Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Moved and cried

“Old…Teacher, are you kidding me?” Zhou Hua asked immediately, crying.

“Of course not. Teacher, can I still make you play? Now this pot of tomato pickled cabbage fish is a thousand times stronger than the nutritious meal you usually eat.” Chen Xuanyou said leisurely, “Of course, you have to eat all of it. OK, including the sauerkraut and tomatoes in it.”

Hearing this, Zhou Hua was instantly sluggish in place, as if he had just been hit by five thunders, and the corners of his mouth twitched desperately.

At this time, his mood can no longer be described in words.

Knowing that the pot of tomato and pickled fish in his hand can greatly improve his physical fitness, he is undoubtedly extremely excited.

But the problem is that he hasn’t thought about it at all, he has to eat it all!

even eat all the sauerkraut and tomatoes in the pot…

This makes him want to cry without tears!

“Why is this expression? You said it yourself just now. You like to eat tomato and pickled fish.” Seeing Zhou Hua’s entire face twisted, Chen Xuan said quite casually.

“Teacher, can I just eat fish? There are too many sauerkraut and tomatoes. For a while, I really can’t eat it!” Holding a large pot of tomato sauerkraut fish, Zhou Hua pleaded bitterly, “I thought just now. , Just eat fish meat…”

“Then eat slowly, you can always finish it.” Chen Xuan patted Zhou Hua on the shoulder, and Chen Xuan comforted, “There are more tomatoes and sauerkraut. Don’t trust your digestive ability for the teacher.”

“Teacher, can you change a dish?” After looking down at the big pot full of tomato pickled cabbage fish, Zhou Hua only felt his scalp numb, and then said bitterly, “I’m willing to pay 200,000 yuan for another one. Copies.”

“No.” Chen Xuan naturally shook his head and refused, “Everyone can only make one dish a day, and never give it to others to eat or change.”

“This is a rule. If anyone breaks this rule, he must not use any equipment in our Budokan for 30 days!”

Chen Xuan’s words completely cut off Zhou Hua’s thoughts, so he had to hold the large pot of tomato pickled fish with a sigh and step aside.

“Next time I choose tomato sauerkraut fish, I will chop my hands!” Zhou Hua, who was full of resentment in his heart, secretly made a vow.

Of course, although there are various reluctances in his heart, he will try to eat this pot of pickled fish in any way.

The reason is very simple. He still remembers what Chen Xuan said before—as long as he finishes eating, his strength and physique can increase by 0.1!

has this attraction, let alone such a delicious pot of tomato sauerkraut fish, it is a pot full of sauerkraut, he can just bite the bullet and eat it!

After all, the effect is so remarkable that it is impossible to refuse!

“Xu Mang, put your Dongan chicken in.” Chen Xuan followed closely.

“is teacher!”


About 10 minutes later.

Xu Mang has eaten up the plate of Donganzi chicken that has been infused with secondary nutrients, and there is no residue left. It can be said that the food is especially enjoyable.

For him, there is nothing more beautiful in the world…While enjoying food, it can also greatly improve his physical fitness!

Such a miraculous thing, he has never heard of it. He only finds it incredible and incredible!

But in the end, when the heat flowed behind him, he measured that his strength and physique had really improved, and he cried.

Yes, that’s right!

Xu Mang, a 2-meter big man, in front of Chen Xuan and his fellow mentors, tears filled his eyes with excitement, and finally couldn’t help crying!

“Isn’t it?” Chen Xuan looked at Xu Mang in a daze, “eat something, don’t you need to be so exaggerated!”

“Teacher, you may not know how I came here for so many years.” Xu Mang seemed to be uncontrollable, and he was moved in tears. “Since I showed my martial arts talents, I basically said goodbye to food. Three meals, in most cases, nutritious meals that are difficult to swallow.”

“I remember when I was 8 years old, I wanted to eat a bunch of candied haws, but…”


After a long long time.

“Teacher, the greatest fortune in my life is to meet you!” Xu Mang wiped away all the tears, “Without you, I would really be very likely to have a nutritious meal in my life!”

“Well, follow the teacher, you can basically say goodbye to nutritious meals in the future.” Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then said earnestly, “But the cost is still to be paid, this superstar nutrition stove, 20,000 once!”

“Yes, teacher! I’ll pay it right away!” Xu Mang said with a solemn expression.

At this time, let alone a mere 20,000 yuan, even if Chen Xuan’s price is several times higher, Xu Mang will not hesitate!

After all, Chaoxing Nutrition Furnace completely ended this martial arts genius’ pain in eating!

From now on, Xu Mang will let the birds fly, no longer have to worry about nutrition or innutrition!

Better than nutrition? In his opinion, even the most expensive nutritious meal he has ever eaten is hard to match the plate of Donganzi chicken he just ate!

“Teacher, should I be the next one?”

“Teacher, I’m almost hungry, can you let me come first!”

“Teacher, do you think I often clean up for you or should I chant first?”

Xu Mang’s “successful example” made Ye Lingwei and others excited, rushing to experience the Chaoxing Nutrition Furnace.

As for Zhou Hua, it was naturally “encouraged”. He changed his previous crying face and started eating neatly.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, come one by one. Well, Ye Lingwei, put your Mapo tofu in.”

“There is still a lot of delicious food downstairs, don’t waste it, we will eat together later.”

“Zhou Hua, you don’t need to go anymore, this pot is quite choppy!”


That’s it, half an hour later.

Ye Lingwei and the others enjoyed a rare meal, and left one after another happily paying.

“Buddha jumping over the wall is really delicious, eat another pot tomorrow!” After drinking the last bit of soup, Chen Xuan secretly made a decision.

At this time, the delicacies on the desk have been eaten by Chen Xuan and his apprentices.

I have to say that when the warriors let go of their arms to eat and drink, ordinary people are really not opponents.

You need to know that, apart from Zhou Hua, who is one person and one pot, only five people actually ate this feast.

Five people can eat more than 20 dishes seven or eighty-eight, which shows that the warriors have a huge appetite!

“Zhou Hua, are you halfway through?” Walking to the top of the stairs, Chen Xuan shouted to Zhou Hua on the second floor.

“How can it be so fast, teacher!” Zhou Hua immediately responded, “It’s only about one-tenth now!”

“Then you eat slowly, don’t choke!” Chen Xuan had to be so comforted after hearing this.

After straightening his face, Chen Xuan took out his mobile phone and contacted his sister-in-law: “Lingyu, take Qingqing for me in the afternoon.”

“Good, brother-in-law!” Huo Lingyu replied with a smile.

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