
Chapter 116 - A Terrified Retreat

Chapter 116 A Terrified Retreat

“Shiao Chen, if you don’t kill me today and let me leave here, I promise I will never provoke you in the future. Besides, I will give you some treasures. Otherwise, if I am killed by you, chief master Tianji Taoist will surely kill you at all costs.”

The soul of Mingxiao Master was very frightened, and he threatened Shiao Chen with a sharp voice, who was ferocious in appearance but feeble in essence.

After listening to the words of the soul of Mingxiao Master, Shiao Chen sneered. Shiao Chen didn’t care about the words of Mingxiao Master, and then he put his hand on the top of the soul of Mingxiao Master to perform soul searching in an instant.

As a gold core cultivator, the soul of Mingxiao Master had strong spiritual power. But because the soul of Mingxiao Master was severely damaged by the Asura Skeleton, he just slightly resisted and then fainted. Shiao Chen looked through the experience of cultivating spiritual power in the whole life of Mingxiao Master.

After a while, Shiao Chen opened his eyes, and he became paler. It was not easy for Shiao Chen to perform soul searching of a gold core cultivator.

After some evil spirit flashed in his eyes, he stopped slightly and then waved his hand to the Asura Skeleton, “Eat him up.”

The hollow eyes of Asura Skeleton suddenly gave out a red light. He opened his mouth and swallowed the unconscious soul of Mingxiao Master. From the outside, it could be clearly seen that threads of blood were sticking out of his skeleton and getting into the soul of Mingxiao Master, like sharp straws. Then the blood streaks gave off a very bright light. The soul of Mingxiao Master quickly became blurred. However, a moment later, the soul of Mingxiao Master was directly engulfed by the Asura Skeleton.

Then, the red blood streaks of the Asura Skeleton quickly withdrew, and the red light in the Asura Skeleton’s eyes lit up again, which was a lot brighter than before. The evil spirit of the Asura Skeleton also soared in an instant.

Shiao Chen nodded slightly to the Asura Skeleton, ‘Swallowing up a gold core cultivator’s soul makes the Asura Skeleton get a lot of benefits. But this is not the time to test the formidable force of Shura Skeleton.’ He then put the Shura Skeleton into the storage bag.

Shiao Chen felt dizzy and his body was shaking. He laughed helplessly, ‘Although I tried my best to kill him when he was not careful. I’ve been hurt to the extreme. The light of his flight flickered slightly, and then he landed on the ground. He searched carefully for the storage bag carried by Mingxiao Master. After making sure that there was no treasure missing, he nodded with satisfaction, and then hobbled off into the distance.

A moment later, Shiao Chen’s flying light was shining, and he returned to his original place. He looked puzzled. He muttered to himself, “Is my sense wrong?” At the moment, he was breathing healthily, and the spiritual power in his body flowed smoothly. He was not as weak as before.

He looked around coldly. After a while, Shiao Chen gave a cold humph. He waved a fireball to burn the corpse of Mingxiao Master. Then the light of his flight flashed, and he flew away quickly into the distance.

Nearly a quarter of an hour later, a melancholy Taoist appeared above the big tree less than 100 meters away from here. Looking at the direction of Shiao Chen’s departure, his fear was relieved.

This Taoist was Mingsha Master, the chief master of Earth Evil Sect.

“This man is simply unfathomable. Just now he seemed to have exhausted his means and was seriously injured before he killed Mingxiao Master. But a moment later he came back here. Is he aware of my presence?”

Mingsha Master had a gloomy expression. After he got the relevant news, he quietly followed Mingxiao Master. He wanted to acquire profit in time of trouble, but he did not expect that Mingxiao Master should be killed, ‘As a gold core cultivator, Mingxiao Master was killed by a cultivator who was still cultivating spiritual energy.’ After pondering for a moment, he said slowly, “He came back here again because he sensed that there were people around him. There are two possible reasons for his return. The first possibility is that he still has a great treasure, so he wants to lure me out and kill me. However, the possibility of this reason is relatively low, and I am only 30% sure of this speculation. The second possibility is that he was seriously injured and had exhausted his means. The purpose of his return was to disturb me and make me afraid to deal with him easily. This kind of speculation is quite possible, and I am 70% sure of it.”

“Although I’m 70% sure he doesn’t have the ability to fight me at the moment, I have to be cautious. If the result I expect is wrong, I will be in a dangerous situation today, and I might be killed here like Mingxiao Master. If I am killed, the Earth Evil Sect will collapse like a house of cards in an instant, and the property handed down by our ancestors will be destroyed on one day.”

“Well, I will not provoke him today. With this disciple, Luoyun valley will dominate Beihua State in the next few hundred years. When I return to Earth Evil Sect, I will declare that I will practice in seclusion for a hundred years. If there is no new gold core cultivator in Earth Evil Sect, we will never participate in the struggle of the cultivation world.”

Mingsha Master looked at Mingxiao Master. Although they had a dispute before, Mingsha Master couldn’t help feeling a little sad when seeing Mingxiao Master be killed here. In Beihua State, the gold core cultivator was like the master of a sect. And for at least hundreds of years, there had been no news that a gold core cultivator had been killed.

“Beihua State will be full of disputes from now on.” Mingsha Master sighed, and he left here directly with his flying light flickering.

Dozens of miles away, the light of Shiao Chen’s flight hastily converged outside a cave. His momentum receded like a tide. He was short of breath, and he looked particularly weak. He hobbled into the cave. He took out several forbidding talismans and threw them on the cave, and then he directly fell on a bluestone.

“Well, has the man retreated?”

After a while, Yu Ji’s weak voice came from his soul, “Don’t worry, and the man has left because of his scruples.”

After listening to Yu Ji’s words, Shiao Chen relaxed a little. He suddenly felt very dizzy and passed out completely.

At the same time, in a hall of Flaming Sect, Tianji Taoist had a very sad expression. The corners of his mouth trembled slightly. He looked at the two jade slips placed side by side on the opposite high shelving, one of which had been completely broken. Standing behind him, more than ten sect elders bowed their heads. They all felt very frightened and did not dare to make any noise.

“From now on, we will open sect guard battle array, and the disciples from all over the country will come back quickly and prepare to participate in the battle.” Tianji Taoist’s eyes flashed a little cruel meaning, and said in a low voice.

After listening to Tianji Taoist’s words, the elders’ confidence was greatly improved, and they all said, “Yes.” Then they all left in a hurry.

“Shiao Chen, I want you to die and burn in hell.” Tianji Taoist looked at the broken jade slip. His fierce hatred erupted from his body, and his Taoist robe made a tearing sound, and his white hair also fluttered with it.

Outside Luoyun Valley, as the light of flight flickered, Shiao Lin, who looked extremely pale, appeared here. He seemed to be a little worried, and he recited a few incantations towards the sect guard battle array, and then he quickly entered it.

A moment later, two fierce spiritual powers rose from the back of the mountain. For a while, the wind was blowing hard and the clouds were rolling.

Qingyun Taoist and Alchemy Taoist step out anxiously, and with the flicker of flying lights, they rushed to a certain direction crazily.

Following them, more than ten elders of Luoyun Valley were equally anxious, each of whom led more than ten disciples.

For a moment, the dense sound of breaking through the sky instantly resounded.

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