Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 934

Chapter 170 3 years later

Therefore, Chen Xuan clearly knows that time seems to be “long”, but the actual situation is extremely urgent!

Apart from other things, just looking for the parasites of those laws is destined to be a very long-lasting thing…

“It is not difficult for me to raise the level of life to the cosmic level!”

With his hands on his back, Chen Xuan quickly fell into contemplation: “With systematic assistance, I am afraid that I can reach the master level of the limit domain in a few hundred years, and I can complete the final breakthrough at any time!”

“But finding the parasites of those laws is much harder than finding a needle in a haystack!”

“What do I need to do to ensure that more powers of law can be integrated in millions of years?”


With the law of fusion of the Promise Divine Weapon, this is a thing that can actually weaken the origin of the universe and strengthen oneself!

Of course Chen Xuan would spare no effort to do such things!

However, this incident did make Chen Xuan a particular headache. After all, the parasites of the laws are scattered in the various star regions of the endless universe, and they will not actively come to the door to send the laws…

“If they would really take the initiative to deliver it to the door, that would be really cool!” Although knowing that this is absolutely impossible, Chen Xuan couldn’t help but think about it leisurely.

“By the way, I have Xiao Muyu!” Suddenly, Chen Xuan seemed to realize something, and almost jumped up excitedly, “As long as Xiao Muyu’s life level is high enough, repeated outrageous things will become reality! ”

Thinking of Xiao Muyu’s magical law of cause and effect, Chen Xuan’s heart was at the extreme, and he even began to think of parasites one after another in the future, and took the initiative to rush to the human world to “send” the law…

“It seems that I will not only work hard to improve my life level, but also try my best to make Xiao Muyu improve at the fastest speed!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately began to figure out how to make Xiao Muyu’s life level rise continuously in a short period of time!

In short, it’s just one word!

As many resources as you have, you can throw as many resources on Xiao Muyu!

Anyway, at all costs, improve Xiao Muyu’s life level!


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was three years later.

Ever since Chen Xuan returned to the human world, he has been working hard to improve his life level, and he often enters the secret room of flowing light to learn about the shadowless dagger technique and void step.

In short, Chen Xuan did not slack off for a day, nor did he dare to slack off!

As for Xiao Muyu, under Chen Xuan’s almost crazy smashing of resources, his life level jumped to the limit of a constant star, becoming the most powerful of many disciples.

Even Qin Wushuang and Xia Qian, both of whom are the same star-constant limit, are far from Xiao Muyu’s opponents.

No way, who would let Xiao Muyu be in charge of the law of cause and effect?

She speaks the way, and fights with her, it is simply a nightmare!

Of course, Xiao Muyu is also well aware of her “power”, and under normal circumstances, she would never ask the seniors and seniors to discuss it.

What she did on weekdays was to obediently follow Chen Xuan’s instructions and work hard to improve herself, so as to help Chen Xuan one day.

As for the little guy, he is now in elementary school, but he is still as exquisite and pleasant as before. It looks like the “little princess” in the fairy tale.

However, in the eyes of the little guy’s classmates, she is definitely not a “little princess”, but an invincible queen!

When he first started to go to elementary school, the little guy had already “beat the whole school invincible.”

Many young boys who have been “ravaged” by little guys in the martial arts class, saw the little guys, and their legs were frightened…

Until now, the entire elementary school, as well as the teachers who teach martial arts, is no longer the opponent of the little guy!

However, although the little guy is “amazing in force,” both classmates and teachers like her very much.

The reason is very simple

As a result, the little guy looks sweet and pleasant, and he is very likable at first.

Secondly, the little guy will not “bully”, but will often help classmates.

Moreover, she has won countless honors for the class and the school, such as the Jiangzhou City Three Good Students, the first place in the Jiangzhou Campus Martial Arts Competition, etc…

In a word, under the co-cultivation of Chen Xuan and Huo Tianyu, the little guy came out almost perfectly!

It is not difficult to imagine that when the little guy grows up, there are definitely more suitors than crucian carp who cross the river, and it is possible to line up to Mars.

“Qingqing’s head teacher just sent a notice that there will be a parent meeting tomorrow morning. Should you go or me?”

That morning, when Chen Xuan’s consciousness had just left the virtual universe and returned to reality, Huo Tianyu’s question rang in his ears.

“This time, you go!” Chen Xuan replied, with unspeakable sadness in his expression, and a few faint strands of blood appeared in his eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Huo Tianyu could of course notice that Chen Xuan’s mood was very wrong, so he asked again and again, “What happened?”

“Big brother, he…dead!” After a long breath, Chen Xuan said with great distress.

Over the past three years, Chen Xuan has always kept in mind the warnings of the Lord of Fallen Qi and did not have any contact with him.

However, in Chen Xuan’s heart, he actually always remembered his eldest brother!

Therefore, every once in a while, Chen Xuan would still sneak into the virtual universe to find someone to inquire about the Lord of Fallen Qi.

And this time, the news that Chen Xuan got was that just three months ago, the Lord of Fallen Qi was killed by a cosmic power who suddenly rose up, and there was no bones left!

As for all the members of the Legion under the Lord of Fallen Kai including the goddess of death Vivienne, they have all become prisoners of that cosmic powerhouse, suffering endless torture day and night!

It can be said that that cosmic powerhouse completely replaced everything that the Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Fallen Enlightenment had, and became the master of today’s most highly civilized world!

“Don’t be too sad!” Huo Tianyu immediately shook Chen Xuan’s hand and said softly and relievedly, “As long as you can defeat the evil spirit that day in the future, you can resurrect your big brother!”

“Well, I understand!” Chen Xuan nodded slowly, but the anger in his heart had already burned completely.

“Host, if the system does not make a wrong judgment, this cosmic class that has suddenly risen should be supported by the evil spirits of the day!” At this time, the system said in a deep voice, “or, that cosmic class now possesses annihilation. The power to kill the Lord of Fallen Enlightenment is given by the evil spirits from the outside world!”

“All he has done is the liquidation of the evil spirits outside the day!”

“At the same time, this also means that under the heavy damage of the Destroying Divine Sword, the evil spirits on that day are no longer able to live in the world and annihilate everything. They can only plant a puppet, give him part of the power of the universe, and settle it for it!

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