Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

This batch of beasts brought by Orange and Li Xiao, the degree of disability is slightly more serious than the previous bun.

Needless to say, fighting the beasts, the one with the most serious injuries died that night.

Even if Jin Yu tried his best to go to the treatment, the injury of the strange animal was too heavy and weak, and even his mental strength could not be accepted.

So Jin Yu could only take a shower carefully, then feed a meal, and finally hold it until it dies.

Although Jin Yu was very hard hit by the death of the beast, it made him feel a little comforted that the dead animal was calm at the last moment.

No death with resentment, finally, a lot better.

In the next five days, the boss of Kim has been busy doing rehabilitation treatment for the beasts. This time, with the experience of the last big white buns, and the help of other living animals, the recovery speed of the second batch of different animals It’s going to be a lot faster than before.

In the dark streets, the big gangs have seen the anecdotes of the beasts squatting in front of the door in the past few days. The same team is lined up in s, and the first team is arranged in a b shape. I feel itchy.

Moreover, these exotic animals collectively squatting in the door of the pet shop to bask in the sun, doing sports, bathing is absolutely quite up to the 138th Meng pet shop to rise face, you look at the brush up, head and eyes blinking to sell Meng! But the big-sized wife who passed by couldn’t help but blink and touch the light.

Look at the brushed head and blink your eyes! Nima’s powerful momentum, the hunters who have not found a suitable animal, or have no money to buy a strange animal, the explorers can not wait to squat directly to the beasts in their own phase! In short, in the five days of the rehabilitation of the second batch of different animals, three of the first batch of the first beasts were bought, two were living beasts, and a fighting animal was still with Xiaobai and Xiaoxue. The b level is as big as a small motorbike.

When the two goods were leaving, the head of the head was called a high one. Several legs could not wait for a flurry, facing Xiaobai and Xiaoxue: [I am gone! Laozi is really gone! Nima will never have the position of the beast and the old man to grab the window sill from now on! ! Laozi finally wants to enjoy the good life of a beast! ! The result of this sorrow is that the goods were repaired by Xiaobai and Xiaoxue when they left. The last horrible look at the explorer who bought it almost stopped the heart, or spent three The gold coin allowed Jin Yu to translate the dialogues of the beasts, and finally left the grasshopper and left.

When leaving, according to the return of a Golden Retriever that specializes in eavesdropping, tracking, and tracing, the explorer is biting his teeth all the way: “Call you! Please call you! Go back and give Laozi a good workout! There is always I have to fight back in a day!!” It was very pleasant to hear the return of Jin Yuxiao. The owner of the grasshopper selection was also very good.

Xiaobai and Xiaoxue sneered two times, screaming at the tail and fluttering their wings, and hit back? Funny! Unless you come to the ultimate variation! Otherwise, this life is all played by us! ! In addition to selling three different animals within five days, the business is still a good situation.

The days of the boss of Jinda are also very good.

In the second batch of living beasts, there are three special household chores, and two of them will make snacks and wines. When they look at their own shop windows, they will have a variety of snacks and different kinds of snacks. When the beasts are dining, Jin Yu can not be surprised if he is in a good mood.

However, the life of the beast is essentially assisting the beasts, most of them are producers, such as the tail feathers of the colorful pheasant, the rabbit hair of the blue-eyed rabbit, and the ice-water radish of these kinds, which are all able to sell gold coins, real There are still relatively few auxiliary animals to do housework.

So, at the beginning, no one would cook in the 138th beast.

You ask the gold boss to cook for Mao? ! rub! I used to eat raw meat in the last days before Laozi! It’s too late to cook! Are you looking for something? ! Therefore, when a very popular arrogant two goods did not come, the top and bottom of the cute pet shop were all eating instant noodles, or soaking snow rice, soaking meat… until the beasts felt that they were all making bubbles. When the meat was turned, it became a big boss of black unicorn. On one day, a shivering golden tiger tabby cat was kicked in, but the difference was that there was a golden, small chef hat on the head. He was wearing a big kitchen robe, and Jin Yu and other beasts were stunned. The next moment Jin Yu heard that the beasts collectively made a cheer, and Xiao Bai went straight to the front and said that the tabby cat expressed warmth. Welcome.

! [I said that if the owner does not find a savvy beast, he will go to find a relationship! Now you are finally here! We finally don’t have to eat meat! ! 】Hey! The buns slap a pat on the small back of the tabby cat, and his eyes are bright.

[You can rest assured that I will cover you from now on! Who is bullying you guys bite it! ! 】 【 【 【 【 【 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138

】 So in the flicker of several a-class aliens, the very famous b+-level life-assisted animal-like beasts are so dizzy and stay in the pet shop, and then feel very incomparable when they start their old memories. Potholes are a stimulating life.

Uh… [The old man… was it so easy to be fooled? ! Is this for wool? ! 】 This buns have been carrying the tabby cat to the kitchen to cook, and Jin Yu looked at the black unicorn that has been a door **** since the transformation, and suddenly chuckled.

Step by step to the side of the black unicorn, Jin Yu leaned his head on the boss, said: “Thank you.

In fact, he had already turned over the Dictionary of the Big Beast before, knowing the existence of this kind of beast that specializes in making food, but because the life of the c-level or above is hard to find, this b+ level is really not He can now find the existence.

The black beast next to him should have noticed this very early, in order to find such a savvy beast in such a short time.

In fact, I want to know if a person is serious about you. Is it really good? It is easy to see at the end of the world whether he will save his food for you, or will not fall into the grave when the disaster comes. Very good.

On a peaceful day, those who can notice those tiny details and silent actions are worthy of your life compared to those who swear by each other and sweet talk.

… well, if the boss is a sister paper, even if it is a queen, he is expected to be touched directly.

Jin Yu had some speechless thoughts, but when he turned his head and saw the black unicorn with a few warm and petty golden cymbals, he suddenly felt a stagnation and felt his nose sour.

From the sudden arrival of the last days to the time when he was born again, how long has it been, without such a gaze? His family, friends…and even the animals before him are gone.

And now it’s so inexplicable. One… “It’s really a pothole!” He took a deep breath, and Jin Yu suddenly reached out and hugged the boss who was still thinking about the beautiful throwing, holding the gold plaque. The evil road: “From today! If you climb to the young master, I will marry you!!” The man is male! As long as they go along with them, they will be very happy, right? Yan Qinglin did not expect that this kind of thing really happened, and the result was because of a knowing beast? However, when he saw Jin Yu’s eyes different from the past, his eyes suddenly stunned.

He knew that before this, his partner was somewhat repulsive to the ‘partner’. At least, he was burying his head and pretending to die.

However, Jin Yu at this time has been different. This is very serious in accepting and thinking. Compared with giving up and holding, Yan Qinglin feels that he is more like this kind of look.

The golden eyes became more gentle, with a smile.

The black unicorn gently touched the face of Jin Yu: “My partner will only be you from beginning to end, as for climbing | wall… I think this should be what you should pay attention to.

When Jin Yuwen said that he was ready to say anything, but suddenly the door outside the door rang the black-horned thunder dog’s screaming.

These two goods did not realize that they had met a good person the next day. After Jin Yu gave it treatment, the second goods felt that they were a bit unscrupulous at the beginning. They determined that Jin Yu would not sell it regardless of its will. Even after the injury, I can go back and play the true nature of the two goods, all kinds of pleasing and selling Meng, and then consciously took a cushion and ran to the doorway gallery to see the door.

Needless to say, this product is still very responsible, and the strength is enough.

As the black horn is called, Jin Yu can be sure that the person who is coming is definitely a big man. Only when the two blacks feel threatened, it will scream three times, like when the owner of the grasshopper came, the second black. It’s just a sigh of relief for the face.

So Jin Yu sat on the ground and looked up. The purpose was to find a young man who was quite handsome but absolutely face-to-face.

The one-of-a-kind uniform quality uniform made Jin Yu determine that this is a fat sheep.

However, let Jin Yu pay more attention and can not help but squint, but this young people bring a sense of familiarity, where did he see this goods? Such a big face that looks good and faces, he will not forget what he has to say to the author: Guess who this goods is said that the Husky is absolutely born.

Meng Er Meng two ah oh!

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