Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Little secret

You must know that this was embarrassment in front of his precious daughter, and Chen Xuan’s heart was undoubtedly extremely broken.

is tolerable, which is unbearable!

“Host, this is a normal phenomenon, please keep your mind, stay steady, and don’t get angry!” The system repeatedly persuaded, “Just a little bit of green air, just wash and scrub.”

“You tell me this is a normal phenomenon? My head was sprayed with green oil, what a normal way!” Chen Xuan obviously remained angry.

“That’s it, host, listen to me slowly explain to you.”

The Science and Technology Martial Arts Hall system quickly said: “In this gamma radiation ball, the heart of a star is sealed, and it contains countless gamma rays. Each gamma ray has extremely terrifying energy. Once it enters the human body, it will be enough. It can kill all cells instantly.”

“Of course, the host need not worry, the gamma radiation ball can perfectly control these gamma rays without any possibility of leakage.”

“As long as the gamma radiation ball is turned on, it will transform the gamma rays into useful radiant energy, and quietly penetrate into the user’s body.”

“This kind of gamma radiation energy can effectively improve the ability of the organism to absorb, transport and utilize oxygen in the user’s body, increase the storage of glycogen, and increase the ability of supporting organs such as muscles, joints, ligaments, etc. to withstand long-term loads… ”

“In short, it has an extremely effective effect on the user’s endurance and resistance to hitting.”

“I believe that if the host uses it two or three times, his physique will definitely increase by 0.1!”

The system whispered, but Chen Xuan never changed, and his face remained dark.

“After all that, you still didn’t tell me why this thing suddenly sprayed out green mist!” Chen Xuan asked with his lips curled.

“Host, think about it, when transforming gamma rays, there will always be some waste.” The system explained in a twitchy manner, “These green mists are actually waste materials formed during transformation. But the host doesn’t have to worry about it. They affect the human body. It won’t cause any irritation or damage, just wash it.”

“In other words, there are a bunch of ‘leftovers’ made from gamma radiation **** on my head?” Hearing this answer, where could Chen Xuan remain calm, and immediately stopped getting angry.

If it weren’t for his daughter by his side, he would have begun to curse his unscrupulous system.

“There will be similar technological objects in the future, if you don’t remind me in advance, I will never end with you!”

After pressing down this sentence, Chen Xuan raised his face with difficulty, and said to his daughter: “Qingqing, don’t you laugh, this is the magic that Baba has made for you. The name is’green in one second’. Now my father is like this, yes. Isn’t it fun?”

Chen Qing chuckled and shook her head and said, “This magic is not fun at all. It turns the papa into ugly or ugly. I don’t like the green papa, I like the original papa.”

“Uh…Baba go and wash it off immediately!”


10 minutes later.

Chen Xuan finally washed away the green mist, and returned to his daughter’s side with a wry smile.

“Qingqing, you put your hand on this green ball now,” he said.

Chen Qing, who witnessed Baba’s encounter with her own eyes, of course shook her head and refused: “No no, I don’t want to play this magic, I don’t want to be green.”

“Qingqing rest assured, Baba will never make you green!” Chen Xuan squatted down and assured him very seriously, “Come on, play with Baba once. After playing, Qingqing will become even more powerful!”

“I don’t believe…” The little guy still refused.

“Good luck, Qingqing.” In such a situation, Chen Xuan could only continue to persuade, “You have to believe in Baba, Baba is your martial arts teacher, as long as you listen to Baba, Qingqing can become super powerful!”

“Then try it once!” After thinking about it, the little guy reluctantly agreed.

“Come on, Baba hugs you, press your hand on it.”


A few seconds later, Chen Qing successfully completed the use of the gamma radiation ball.

Of course, Chen Xuan, who was mentally prepared, moved very quickly this time.

At the same time the green mist sprayed out, he flashed to the side holding his daughter and did not “suffer” again.

“Well, Qingqing, as long as you play with Baba once a day, you will get better and better!” While speaking, Chen Xuan had picked up his daughter and walked slowly towards the third floor.

“Baba, can I be as powerful as Ma Ma in the future?” The little guy suddenly had such a question.

“Well, as long as Qingqing works hard, she will definitely be better than Ma Ma in the future!” Chen Xuan immediately replied very seriously.

This is not Chen Xuan coaxing his daughter, but a very pragmatic statement.

He believes that as time goes by, he will harvest more and more magical technological objects, and the Sunny Day Budokan will grow stronger and stronger!

In this way, he has enough income to support him and his daughter in using these technologies every day!

If things go on like this, the martial arts level of him and his daughter is bound to increase with each passing day!

To surpass Huo Tianyu, naturally, it is not a problem.

“Really? I can be better than Ma Ma?” Chen Qing was overjoyed. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

“Of course, Qingqing is the best in my house, and maybe it will be better than Yunmeng God of War in the future!” Chen Xuan encouraged.

“Okay, Qingqing will be better than Ma Ma from now on, and better than Yunmeng God of War!” The little guy opened his arms and cheered heartily in Chen Xuan’s arms.

“By the way, Qingqing.”

Halfway down the stairs, Chen Xuan suddenly thought of something, so he stopped and said to the little baby in his arms: “Baba opening the martial arts hall is a secret, so Qingqing wants to keep this secret for Baba and cannot tell. Mama, do you know? If Mama knows, she will definitely not let Qingqing stay here!”

This is not Chen Xuan’s “warranty talk” and scare his daughter, but something completely conceivable.

After all, in Huo Tianyu’s mind, Chen Xuan is still the stubborn Chen Xuan in the past!

If she knew that her daughter’s martial arts teacher was Chen Xuan, she would definitely think that Chen Xuan was fooling herself, and finally furious, even forcibly taking her daughter to Yangcheng.

And this is the most unacceptable thing for Chen Xuan.

Therefore, he has to ventilate with his daughter first and keep this “little secret” together.

“I’m definitely not telling Ma Ma!” The little guy agreed without any hesitation.

“Well, Qingqing is so good.” Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan touched his daughter’s little cheek, “As a reward, Baba will take you to a good place!”

After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan has reached the gate on the third floor with Qingqing in his arms.

This is a gate specially decorated by Chen Xuan. It looks a bit similar to the gate of a castle in a fairy tale. There is a “seven-color rainbow” carefully drawn with watercolor brushes on it, which is very eye-catching.

“Qingqing, go in and have fun.” Putting down the baby girl, Chen Xuan smiled slightly.

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