Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

There was hardly a bright night in the darkness, and the long, barely visible avenue was called the dark street.

On both sides of the street, there are different double-storey buildings or villas with different colors of light, but the lights of the stars are completely different from the glare and shining of the surrounding streets, even though the surrounding streets are noisy. However, the entire dark street is like being covered by an invisible enchantment. Noisy noise can’t be heard, and no colorful lights can be illuminated.

If someone looks down from the top of the entire capital center, they can see that in the shining and beautiful night light, there is no dark mountain and quiet, and this is the real dark street. .

Although the dark streets are dark and quiet at night, the people in the dark streets are also people. Even if they are not people, they can be fake people wearing human skin. So on both sides of the dark street, there are still street lights at equal distances, although the lighting of this street lamp Less than three meters, how to say better than nothing.

“There is only one garbage transfer processing place in the entire dark street. Considering the living problems in the front and rear and the street appearance in the dark street, the garbage transfer processing is in the third building in the back.

Well, in fact, it is quite good.

Li Xiaoshen pointed at the house in the shape of a huge garbage bin under the dim light. He said: “This is a foolproof treatment. Generally, the public facilities in our dark streets are so simple and clear.

Even dementia can be found! Li Xiao’s tone was three-pointed with three points of pride and helplessness. Jin Yu, who was listening to him, couldn’t help but smile: “That’s what you say, the restaurant in the dark street is the shape of the big bowl.” What? “When the words Li Xiao and Orange Liang collectively nodded.”

Directly let Jin Yu’s smile stiffen in the corner of his mouth.

“That pub?” “The shape of the barrel.”

Li Xiao’s expression is relatively calm.

“Public toilet?” “… the upper part of the ice cream.

“Orange thorns and hoes feel that this description and metaphor is really good.”

It doesn’t make people feel sick.

“You are wrong, I decided not to eat ice cream this summer.

“Golden heavy opening, 10,000 heads of grass and mud horses rushing – this mentally retarded to the extreme architectural style is stipulated by the guy who lacks aesthetics?! Why didn’t he build a dark shape for every building in his home?” The embarrassing in the heart is probably the aesthetics of the dark street authorities. At this time, Jin Yu has already reached the distance of less than 100 meters from the garbage disposal.

Just when Jin Yu wanted to move on, he was suddenly stopped by Li Xiao, and at the same time, the little green screamed, fluttering and fluttering directly, and slammed a black shadow that had galloped on the ground! “Xiaojin, you have to know that the most dangerous place in the dark street night is the garbage disposal area! Because every night in this area is the range of activities of the beasts and even beasts who are abandoned and fleeing, although they Already injured or will die, but it is precisely because of this that the two emotions of survival and despair are more terrible! Even the most non-attacking life beasts can violently kill!” Li Xiao said heavy and with a few nervous words, around them, gradually gathered more than a dozen black beasts, the colors are different but also with fierce and cruel eyes, in the night Against the backdrop of it, it looks unusually awkward and indifferent.

“…because of despair, so cruel; because of betrayal, so cold…” Jin Yu at this time looked at the gathering of more and more, without exception, with the sly attacking color of the eyes, muttered Word, unbelievable.

Even though he had seen too many animal deaths at the end of the world, he was the first to see this completely indifferent, without a trace of emotional existence.

And when this indifference gathers in front of his eyes, his heart is filled with incomparable anger, sorrow and madness that can’t be vented.

If it is not completely desperate and sad to the extreme, it should be the most simple and warm hazelnut, how it has become so cold.

“Hehehe… So I said… I hate humans…” Stretching out his left arm to cover his eyes, Jin Yu laughed and nervously laughed.

“The most selfish and ruthless animal, is it human?”

“” Xiaojin? “Gold?” Li Xiao and Orange Liang were a little nervous by the unusual behavior of Jin Yu.

“Nothing… nothing… it’s OK, Big Brother Lee and the oranges are going back.

I have lived here tonight.

!!!!!! Jin Yu’s words made Li Xiao and Orange Bright change their face in an instant. If Jin Jin’s sudden behavior abnormally made them feel nervous, then these two now began to doubt whether this kid is different. The beast siege is not normal.

Li Xiaozheng was going to step forward and forced Jin Yu to leave. Suddenly, the half moon, which was originally covered by clouds, slowly went out. It was slightly cool with some dark red moonlight on the ground in the dark street, and it also illuminated those full. Hostile and aggressive black shadows.

“Hey!” “Hey!” “Hey…” At the moment when the moon was shining, more than half of the dozens of shadows made a scream of savage and panic, and quickly wanted to return. In the dark.

But even if they retreat quickly, just a moment is enough for Jin Yu to see their appearance.

“Heaven…they, they…” Li Xiao’s face became extremely shocked, and the trembling pointed at the shadows of those screams, almost speechless.

Although he had been to the garbage disposal site several times before, but every time it was passed by, it was the first time that I saw these abandoned and fleeing aliens.

The horrible beast that dragged the broken limbs, the body was so dirty, and the wounds and ulcers were dying. It was really impossible for him to speak.

And in front of his side, the orange and bright look looked at the darkness. He took a deep breath and took a shot of Li Xiao’s shoulder: “Scream, look at this picture, Lao Tzu decided to smash the tail of my family.” The wolf is better. It almost followed me from a young age. I don’t know how many times I saved my son.

How to say, Laozi should also give it to the old and dead, like this place, even if Laozi is dead and looking for someone to host, my family’s big tail wolf can never come! ! ! Li Xiaowen said that he didn’t speak. He just touched the small green head that had already walked to his side. He had only this beast and didn’t want other beasts. Although he asked himself very good for Xiaolu, After seeing the horrors of those strange animals, he still felt that his heart was cold.

“Little green, tomorrow we will go to the Central Hospital for Animals to check it… Then Laozi will give you more defense or buy an energy crystal nucleus. Anyway, I will take you to spend money tomorrow! A lot of money!! Xiao Lan was very happy to hear the words of his own master. However, after he was happy, he was saddened by the clothes of Li Xiao. It was very clear why his own owner suddenly did this.

Just seeing the same beasts that have been like it is now so miserable, there is always a feeling of rabbits dying of foxes and sorrows.

“Hey! Gold, you want to come here, we also brought you here. You look at these exotic animals.”

After reading it, let’s go back? I have to go back and feed the big tail wolf, I can’t consume it here.

Li Xiao nodded when he heard the orange light. Although the sight of the scene was so painful, no matter what they thought, they did not have any treatment for these abandoned animals. As for the detention, they could take one. Only two, what is the use? Just Jin Yu did not respond to the words of orange and Li Xiao. Now in his eyes, there are only those beasts who are stunned in the dark and see the light but are horrified and inferior. .

Even if their appearance is too different from those on the earth, in Jin Yu’s eyes, those animals that are only injured are suffering from both mental and physical damage.

In the face of such an animal, if he can go, he is not Jin Yu.

Easily turned around and put his back directly in front of those injured beasts. Jin Yu showed a smile to Li Xiao and Orange: “Large brother, orange thorns, you two go back.”

I have stayed here tonight, rest assured, I will not have anything.

“What joke are you doing?” The beasts near the garbage mountain are the most fierce ones. Have you just taken my words to the wind? ! Li Xiaowen said that he would pull forward, but in the next moment, he saw Jin Yu reach out and pick up the two-tailed cat who was thrown to the ground by the little green.

Obviously, it is a very natural and random movement. But somehow, Li Xiao felt the emotion of ‘pity and treasure’ in the movement of Jin Yu.

At this time, Jin Yu, who picked up the two-tailed cat, was still the opposite of the beasts behind him. At his feet, he stood upright under the moonlight, and stepped back, he would hide in the darkness.

At the junction of light and shadow, Jin Yu was half-faced by the darkness, slowly rising a smile.

“They won’t attack me.

“Step by step, little by little, when the footsteps are retreat, and behind it is the fangs and claws, Jin Yu’s face that is already invisible is still laughing: “I said, they will not attack me.” of.

“Turning around, the wounded beasts that were originally hostile, suddenly looked dull.”

Then, as Jin Yu’s figure went further and further, one gradually followed, and some suspiciously and unbelievably followed him behind him, eventually disappearing completely into the darkness.

…… Silence at this time is the only emotion that Li Xiao and Orange Liang can express. It is clear that what they see is going to the darkness, but I don’t know why, watching the wounded beast that dragged the residual limbs and followed Jinyu step by step. They, however, they feel that the end of the darkness will surely be the other side of the warmth.

“Oh… Did Laozi see the gods?” Orange gave him a slap in the face, and then looked at his own Li Xiaodao silently: “Scream! I told you that I will be wrapped around every day.” I have to make a good relationship with that kid! At least today, Laozi can’t do it, so I admire him!” “Yeah, maybe, the most horrible place in the dark street night will become the most beautiful place.” Maybe not.

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