Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

It is said that after Jin Yuyi’s statement of the words has nothing to do with the money metamorphosis, seeing the thoughtful look and appearance of the beasts around the circle, there is an impulse on the spot that wants to slap the sleeves and beasts.

But before the Golden Boss got angry, this group of quite, and more and more eye-catching guys suddenly made birds and beasts, and they did not forget to sell something, just let Jin Yu laugh and cry.

This is really what he raised in the store! ! The big boss saw his own companion’s eyes and began to swim. In the past two days, they will come over and report the situation. Should he ask his subordinates how to defeat the fire? It seems that it is not just him. Even Jin Yu has a big fire in these days. This is not a good phenomenon… Well, if there is a fire-breathing object, it would be fine.

Just when Jin Yu began to settle down the few magical starlings, and the big boss thought about how to defeat the fire and almost went into flames. Suddenly, there were some strange black voices outside the courtyard – —— —— —— —— —— —— … Jin Yu listened to this screaming head and jumped on the blue veins. Why didn’t he know that there were several foreign languages ​​in the second? ! Moreover, how do those guys collectively find the door, do you have a painful egg? Translate the two black screams here: [Boss boss! A group of people came to the scene! ! Huh? Looks like it’s coming to send money… the boss is so weird! 】 You are the strangest or not! ! Jin Yufu’s forehead went forward, and all the little brothers who imitated the screaming in the hand were put on the head of Dabai, let it find a place with good sunshine and good temperature to hang.

Then I went out with the big boss that had become a unicorn.

Well, considering that the big boss is not good at all times, he is always with his human form, so Yan Qinglin becomes a black unicorn.

But because the black unicorn, the beast and beast, was too famous and shocking, so under the protests and suggestions of Jin Yu, the big boss agreed to narrow the original to the cost of a surprise attack. The size of the palm, then kneel on the shoulders of Jin Yu.

In this way, boss can always be kept by Jin Yu, and there is no need to reveal his identity – because among the auxiliary beasts, there is a kind of animal, which can be used to simulate the appearance of various animals. However, it can only be used to shape the shape of a beast, but there is no attack power.

Therefore, the gold boss only used to say that this little black unicorn beast on the shoulder is changed by the metamorphosis.

With this idea, even in the future, Boss will be able to wander around the store.

Just… If this guy doesn’t want to move his hoofs, it’s better! ! Jin Yu put the small boss that was trying to stretch his hoof to his chest to give a variety of shackles in the palm of his hand. Anyway, this cargo is thick and looks like a black jade carving of a unicorn, bigger than a big one. It’s so cute, it’s a fool to take advantage of it.

Then the boss of Jin was in a good mood with the bosses who were in the same mood, watching the giant umbrellas holding a giant umbrella that blocked his yard and a group of big men under the umbrella.

Could it be that these big monks feel lonely because they don’t have the collective garbage of him and his lovely beasts? If you knew this, why should you coordinate with the division of personality in that office?

“What are you doing?” Jin Yuxiao’s like a spring breeze.

After the group of big men across from him saw Jin Yu’s smile, the group felt that the clothes they wore today were a little less… Nima had not seen it for a few days, how could this guy’s yard come out with such a level a black horn Mine dog? ! Laozi is going to go! Even if it is a watchdog, this specification is a bit too high, OK! Made them afraid to go one step further! This Dortem’s face is lost! ! At this time, the secret squatting on the edge of the door, revealing the head from the top to the bottom, watching the lively little white, the little wolf, the three little, the buns and the little snow, saw that their own boss had just killed the domineering side of a group of people. Leaking, the eyes are squatting together.

Well, there is a strange thing coming in.

The little wolf looked up and looked at the owner who sneaked over and peeked. He couldn’t help but squat and covered his face with his claws.

How did it not find that his family’s owner still has such a shameful side before today? ! The three young people who were despised by their own beasts now look at Jin Yu with the look of incomparable worship! What is the momentum! What domineering side leakage! What is the cow’s fork that he thinks about day and night! ! It is a perfect example in front of you! How much he wants to be like Jin Yu, as long as he is there, he can let his cousin and his brothers and sisters and the group of friends and friends are just like those big brothers! ! He has worked hard for so long, and he has always been the only one who has shaken him.

So, at this moment, the three young masters of the mountain wolf family, who had some reluctance in their hearts, became very willing to stay in the legendary pet shop.

It is precisely because of this that the three little ones who had nothing before, finally embarked on the glorious and brilliant road that he had arrogant and hard-pressed after that day! ——Excerpt from the 100th of the “Cataclysm of the Cataclysm”, Wolf Mountain Bailu Chuan.

Go back to God.

No matter how brilliant and hard it is in the future, at least now he is gloating with the many pop-ups in the pet shop, and he is happy to look at the big men who stand in the yard and dare not step further. The latter Their mood at this time is quite hard, just considering the various tasks that have piled up on the mountain recently, even if they are in front of the sea of ​​fire, they have to be **** the scalp! In other words, at the crucial moment, the males are prone to wilting, and the female cockroaches tend to stand up! The pretty big sister in the dark street looked at the big shackles around the circle with a scornful contempt, and then stood upright. When Jin Yu almost smashed his eyes, he said, “Golden boss, we have something to do.” I will discuss with you, I wonder if you are convenient?” Jin Yu looked at the pair of white flowers and the chest, and nodded without saying anything: “convenient, of course convenient! Ah!!” Looking down at the sullen black biting his fingers Kirin, Jin Yu pumped his mouth.

He rubbed his face with his hand, and then revealed a normal calm smile. “The big sister asked the house to go. Xiao He didn’t eat milk today, he was hungry.”

“The next moment, Jin Yu was originally bitten by a finger and was smashed.”

The little black boss sat on the palm of Jin Yu’s palm with his golden eyes and slowly grinds his teeth. In front of his face, he dares not to say water, but he does not repent and says he is not weaned! ! Very good, he recently cares too much about his partner’s body, so that some people have forgotten some very important things! ! Since you said that you are not weaning, in the evening, you will contribute your own milk.

He really doesn’t mind at all, sucking up! ! The gold boss who was walking suddenly felt cold at this time, bowed his eyes and glanced at the boss looking at somewhere, and swallowed hard. It looked like, maybe, like, what he just said. Absolutely not to say anything… Anyway, I have to be farther away from this guy this evening! A little further! ! Rub, he still sleeps in the room to lock the door! ! Seeing Jin Yu and the beautiful woman rushed into the store, those big guys outside couldn’t stand.

This can’t be done! It is obvious that they came together, how do you want to go in together! That benefit can’t let the woman take it by herself, who is who! You are not convinced that the Golden Boss has already had a terrific enthusiasm. Is it head? ! Didn’t that appear for Mao? This blatant red apricot is absolutely absolutely impossible! Hurry and hurry to find a way! ! In the case that a group of big brothers each indicated their own younger brothers to speak out or find a way, the various miserable younger brothers who were tossed in the heart took a deep breath.

“Gold boss -!! Our boss has something to discuss with you!!” Who told them to be a younger brother! When do you want to be a big brother, you must toss a little brother! ! The above is the origin of the younger brother.

At this time, Jin Yu, who heard the younger brothers collectively shouting, could not hold the scorpion. He couldn’t help but sigh, and Jin Yu waved his hand.

In fact, he really didn’t want so many people to come into his room.

…… “Look at how beautiful this rainbow rain is, and the room under it is too small, so let’s talk outside! You can rest assured that there are these strange animals in my family, absolutely, absolutely not Someone has a chance to eavesdrop!” Jin Yu said, the expression on his face is so sincere and sincere.

However, this expression is seen in the opposite group of people who have long known their nature and put him infinitely black. The expressions and words of this goods can be translated like this: “It’s raining, Nima has nothing to come here. I don’t welcome you into Laozi’s house at all! Just tell Laozi in the hallway! If you don’t agree with Laozi, Laozi will let a stranger in a house directly kill you, bite the slag. Nothing left! Wipe!!” So, the big men who were threatened by their own brains, secretly shed a tear in their hearts, and for the first time, they started an important conversation in the hallway.


The author has something to say: orz.



I have finished writing it.

-0-Although I fell asleep halfway, this chapter is still very satisfied Hahahahaha, no weaning and brain to threaten the gods, do not explain, do not explain Good night–.

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