Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

When a striped zebra (mist) is full of age, the world is peaceful.

The so-called peace means that the communication between the capital star and the wild star has become more and more harmonious. The beasts can sway and eat the tyrants in the restaurant of the capital star, without being greeted by hunters and adventurers or idle. Fighting in the dead.

Of course, in fact, there are two choices after eating the King’s meal, 1, when the mascot is working to pay; 2, when the town house is working to pay.

If the above two points can’t be done, the famous exotic beasts that are sold to the dark street will be tied. Anyway, most people will not kill the beasts any more.

After all, who knows if killing a small one will have an old revenge? ! There are too many different beasts, and Nima is a place where human beings can’t compare.

In the 138th house in the dark street, Jin Yu looked at his own child on the ground and a happy animal, and his brow was wrinkled.

The frowning time was so long that the happy and the little white buns couldn’t play, and finally they could only sneak into the front of the big boss, looking at their own boss’s dad’s head. .

When the orange and Li Xiao came in with the big tail wolf and the little green, they saw the same kind of beasts that were collectively seated in a row. The big and small heads could sprout the hearts and minds of a group of people. Children, the big-tailed wolf and the little green saw the excitement and joined the enthusiasm and ran to the back to sit down on the hoe, and saw a cross on the head of Jin Yu’s head. Where did these two brain beasts come out? ! “I said Xiaojin, what’s wrong with you? Recently, the world is peaceful and has nothing to do.”

“Orange smiles and walks to Jin Yu next to the shoulders and backs, and Jin Yu has a thought to hit the wall.”

Recently, his mental strength has increased sharply with his mental endurance. Is it nerves that are conducive to spiritual cultivation? Shaking his head and rushing to get rid of this unreliable idea, Jin Yu feels that all kinds of abnormalities are not normal, but it is definitely not an abnormal brain.

“Hey, I have been idle recently.

“Golden is more cautious.”

“Ha! I know! It must be Yan Qinglin to participate in the development of the wild star exchange meeting did not bring you, so you are empty and lonely, cold! -!!” This orange light was directly buried in a ferocious whale. And, but also turned to Li Xiaodao: “Remember to let people repair the floor and house for a while.

Li Xiao saw Jin Yu’s appearance and smacked his mouth. Now this fish is definitely a violent period of dissatisfaction. If you can not provoke it, it is the truth.

The two fools who are looking for a dead end like orange, he really feels unreasonable.

“This time I am telling you something, I think you will be very happy after listening to it.

Li Xiao looked at the orange bright, and Jin Yu’s baby son struggled to bury his sand on his head and struggled. He calmly turned his eyes and didn’t bother.

“Dark Street squad said that the recent idle egg hurts, want to open a party, what do you think?” Jin Yuwen said that his eyes are bright, Emma is so good, that is, he really has a painful egg pain recently. .

“Dark Street party? Do you know what you have to know?” Seeing Jin Yu is very interested, Li Xiao is also very happy, “It is said that there are striptease contests, food competition, who knows who, etc. The project, there is also a streaking contest, what do you think?” Jin Yu: “…” The big guys in the dark street are at the lower limit of the collective show, and they are selling in the collective! ! Slightly a little difficult opening, Jin Yudao: “A little refreshed three views.

“I’m so easy to climb out of the orange and directly pick it up: “What’s the matter? It doesn’t come to compare who’s big, XXOO’s time is good, you have to know that there was really a big fight in the past. The thing, the last one that must be lost is also directly on the optical network and sent a **** | photo.

“Although there has been a great understanding of the festivals of the dark streets, but the glorious deeds of this kind have made Jin Yu unable to hold his eyes, but turned over and turned, and suddenly the eyes became a cross star. Eyes.

“Speak! I have an idea!!” Jin Yu’s eyes sparkled: “I can earn purple gold coins!” Wen Yan recently planned to save money to buy energy stone orange and Li Xiao are tight, and directly surrounded up: “What thoughts, let’s listen, it’s four or six minutes!” So, a dark street scorpion hates it in the next hundred years, but he can’t wait to remove it, but then he can’t do anything, activity, just in a certain In the case of a whale’s idle egg, the wretched birth was born.

To be honest, the seemingly sinful existence in the dark street has, in some respects, made an outstanding contribution to improving the impression of the dark street.

This is a memorable day on April 4.

Under the joint efforts of Jin Yu and Zhang Liangshan and Orange Liang Li Xiao, the dark street held a rare party on this day.

The location of the party is the entire dark street, and the content of the party, according to repeated considerations, has the following items: the first item: body beauty competition.

As the name suggests, it is the shape and beauty of the original people in the dark streets. The competition will select a male and female body king, rewarding a bottle of high-grade sperm whale essential oil.

The second item: the big stomach king competition.

The only ones in the dark street and the Golden Hotel offer 10 kinds of oversized foods. They can eat ten copies in the shortest time and win 100 meters without vomiting. Finally, reward the rice bowl restaurant lunch coupon for one year (any point, no waste) .

The third item: Ask questions quickly.

Instinctively answer a set of carefully-written papers. The final answer is all in line with the requirements. It will be encouraged by the representative of Major General Zhang Liangshan on the dark street, and reward the statue of the purple gold coin. Please be sure to cheer.

The fourth item: streaking is risky, please be cautious when participating.

Ps, this item is held in the back of the dark street, the internal competition, watching the cliff to smash a lot of purple gold coins.

When the three generations of the old, middle, and younger generations of the top ten families who were distracted and distracted looked at the brochure, the complexities in their hearts could not be expressed in words. It is necessary to know how many of them have their younger brothers’ cronies or even What are the distant relatives, this party is telling them that because of the poor treatment, why are the collective mental riots? ! Also, for the people on the side of Mao Junzheng, have come together to join in the fun? What is the group of rich people? ! Well, these onlookers don’t say anything. The point is that they will go out in groups and nod their heads to meet the big people who are entertaining. They want to buy tickets at the entrance of the dark street! ! ! “Dad, you have to pay for it, can you still go in?” The top ten family members spoke to their old dad, just asked him about the entrance fee, rubbing, this is the robbery of red fruit! ! The kid who asked the question was shot directly by him: “Crap! Come here! You are your oldest son, my grandfather, are your grandmothers very busy? Don’t go buy tickets!!” “Yes…” That kid’s face is more ugly than crying, his one-year pocket money! ! Damn dark street! ! After waiting for the top ten wealthy military and political dignitaries to drag the family into the dark street, a loud noise, the door of the dark street was completely closed.

Just as all the people who came in thought that the dark street was going to be a collective robbery, the coup, the rebellion, the music that could turn the sky sounded, and then the orange light rang in the whole street: “Below the first street, Our body contest is about to begin. Please ask the participants and the viewers to be physically and mentally prepared. After ten minutes, the game will start!” “I went, didn’t even have a guide?!” The son of a top ten family again Exclaimed, then be embarrassed again.

“Without a tour guide, you are not hurrying to ask where to find the contest?! When you Laozi, my grandmother, are your grandmothers very busy?!” “………(**” Shan Bailu said that he really is If the brain is pumped, he will bring his family to the dark street to participate in the association, joy, and meeting! Even if the boss responds and calls him, he should not come by himself. If the big brother leads, his cliff will not be changed by his own master. Oh!! It’s hard to wait for Shan Bailu to find the venue, and after leading a big and small past, the first picture into the destination will almost let Shan Bailu take a sip of water in the eyes of the blind man – what is Nima! Isn’t that really a monster? A woman with a loli face is full of scorpion meat heads bigger than his family’s strongest bodyguards?! Another man next to you, you are sure that you are a man! So it doesn’t matter if your face is tied to a weak boneless body!! “…” The world is crazy.

“Little ! Niu Niu will be the same as the big sister!” Shan Bailu looked at his niece and looked at the Loli muscle woman, licking his face and telling himself that he must be calm.

“Niu Niu, you got it wrong, the two people actually changed their heads, that is the transformation.

“”what? ! “God Sanqing Buddha forgive me, I can’t watch the niece go on the road of no return! In the end, the Loli muscle woman won the victory of the body contest female, and the man won the victory… was taken by her husband.

Looking at the two people on the stage, Shan Bailu said that this is the real husband and wife! ! “Cough, the body contest ended satisfactorily. Below is the food , the big stomach king contest, please move your friends and relatives to the second-tier street.

“You still don’t,” “I know, don’t tell me to go to the location!” “Paul White Mountains rapid escape, his father can not beat him this time.

As a result, when Shan Bailu came back to lead the person, he slammed again: “Why don’t you listen to what you said to me?!” “%*…!” “Ah, little uncle, look! So delicious. I want to eat!” Shan Bailu’s nephew glared at the surface of the table and the eyes of the table, and Shan Bailu said that Yalishan was big.

Others are good to say, the one that sits on the front of the long table with the suspected zebra with black and white stripes is a **** horse! ? The boss finally has to prove that his family is eating goods? ! Walking away from the small head stood on the long table, sitting opposite the judges on the opposite side of his family.

If Jin Yu’s face is not so dark, Xiaoyao Xiaopenyou said that he would be more happy.

“Hey, boy, this, this, the little **** will not have anything? He looks like today or tomorrow is full of age?” Is it too cruel to participate in the food game? ! Jin Yuwen gnawed his teeth: “Who knows! He carries me to sign up!! He will die for him!!”

“Prepare! Start!!” Originally thought that this game will be a fierce fight, so that everyone did not think that this turned out to be an overwhelming slaughter – the kiddie wall is open, onlookers Shan Bailu and other family members said that they have never seen a one-year-old baby swallow a food that is three or four times larger than his size! ! That is a pure food can not be compared! ! Therefore, the final outcome was an overwhelming victory, but many of them said that this is definitely the rule of the post of Jin Yu.

For this, later the boss of Jinda said in an interview: “Nima egg! I almost worried that my son was killed!! The rules of your sister!” “Cough! Below, quickly ask the mess in the third street of the dark street Hold, if you are interested, please move.

“This time, Shan Bailu was finally not sucked by him.”

However, the people on the scene were almost collectively drawn.

Because the content of the question is really inappropriate for the elderly and even the middle-aged people. The person being asked is vomiting and vomiting blood three liters. Even if they are thinking about these problems, they will be red-faced or trembling. When the last person wins, Zhang Liangshan silently stepped forward, and he looked heavily at a statue of Feiyuyu cast from purple gold coins.

“Hey, I suggest you go to the psychiatric department. Really, this set of questionnaires is our internal test question. So far, Fei Yuxi has answered the full score… What do you think?” “…I want to go Look at the psychiatry! This is not true!!” The winner screamed and fell to the ground.

“Cough and cough, what, then the fourth item.

Sincerely suggest that everyone participate in cautiously, at your own risk.

“Dad, let’s go see naked? Ben?” “Go, don’t you go?” ! “There are not many people who dare to be naked this year. It is rare to see them.”

So the young people of Shan Bailu and many other rich families can only go to the corners to buy naked and vouchers that are more expensive than the tickets, and in the heart of the infinite sputum, they do not have the big adults.

The process of naked | running a game is a secret, and the result is a heartbreaking secret.

As for why it is so heartbreaking, it can be seen from the faces of the big scorpions, family owners, etc. who came out of the secret game street. Their faces tangled their faces and tangled to a certain extent.

The juniors of the top ten families headed by Shan Bailu are in their hearts: Nima, potholes! This is! ! Ps: That night, in the forum of the two worlds on the optical network, a vaguely blurred optical frequency was released. Even if the people who participated in the competition were beaten on the ass, the optical frequency still set off a big wave of the sky. It is not the focus of the person who is suspected of being a certain person. The key point is that among a group of people, the zebra that runs for the first time is a one-and-a-half meter? ! There is a **** reply under the light frequency: Nima egg! That is the son of Laozi! ! The following hundred floors are all “…” status.

The next day, the famous dark street was surrounded by the capital star people. The people said: “We want to participate in the party! It is not good to visit the big sister!” For this, I harvested a bunch of purple gold coins. The prehistoric whales had a calm face and tied their own sons to throw the portal. Then Li Xiaohuang, who was looking at the inquiry, said: “Look at it, anyway, my son can’t lose anyone.”

“Li Xiao Orange: “…” It is said that Yu Qinglin has already returned yesterday. Are you still so violent for Mao? Orange brightly saw the dark circles under Jin Yu’s eyes and realized it.

Desire for dissatisfaction and **** | The author has something to say: Hahahahahaha………………Cough, at this point, 138 all the end of the end, thanks to the companions who are always with you, I am very satisfied and happy with you.

In the future, I will continue to work hard to write good texts, and hope that we can meet again.


Ps: Customization should have -0-, zombie comparison – slow, so it is estimated that it will wait, if it is customized, it will be said in the new article, this article will also inform, well, will be added at the time – happy to catch Zhou Fan Have a party with friends.

Stay tuned…orz

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