Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 942

Chapter 178 Domain Lord’s Heart

Qin Wushuang learned the true biography of Chen Xuan, and had achieved extremely high attainments in the Shadowless Dagger, Void Step, and Six Extreme Divine Power, which was completely comparable to the limit master.

Even the domain master-level powerhouse, she has the power to contend.

Mu Yu, the primitive parasite of the law of cause and effect!

With the continuous leap of life level, her strength will only become more and more frightening, until the opponent is completely desperate!

Needless to say, Xiao Bai, as one of the nine peaks of special beings, the Sky-Swallowing Beast, even the cosmic-level powerhouses are feared like a tiger.

As for Huo Tianyu, that is even more tyrannical!

In charge of the First-Rank Rule, the Star Rule, and the gifted secret “Universe in the Palm”, Huo Tianyu is now able to easily crush many cosmic-level powerhouses.

Coupled with the Yunmeng God of War, who is in charge of the most mysterious soul law… Chen Xuan is not worried at all. With such a lineup, what will happen to his law collection!

Even if those ancient cosmic powers arrived, Chen Xuan thought that Huo Tianyu and others could deal with it perfectly!

Therefore, after solving Zhao Liuli’s matter, Chen Xuan has been retreating in peace of mind, almost completely immersed in his cultivation, and never asked about world affairs.

With the passage of time, under the assistance of the system and the “smashing” of countless resources, Chen Xuan finally cultivated the Void Step, Shadowless Dagger Technique and Six Extreme Divine Power to the extreme.

His life level has also been smoothly upgraded to the extreme of the domain master level, only half a step away from the universe level he desires!

As long as he can break through this last shackle, Chen Xuan’s strength will rise to the peak, and he will begin preparations for the final battle against the evil spirits that day!


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it is a million years later.

“Failed again!”

With a sigh of relief, Chen Xuan furrowed his brows and muttered to himself: “Why is it so difficult to advance to the heart of the universe? Is it true that, as the system says, I am a primitive parasite of the law of destiny, raising the universe? Level difficulty is countless times more difficult than ordinary people?”

It’s no wonder that Chen Xuan will show confusion, tension and even anxiety at this moment. It is true that he has failed to break through too many times over the years, and it is too many to count!

The universe level, to him, is like a moat, beyond sight!

Rao is that he has struggled for countless years, and even smashed an unimaginable amount of resources, and he has never found the slightest hope of breakthrough!

“Host…” The voice of the system immediately sounded in Chen Xuan’s ears, “I can be completely sure now that you are really the primitive parasite of the Law of Destiny!”

“Over the years, I have spent all the breakthrough resources collected in countless epochs for you, and I am afraid it is more than enough to cultivate 10,000 cosmic-level powerhouses!”

“However, with such a large number of breakthrough resources, it still hasn’t allowed you to complete the final breakthrough!”

“So, as I expected before, if you want to break through to the cosmic level, Master, I am afraid it will be more difficult than Mu Yu!”


Although he was mentally prepared for a long time, Chen Xuan still felt uncomfortable after listening to the system’s words.

It was as if he had suffered a squeeze hammer in his chest, extremely depressed!

The reason is simple, he must successfully break through to the cosmos level before the restart of the era, so that his strength can rise to the peak!

If not, when the era restarts, the evil spirits from that day will definitely notice that ninety-nine percent of the power of the entire endless universe is no longer controlled by the origin of the universe!

That’s right, over the past million years, Huo Tianyu and others have passed Muyu’s law of cause and effect, and collected nearly ninety-nine percent of the law’s power!

The Twenty First-Rank laws, except for Huo Tianyu’s Star Law, Yunmeng War God’s Soul Law, and Xiaobai’s Quantum Decomposition Law, all fall into the hands of Chen Xuan.

Many second-rank and third-rank rules are almost integrated into the Promise God Soldier!

So many laws and powers “disappeared” inexplicably, Chen Xuan wanted to know with his toes that the evil spirits outside that day would definitely be aware of it!

Therefore, Chen Xuan has absolutely no hope of delaying to the next era, and can only usher in the final battle with the evil spirits outside the universe before the restart of the era!

This means that Chen Xuan must successfully break through the universe level in this era!

Otherwise, he will undoubtedly lose!

“The world inside my body is too vast…”

While sighing, Chen Xuan couldn’t help but sense the world in his body again.

I saw that Chen Xuan’s current body world has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past.

The ocean with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles and the huge heart of stars protected by the laws of yin and yang and the pattern of the five elements have long disappeared.

Instead, there is a vast universe of stars that cannot be described in words!

In the meantime, there are countless celestial bodies, stars, planets, nebulae… It seems that there is no doubt about the real universe, but no life was born!

The very center of the inner world is a strange celestial body shining with nine-colored rays of light. It releases terrifying energy at all times and maintains the operation of countless celestial bodies in the entire inner world!

This celestial body is undoubtedly the heart of Chen Xuan’s domain master!

It controls everything in the vast star field, and is the source of energy for the world inside Chen Xuanzhi!

There are two strange air currents, black and white, flowing around the heart of this domain master, and there are five elements of the gods to protect it…

It can be said that Chen Xuan’s heart of the domain master is a hundred times more mysterious and magnificent than the ordinary domain master level!

As for the world in his body, that is, the scope of this stellar space, it is far beyond ordinary people!

The general domain master level powerhouse, the body world is just comparable to a small star domain.

The top domain master is equivalent to a large star domain.

As for the “old monster” domain master like Zhao Liuli, the Venerable Blood Moon, he can compare to the union of several large star domains!

However, Chen Xuan’s body and the world are almost equivalent to the entire world of supreme civilization!

Comparing with Chen Xuan, any domain master-level internal world seemed extremely “small” and not worth mentioning.

It is also because Chen Xuan’s body world is too vast, so he has worked hard for millions of years, tried every means, spent countless resources, and was never able to be promoted to the cosmos level.

The reason is very simple. If he wants to be promoted to the cosmos level, then Chen Xuan must turn his own domain master’s heart into the ultimate cosmic heart!

But if the heart of the domain master wants to advance to the heart of the universe, the first step is to make the entire universe of the inner world empty and return to chaos, and then perfectly merge with the heart of the domain master to form a “singularity” similar to the universe. “Point” special celestial body.

This matter is extremely difficult for other extreme domain master-level powerhouses, and there is less than one successful person.

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