Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

For the four a-level and a+-class beasts of Dabai and Xiaobai, because they are the same beasts that were first born by Jin Yuqi, and their strengths and experiences are quite similar, they have formed a circle of offense and defense.

Even though there is a black dog in the pet shop that is also a class A, and other b-class and b+-class animals, but because of the difference in time and strength, even if they have a good relationship, but It’s hard to plug in | to this small circle.

Although the four on the surface are not always together, there are occasional violent incidents of quarreling and smashing rice, but the so-called offensive and defensive integration will be direct when new exotic animals appear. Shown – whether they are the most sensible or the second, in the face of new alien beasts, there will be a desire to be a bit dirty, especially when the new alien is also a level.

I have to know that after the second black was abused by all four of them, I realized how much I was and how good the boss was.

Of course, they will never take the plunge. Helping the boss to clean up the head is something that the beast should do.

In fact, it is said that these four because the days have been too quiet and boring, leading to violence and fighting factors in the body called a trip, the strength of the beasts below level a is not enough for them to toss, and a The beasts below the level will see that they will run on their own. How difficult is it for Nima to find a fight that can be played this year? ! So at this time I saw this a+ level big white bear, four strange animals excited and excited, especially the same white level of a+, very good idea to play with this bear.

However, it is a clever beast that can be seen. Now that this bear is very weak, Dabai suspects that he will slap the goods.

So, is it better to be a bit bad? It must be said that as a long-term follower of Long Chang’s body, the big white bear who lived in the battle of the assassin who has been fighting for a long time, even if he just broke free from the arms of death, it is also a beast of a+ level. For all the dangerous feelings, the degree of its induction is superb.

Even the four guys who are the same beasts are staring at their heads and looking at themselves with a very cute and friendly look. It also feels that Nima, these goods are too dangerous, and it must quickly restore strength! ! Therefore, after seeing four eyes, the big white bear continued to bow down and eat nutritious food. The dragon that looked like it was stunned, and it seemed that he had just seen his own strange animal sneaking a box. Is the nutritious food flowing to the bottom of the bed? Why did you start eating again suddenly? Is it nutritious food that is also flavored? Long Changyi can’t see that the big white bear of Mao’s own family suddenly feels so strong, and does not mean that Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin can’t see it.

Jin Yu was speechless and pumped his mouth. Who did he learn from his beast? What is bad? ! How can a boss like him who is so upright can raise such a black beast? Well, it must be big white and white. Their former character is very bad.

Yan Qinglin looked at Jin Yu’s face and eyes, and also pumped his mouth.

He still doesn’t want to attack people, or the welfare is gone.

Here, I am eating a nutritious liquid food to supplement my nutrition. Next to the white, small white snow and buns, it seems to be very serious and friendly, sitting around it and watching it eat, it is like supervising it to eat well. In the same way, Long Changyi, who is watching, is very sighing about the sensibility of these strange animals.

However, Long Dashao did not realize that his own white has almost been smashed, and the consequences of over-prevention are greatly increased. Finally, the goods fell to the ground with one paw covering their own eyes, indicating that they were too hard. .

You are still a sick person, you are looking for a partnership! Wait a minute, slap a slap in the iceberg! ! Next to the golden boss, how can there be such a shameless beast? ! Big white buns four looking at the big white bear support straight, that is called a music, collectively blinking, just turned and snickered.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened again, revealing the face of the old man with a bit of anger and treacherousness.

“Golden kid! How can you be murdered in the old man’s hospital?! If the old man is rescued fast, the kid may have to end up with a lifelong disability! Hey, break the glass, let’s discuss the issue of compensation!” Hearing and screaming: “You don’t pretend, the guy’s injury is just a rejuvenation laser can quickly recover. Of course, his face may stay, but he is in the house and wants to kill, you The doctor in the hospital broke into the patient’s room, even if it was a veterinary hospital, it was a big scandal.

I feel that as a legitimate defense, I should ask you for the old mental loss.

“The voice of Jin Yu fell, and the four white buns stood up and stood up. They lined up in a row of eyes and looked at the old man. It looked like a fat sheep.”

“…” Jin Lao looked at these beasts and couldn’t help but smack the mouth. Seeing that this is all without asking him. These are the beasts of this kid. Look at the little eyes of the treacherous and greedy excitement. When the beasts are like this! However, although Jin Lao has a bit of abdomen, he still likes the beast because of his professional problems. Even if the temper of these beasts is so long, it still does not hinder the love of Jin Lao.

“Hey, white sand tiger, flame leopard, snow sculpture, two-tailed white night cat, gold boy, are you lucky? These are all rare species among the a-class beasts.

“Jin Yuwen said that his mouth was rising, but before he boasted, Jin Lao said a sentence: “How? Let me give me the old one? The old man, I have the right to have money! “There was a 90-degree drop in the mouth of Jin Yu’s mouth. The look directly became a bite, and then suddenly smiled: “Well, as long as anyone among them likes you, who can go with you, the rule in my store is that If you choose your host, you are not the one who chooses them.

When Jin Yu’s words were exported, Jin Lao’s eyes were raised. He may have read a mistake. This kid is not like him, but he is more than him.

Is the beast chosen, not the one? Hey, the beast is much more expensive.

In the four moments when Jin Laozi looked at the buns, some silently discovered that the four guys who had just finished their eyes were directly facing him with their buttocks, watching the brushed ass, gold I feel itchy.

“Cut, really, when I am rare, you have a few long beasts! The old man is here to inform you that the boy who came in by relationship has been fired by the old man.

As for your kid, it’s okay on the body. If you raise your body, you can raise it if you run to your own home. Jin Yuwen said that he had turned a blind eye and had never seen such a careful old man.

But how can I say that the hospital is not comparable to my own? He also came out for a day. Although the little guy who knows the beast is hungry in the beasts, the whole layer of the robbing is the same as the thief. He still Go back to the town to play.

However, just as Jin Yu was ready to wave and let the four beasts go back with the boss who was holding his hands, the silver crystal on the chest of Long Chang’s chest suddenly lit up, and then there was a light in the ward. The screen, there is a familiar old man in the screen, at this moment, the face is full of red and violently thundering: “Hey! Where are you now?! Hurry to bring Bai Wei to the old house!! Rub, even dare to show off new in front of Laozi The strange beast, Nima really, when Lao Tzu retired, he will not fight with the little bastard?! Hurry up with Bai Wei, Lao Tzu wants Bai Wei to slap the slap to kill this goods! Grab the Laozi site!! After the smashing of this smash, the light screen disappeared at once, leaving a room with a blind eye.

Long Changyi glanced at the eyes of the big white bear who was still licking his stomach, and at the same time looked at Jin Yu with some bitter smile.

It’s really a time for Grandpa to come through this light curtain. Is this to let people rush to give people a pit? As a good boss, Jin Yu naturally smelled the business opportunity in the first time.

The face smiles like a flower.

“Gold boss.

“We have the service of renting exotic animals.”

Long Changyi sighed: “What is the price of Dabai?” “It must be pitted anyway. He might as well find the biggest pit.”

“A thousand purple gold coins.

“Jin Yue smiled and said: “One day.

“…” Can this person still die more for money? “Complete.”

“Hehehehe, you have to pack and eat!” I can also bring the buns Xiaobai and Xiaoxue to the old man, this is a gift.

Long Changyi looked at the mighty buns and Xiaoxue and nodded.

Don’t give away the don’t be white, anyway, it’s a dinner, and I won’t eat him.

Seeing Long Changyi nodded in Jin Yu’s eyes and smiled more, then he said: “We still have to understand the situation before working. What is going on? Who is the enemy? The father is so angry, the other party should not Small?” “It’s not too small, it’s just a dead end.

“The answer to Jin Yu is Jin Lao. At this time, the face is quite uncomfortable: “The side of the Jinpeng family in the south is a relative of the relatives in the capital, but Jinpeng’s family is now in trouble. Now it is getting more and more crazy.

I found the old dragon there.

“Jin Yu looked at Jin Lao slightly raising his eyebrows. This absolute and Jinpeng’s side support has hatred? Sure enough, before he finished, Jin Lao gnawed his teeth: “What is that family, actually swaying the old man’s Granddaughter, also gave the old man’s grandson a drug! ! When I thought of the old man, I would have a bird with wings to be Sun Hao. The old man would like to take the whole hospital to their home! ! “Birdman… Jin Yu pumped his mouth and said, “Why are you swearing?” “”nonsense! The family has five a-class beasts and at least thirty b-class aliens, even if it is only one-tenth of the Jinpeng family in the south, but the old man’s hospital is sick, don’t you die, do they give them different animals? ? ! “Golden old is very angry.” The gentleman didn’t know which old star to run for the old man. If he came back without a three-a-class beast, the old man would let him go for a hundred times! ! Until I find my granddaughter! ! “The author has something to say: orz, sent a letter n times… The second night is a bit more hanging, and some will be around 1:30, and the pros see the situation…

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