Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Just under the expectation of a group of good people and two goods, Jin Yu in the house began to examine the body belt treatment for the mutant green tiger that had never been seen before, the name of the tiger, the big name, the small green, and the small name.

After seriously looking at the ‘green’ from the head to the tail again, Jin Yu can be sure that the veins that emit a faint green light are the blood vessels of the whole wing tiger, and the source of the light should be its own. The blood is gone.

However, what makes Jin Yu feel a bit strange is that if it is blood, it should be that every blood vessel shines, but in the body of the tiger tiger, the green blood vessels emit only 70% of the whole body. .

Even two or three of its organs in the body are completely unlit gray, and it seems that from the beginning, they cannot receive blood with green light.

“Oh, it’s really troublesome when I first came here… I don’t even have a general concept and a comparable object.

“Jin Yu looked at the eyes of the wing tiger with a bit of resentment and sinister breath. As his first research object, can this cute second person contribute more research materials to him? But when the wing tiger is small The green emerald eyes saw the moment of Jin Yu’s eyes. Although the nature was not so stupid, the guy who was absolutely not stupid snorted directly, then screamed and screamed on the ground and hugged Jin Yu’s thigh, and he was wronged. Ah ah ah – “I will give you a cow and a horse in the future!” Fighting back things and threatening to make money can be! ! So you can’t use my experiment to do the boss… I have a good relationship with the owner, and I don’t want to die so early! ! “Jin Yuwen said that there was a sneer in his mouth: “Do you experiment with Xiaoye? Do you think that you will die?” “The little green is shaking, and if you don’t die, you will peel off the skin. The man in front looks weaker than the most vulnerable woman the master has ever seen, but he has a breath of closeness to the beast. But when this breath is mixed with the strange eyes and smiles, it will make the beast feel like a monster in front! There is a big monster! But you must surrender!! But although the little green heart is Think of it this way, on the surface it is shaking the big head.

It’s not the same level! “I don’t mean that. Hey, hey means, boss, don’t you want to study the object? At night, next to the huge garbage dump in the dark street, there are a lot of abandoned arms and legs or dying animals. … When the boss grows up, how can you study it!!!! Really!!!” Wen Yan Jin Yu couldn’t help but pump his mouth. How can this cargo be a deadly friend?

But…just it shouldn’t be a fake, although it’s not familiar with the world, in the era of chaos in which all the people’s hunting, nobles and nobles still exist, the filth and cruelty that every dynasty should have must be there. There is no darkness in the normal dynasties, and there is a great possibility here.

Even now, he hasn’t seen anything that is confusing in the most chaotic and darkest place, but it’s not seen.

Moreover, the more it violates the human heart, the more time it will appear, the more it will avoid the light.

“Is there really a night of abandoned and dying animals gathered in the garbage dump?” Jin Yu’s eyes are a bit cold, perhaps a genetic problem of the previous family. He grew up from small to large with various animals, and in humans. The huge black net of society has been mixed for a long time, and he cherishes the relationship with animals.

The animal’s feelings are very straightforward, like it is like, the unloved little master can hit you and then use the coercion to lure you like.

I like his animal unless he is rushed to the whole, or he won’t bite on the teeth. The animals that don’t like it are usually left with a **** or a tooth, and he won’t dig a pit to let him fall and climb. come out.

Even Jin Yu gave his favorite rhubarb to a group of wolves. When he came back, the rhubarb was just a bit of a bite behind his ass. The sky is like a fart, and he runs behind his ass.

But people can’t.

The selfish nature of nature makes it easy for mankind to live in darkness for a little thing. Slowly, this darkness grows and grows, and finally becomes irreparable betrayal.

Of course, Jin Yu does not think that everyone is black, but that no one is perfect.

People can also trust each other through communication and help. People can also make a feat of moving and sighing. People can also be gentle and beautiful to make you involuntarily close, but the triggering and reaching conditions are a bit high relative to animals, so Jin Yu prefers Reduce yourself to a grade, cheerfully and two animals.

This point is deeper after the catastrophe of the last days and the loss of human madness.

So when Jin Yu realized that there was such a place, dark, cold, dirty, and tortured the abandoned animal in the darkest night in the most brutal way of death, the atmosphere of the whole body became cold and gloomy, not close .

It seems that it was felt by the breath of Jin Yu, and the wing tiger, who was just dead, and who was not dead, loaded the second goods, was silent on the ground.

After a long time, I slowly snorted: “You don’t know the boss, in fact, it is lucky.

Among the beasts, there are too few masters who care about and protect and protect us. There are so many different kinds of beasts and more people than humans.

Therefore, most of the beasts that are captured or conquered are not very valued by the owner. It is not uncommon for some people to have more than a dozen different animals.

Moreover, the different beasts are classified according to their strength. The lower the level of the beast, the easier it is to be abused by the owner and abandoned at will. Even if the front is injured to protect the owner, the latter will become a one because there is no fighting power. The waste that consumes money is abandoned by the owner.

It is really too little to really abandon the beasts and keep them to the dead.

Too little…” The words of the wing tiger passed to Jin Yu’s ear and his heart made him feel quite harsh and blocked.

Only after standing for a long time with cold face, Jin Yu took a deep breath, and then the expression on his face took a bit of self-deprecation.

He has such a great ability to change the whole world.

But even if you can’t change it, you can do your best to create an animal paradise in his mind.

“Oh… heaven is a ghost, at best it is a nursing home.

“Jin Yu grinned and smiled, “Well, the nursing home can’t get in, there are always guys who can work, well, or a pet shop!” “Thinking of this, Jin Jinran felt very motivated. The goal of the struggle in the new world was found by him. It is better than the feeling of doing nothing, just looking for food and clothing.

“Come and come, take advantage of Xiaoye’s interest, and quickly check your situation.

Well, if you are abandoned by your host in the future, remember to come to the pet shop! “The tigers that were caught by Jin Yu’s tail, the little green, heard the hair, and snorted with a scream of fangs. I just worried with you. Will you curse?! You go to the pet shop, your whole family. Go to the pet shop!! For the wing tiger’s demonstration, Jin Yulian didn’t even look at the eyelids, but couldn’t help but laugh.

This made him think of the big flowers on the earth, and the look of anger is the same.

“Well, lying down, Xiaoye can’t reach your heart.

And I don’t know how to get it, so first see if I can use that idea to transfer? Jin Yu said that he couldn’t help but scream at the corner. How could he feel like he felt like a **** stick?

But if you want to think about it, things still have to be done.

In addition to the spiritual power Jin Yu now there is really no way to use it.

Before he could use mental power to attack and tame the beast, then the way he now knows and can come up with, only use the mental power to break up the black block on the little green heart.

Taking a breath, Jin Yu put his hands on the heart of the wing tiger, his eyes fixed on the black block, while the mental power moved from his eyebrows toward the black block, through the wing tiger’s fur skeleton. Tightly wrapped around the heart of the wing tiger.

Ten minutes later.

“Scratch, do you want to face this way?!” Even Jin Yu’s head began to worry, and the black block on the heart of the wing tiger did not show any signs of shrinking, let alone break up.

“…” Wing Tiger Little Green looked pitifully at Jin Yu.

“… Wipe! I still don’t believe it!” Jin Yu, who was cold, put his hands on the wing tiger again, preparing for a spiritual explosion. At this time, Jin Yu’s original hanging on his neck was After the sea blue came here, I brought a silky green stone to the blue light. Jin Yu’s spiritual power to the little green was like a vigorous sailor who suddenly smashed a pot of spinach, quite violent and powerful. The black block on the heart of the tiger was broken up, but because Jin Yu used all the mental power this time, the little green was tossed for a long time, and then both eyes turned over when Jin Yu fell to the ground. It also passed out.

“Little Green!!!!” Li Xiao, who was guarding the door outside the house, suddenly heard the tragic sound of his own beast. Immediately, he shook his heart and rushed into the house directly, and he was as excited as he was. The dark streets of the light watched the crowd and took the opportunity to rush to the door.

However, the scene inside the house made them wonder what to say.

“How come this two are dizzy?” “This is not the key, the key is, wearing a dress for Mao’s kid?!” “Well… will it be strong | Storm is not stunned and stunned? -! Can’t you see that this kid has such a big ability to stun the Mavericks?!” “I said ah… Do you really think that the beast is too hot?”… Silence.

“Look at the fun, you are very busy.

After a moment of silence, Li Xiao, who was gloomy, turned slowly.

Everyone except the orange thorns and hoes quickly retreated.

“I am in a bad mood now, I don’t want to die, I will give it to me–!”

The only orange hedgehog is still there.

“You want to die?” “Oh, just fainting, see you nervous.”

“The hedgehog shrugged. “In order to prevent you from going crazy like before, how can I look at you?”

Li Xiaowen said that the cold expression had a loose touch. After seeing the hedgehog for a long time, he gave up the position: “Don’t give more words to Laozi, there is no dinner.”

“I can rest assured that I have never had a meal.”

“The orange thorns and the head saw Li Xiao give up the whole face and laughed into a flower, and the next three steps and two steps into the Li Yu’s animal house, so that Li Xiao standing at the door could not help but sigh slightly. .

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