Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

As Jin Yu figured out the things he had worried about before, the order in the pet shop has returned to the harmony and beauty of the past. Although Kim’s boss still has no way to re-send the blue water and the virtual world. But at least he has a condition – that is, he was angry at the time, and there were other animals that were seriously injured.

Although Jin Yu tried to simulate the previous situation several times, no matter how many times he tried, he could not reach the maximum anger value, so the Yu Jin’s Jin Yu can only comfort himself to give such a situation as a hidden trigger condition or The value is not enough to open. It is estimated that after waiting for a while and training a few times, you should be able to see the lovely planet again.

I think Jin Yu feels very good. If he can really move back and forth between the earth and the capital star in the future, it doesn’t matter if there are no creatures on the earth. He just thought about his pet shop if he continues to receive it. If you have a disabled animal, it is estimated that there will be a beast to sleep in the yard, if you can throw them on the earth! Oh, although there are more wings and abilities, I believe that Mother Earth is still very happy to receive these sensible and poor beasts.

Jin Yu is very certain. When the beasts have new homes, when they realize that this home is not as difficult to survive as other wild stars, they will be cherished with strong feelings. This hard-won paradise, and guarding it.

They are more worthy of the recognition and protection of Mother Earth than humans who are free to destroy nature on the earth.

In the same way, they love the beautiful planet more than humans.

Maybe one day, humans will once again set foot on the parent star who gave birth to them, and once again hurt it according to the development they want, but Jin Yu believes that when humans return to there as returnees and wanderers, Certainly, it will be especially cherished, this opportunity to come back again.

Well, anyway, this should be a long time and a long time later.

The boss of Jinda said that in fact, as an ancient human being, he did not have the idea of ​​giving his own lovely earth to these mutated new humans and degraded sub-human beings. He still prefers to use it as a trapped and disabled animal. Or the back gardens of brave and benevolent animals, let them have a place to inhabit and care for the elderly.

In the future, I will choose to be buried in my hometown.

“Hey… When will Laozi be able to go to the back garden to see it… It’s been three days!!” Jin Yu slammed a chicken leg, and he couldn’t wait to bite it.

The big boss looked at his companion’s resentment and felt very attractive. The girl had to steal a scent, and then directly gave Jin Yu a chicken leg bone.

“Don’t have anything to look for, ah, I have been holding you for a long time!!” Nima has been habitually cheap since the last time he shared the bed, making him have a conditional reflection! ! This guy wants to do what he wants in the same way as the mirror! ! However, what makes the gold boss feel uncomfortable is that although they have formed a conditioned reflex, their own reaction will remain in the conditioned reflexes here. Nima has no idea of ​​swearing! This is the real danger! ! I thought that the boss of Kim was screaming at a boss, and reached up to pick up the honey bitter melon that the boss hated most. He directly slammed it into the mouth of Yan Qinglin, and then looked at the face of the big boss wrinkled into a group. Happy laughter.

Yan Qinglin saw Jin Yuxiao’s more and more over-the-fire, squinting his eyes, and directly reaching for the person to give him a smile, then mouth to mouth to feed, and by the way, sucked a soft tongue, then Looking at his partner, he curled his mouth and wrinkled his bun face.

At this time, the strange beasts of a house looked at the two masters without the slightest knots. The brothers and sisters who fought and blocked me, I have the claws, and I envy the eyes and blindfolded my eyes, leaving a slit by the way; the claws without claws are short enough. If you don’t need insects and poultry, you can either use your wings or face the wall, and resolutely don’t bother your own pure heart! Jin Yu looked at the smell of a strange animal in a room, licking his legs with his mouth and licking his legs, what kind of purity! Some are dragging their homes! Then suddenly I thought, I don’t know when it started, Yan Qinglin’s face of iceberg can naturally show his smile in front of himself, and he also began to put this person in such an important position.

“…damn habit!” Wang Wang…[Your sister’s wangwang, you grab my meat bones! ! Obviously in your own bowl! ! 】Roar.

[Sorry, get used to it, then I will give it to you in the basin.

Anyway, my bones are one more than you.

】 -! [Your sister’s habits! I am fighting with you -! ! 】 Then the three-day rushing show was started again, and the onlookers, the white bun, the little white snow, and the beasts watching Wangwang and Erhei’s various fights, said that the new one is actually quite a group, every day. I know to give them some entertainment, um, don’t look at its appearance is very fierce, but in fact the character is very gentle.

————! ! [Tenderness, your whole family, ah, I can’t see where the goods are gentle! ! 】 Of course, the so-called hit is relatives are love, the big boss looked at this picture, Wangwang actually put the most famous saying to the fullest.

Anyway, after the goods are bullied, they will be rushing to send the bones to the hair… Boss thinks that this product is actually idle. Nothing to find the second type of goods.

In addition to this increasingly harmonious and beautiful day, the beasts who had nothing to do now have basically have jobs and goals.

This is also thanks to a light brain that Long Changying sent the big white bear.

This light brain is directly connected to the Capital Star Network Mission Hall. Among the network mission halls are the missions of the Capital Star, the Wild Star Base, and the Hunters Association, the Adventurers Association and the Hunting Academy.

So with this thing, the beasts will be able to choose the tasks they want or can do on their own, thus giving the 138th beast cute pet store open source and throttling, letting a certain gold boss who is not greedy for money .

However, Jin Yu is not Zhou Yupi. In addition to helping the beasts to determine and examine whether the task is suitable for them, half of the proceeds from the beasts will be returned to the beasts themselves, although many animals are not used with gold coins. ——The store is packed and wrapped! However, everyone is still very conscious to save, in the future, if the boss suddenly goes bankrupt, they can serve as a solid backing.

Anyway, in the consciousness of the beasts in the 138 beast shop, as long as the boss does not fall, the gold coins are many, they will never be homeless wandering beasts, they will never be abandoned again.

Of course, there are still some different animals to save a few private money, buns as the number one private house inventory, it still wants to marry! And how can a wife’s words be poor and white? ! How to say again, when you are proposing a marriage, buy a large energy stone as a dowry, indicating that it is a very rich beast for the buns, but it is not a black eye to see the beast low! However, if the buns know that their own private money is all as loyal as a big white bear, in fact, if the bad white sand tiger is ruined to the boss’s vault, perhaps it will not say any wife, directly Just throw it up and fight for something, there is wood! Of course, at this time, I don’t know the fact that the buns are very happy when I give myself a leg bone every time. This is really a friend! Every time I understand the facts and watch the fire across the bank, I will habitually scratch the wall every time I see the behavior of Dabai and the expression of the buns. Then I discuss with Xiao Xue, how the two buns are captive in the white, and eventually become hateful.

Hey… [Well, actually, it’s a hope that you will see your wife and buns two black, so it’s better, but it’s not like a boss, you don’t see boss every day. ? 】 -! Hey! ! I haven’t waited for Xiao Bai to agree with it. I suddenly nodded and answered it. Suddenly, a gust of wind rose from the ground and I immediately blew the two goods into the mud of the yard.

The boss sat on the sofa and said that even if they saw the truth, they should swallow the truth into their stomachs! Who dares to say it, Nima does not want to live? ! In this way, the beasts train and work every day, by the way, they fight each other and love each other; Jin Yu studies his new strength and finds the portal, and by the way, plays with the boss and loves each other; then, after two days, the little green that has not been seen for a long time And the big tail wolf rushed to a notice and rushed to the yard.

Hey -! ! Hey -! ! [Get out soon! Come out! The Hunting Academy is starting to be a freshman, this is not the point! The point is that we are invited to be a guest performer! Come out soon, let’s take a look at our heroic attitude! 】 Little green and big tail wolf called very cheerful, but this tiger and wolf is really not a pleasant music, listening to the room’s Jin Yu straight frown, directly gave Dabai and Want Want a look, the latter two moments Stand up, rush out of the house, then take the two goods to the ground and slap on the ground, and finally squat in their ears.

The little green and big-tailed wolf almost didn’t faint.

Hey…hey…[Scratch, bullying the beasts with a level of sorghum! They will be thundered by

You must grab your top tank before being smashed, and you are dying to die.

In fact, Dabai and Wangwang resentment is that these two guys who are not in tune can be invited to become guests, and Ming Mingming is much stronger than them. ! Then the big boss who came out of the house picked up the flyer on the floor and raised his brow.

Then I bowed my head and thought about turning my head to the buns. “Bag, let’s say that your baby is living outside for a month. You have to clean up. The key is to remember to bring gold coins. Laozi wants to give his son pocket money. This is Heavenly and righteous Let’s go collectively to see how the little guy lived, see if the basket has taken care of the little milk wolf, and by the way, there is no one, there will be nowhere in the place, no product to abandon the beast .

“I can’t kill him! The author has something to say: cough, the content is bright, oh, the so-called wife and wife… In fact, the wife and the wife are two… look at the buns and the two blacks.” Hahahahaha =-= broken feelings.

Ps: To commemorate the greatest and most successful long-distance love, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, they won!

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