes for a good battering ram too lol

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