Daily Dog ​​food with Super Sweet Green Plum

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Wash Socks For A Month

Anyway, no matter what brother Ye Chen does, she unconditionally believes and supports him unconditionally.

When he came out of the lottery shop, Ye Chen put the lottery ticket in his pocket and protected it well. It was five million, a lot of money, and he could redeem it when the winning number came out.

I have to tell my parents about this. Children can’t get a bank card, so a large amount of money can never be put directly in a school bag.

But how do you tell your parents?

This is a problem!

After returning home, he carefully looked at the lottery ticket and reconfirmed that the number was correct before he was relieved.

knock knock!

“Xiaochen, what are you doing in the room? Come out to wash your hands and eat!” Shen Yuhua’s voice sounded outside, these two days I always felt that my son’s behavior was strange, and he became a lot more sensible.

She is not used to the housework that she is rushing to do.

The child’s father still thinks that she is over-hearted.

But their son is sensible!

Ye Chen put the lottery ticket in the drawer and was thinking about how to explain it to his parents when he heard a knock on the door.


Open the door and go out, the aroma of the food is wafting in your nostrils.

At the dinner table, Shen Yuhua and Ye Yuanfeng were sitting there already eating.

Ye Chen clearly saw that there was a welfare lottery ticket next to Dad’s rice bowl!

He raised his eyebrows, Dad also bought a lottery ticket?

Eating and eating, Shen Yuhua looked at Ye Yuanfeng’s lottery ticket and tutted lightly, “Why are you always wasting money buying this stuff?”

“It’s just a few dollars. What if I win the lottery? There’s no big prize, there may be a chance for the small prize.” Ye Yuanfeng laughed.

Shen Yuhua was speechless: “Every day I fantasize about winning the jackpot, wasting money on this stuff, and I haven’t seen you get a dime back.”

“Hehe, wife, it also depends on luck, maybe you are lucky today?” Ye Yuanfeng smiled.

Shen Yuhua snorted: “If you can win the lottery, I’ll wash your socks for a month!”

Ye Chen snickered aside, Mom never helped Dad wash his socks before, because he thought his socks were too smelly and it was difficult to start.

In 2005, there was no such high-level thing as a washing machine at home, and they were basically hand-washed. Those who had a washing machine were from very good families.

“Wife, this is what you said, then let’s take a gamble. If I win the prize, you will wash my socks for a month regardless of the big prize or the small prize.” Ye Yuanfeng said with a smile.

“It’s a word!”

That’s how the couple’s bet was established.

Ye Chen guessed that Dad might actually be able to make a few dollars!

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the day of the winning result came.

March 6th, 9pm.

Ye Yuanfeng sat in front of the TV on time, holding the lottery ticket tightly in his hand, obviously feeling a little uneasy.

Ye Chen also sat beside Ye Yuanfeng with a lottery ticket.

“Xiaochen, why haven’t you gone to bed yet?” Shen Yuhua just finished applying the cream, and when she came out, she saw the father and son sitting together watching TV, and the content on the TV was incomprehensible to her.

Ye Chen smiled: “I’ll accompany dad to see the result of the award.”

“You child, can you understand?” Shen Yuhua chuckled.

“I can understand a little bit. I used to see my dad watching this a lot, and I’ll be able to understand it a little bit.”

Shen Yuhua gave Ye Yuanfeng a big look: “You will teach bad children.”

Ye Chen smiled hey hey, Dad, you have been blamed for being wronged.

Arrived at half past nine.

Ye Yuanfeng’s whole body immediately became engrossed, staring at the TV!

I saw that there were two hosts, a man and a woman, on the TV.

The male host announced the total amount of the prize pool and the betting amount.

Then start shaking the first number in red.

The first red ball winning number is (06)

Soon the number came out, it really is (06)

Ye Yuanfeng immediately showed a disappointed expression, his (07) was almost there!

Then, the second, the third…

Until the basketball number comes out!

all hit!

At this moment, Ye Chen is ecstatic, five million, let alone now, even in 2021, it is a huge sum of money for ordinary people!

After Ye Yuanfeng was disappointed, he suddenly showed a smile: “Hey, I didn’t win the grand prize, but I lost ten dollars. Your mother is going to wash my socks for a month.”

As he was talking, he saw the lottery ticket in Ye Chen’s hand.


Did this brat also buy a lottery ticket? He was so engrossed just now that he didn’t pay attention.


The stinky boy knew that he went out to buy a lottery ticket.

“Xiaochen, you also bought a lottery ticket?” Ye Yuanfeng patted him on the shoulder: “You didn’t win, right? It’s okay, don’t buy it next time. It’s not good to be seen by your mother, you know?”

His eyes inadvertently swept to the lottery ticket in his hand, as well as the string of numbers.

Why are you so familiar?

Look at what’s on TV again, and look at what’s on Ye Chen’s lottery ticket.


He felt like he had been struck by lightning, got up abruptly from the sofa, and looked at Ye Chen in shock.

This is, in, in?

Holy shit!

What he saw must not be real, how could it be possible? I rubbed my eyes and saw that the numbers haven’t changed at all!

Hit the jackpot!

Still a grand prize!

After a few minutes.

The family sat around the table, Shen Yuhua looked at his son seriously: “Xiaochen, tell me, you really bought this yourself?”

That’s five million!

But don’t go to the lottery shop to buy food and think it’s fun to play with other people’s lottery tickets.

Even if it is a grand prize now, if the number belongs to someone else, it has to be returned to someone else!

Ye Chen shrugged: “I bought it. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Xiaoxi. I went with her.”

The couple looked at each other.

After thinking about it, they still understand their son, and this child usually does not lie.

That is true.

Really hit five million!


“Son, besides Xiaoxi, who else did you tell?” Ye Yuanfeng asked.

Such a large sum of money can’t be known by others, in case it is targeted.

There are so many outlaws now!

Ye Chen shook his head: “Except Xiaoxi, that’s the boss, no one else knows.”

“That’s fine, that’s fine.” Ye Yuanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Yuhua was also a little nervous, and the family began to discuss about redeeming the prize, where to put the money, after all, such a large sum of money!

Ye Yuanfeng felt that it should be stored in the bank to earn interest.

After many years, there must be a lot of money!

Shen Yuhua also thinks it is very appropriate!

Ye Chen, who was reborn from the future, doesn’t think so, how much interest can there be?

It’s better to buy a few more suites. In the future, the house price will increase exponentially. In the future, everything else is worthless, and the house is the most valuable!

The house you buy can be rented out later, or you can sell it directly.

Double it!

The couple hadn’t gone to claim the prize yet, and the couple quickly stopped the topic and said to Ye Chen, “Xiao Chen, it’s getting late, go to bed early, and we’ll go to claim the prize tomorrow!”

Ye Chen smiled: “Okay!”

It happens that tomorrow is Sunday, and he is going with his father.

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