Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Time: XXOO years, November, 11th night.

(This is really an unlucky day.

Location: Baijiazu Residence in the southern part of the capital star, covering an area of ​​11,11 square kilometers.

(This is really an unlucky number of places.

Character: Zhang Liangshan, the prospective bridegroom, Jin Yujia, a family of prospective husbands, and the two ancestors and fathers of the top ten families, plus a group of soldiers under the command of Zhang Zhongjiang, join in the fun of the beasts, and the white family.

The total number of people is estimated to be around 11,11.

(This is still an unlucky number of people.

Challenge mission: singled out or grouped all the tigresses or male tigers of the White House before the 0:00 on November 12, and the ancestral ancestral elite of the tigress.

Grab the prospective bride Baisha, and on November 12, he was promoted to become a new family member of Baijiaxin.

Challenge the remaining time: six hours.

Challenge difficulty: epic level (usually the difficulty of this level also represents three words, please be sad.

) Current mission progress: 10% (…Nima has no miracles, please really please.

Standing in front of the white house, Zhang Liangshan walked up and down with a black face. He led a large army to call the door this morning, but he was so jealous that he called for a whole day and no one gave it. He opened the door! He sent his own scouts to go over the wall to investigate the situation, but it was thrown out in less than ten minutes. What the **** is going on! He wants to marry a daughter-in-law, not to do sss-level tasks! ! “Brother, you watched a day, really want to see death?” Zhang Liangshan looked at his own hand and the weak soldiers, wiped a face.

Looking at Jin Yu’s face, he was swallowed and peeled off him.

A whale that was already dozing off heard a moment of shaking. He helped the poorly to drop his head and coughed. He finally said: “Big brother, the time is only six hours away from 26 o’clock. Let’s Take abnormal violence measures.

Otherwise, even the door can’t enter anything, and Salsa wants to run away with you.

“Zhang Liangshan’s face has three blue veins: “You know you are not hurrying!” ! “A boss is very calm: “Your wife is not my wife.

“Well, at least the door is for you to open.”

Big Brother, the white family is a tiger’s point, and you won’t get into the tiger’s nest to get a tiger wife! “Zhang Liangshan heard some tangles: “Is it really a trick?” The money of Laozi’s daughter-in-law is not worth the money.

Jin Yu took a picture of Zhang Liangshan’s shoulder: “The real warriors dare to face the blood of the bleak benevolence and the beast.”

“It seems that something strange is coming in.”

Then three minutes later – a loud bang, the door of the white house was destroyed by a laser gun that was eager to ask his wife.

There is no residue left.

At the same time, Baijiazu House, Baijia meeting room.

All the people in Baijia and the family of Xuanwu.

“I went, this kid is powerful enough! Dare to directly bang our door?! No one dared to take this step for hundreds of years?! Is this really going to pick us up?!” Baisha’s cousin, the level of power is nine.

The expression on his face was very boring and unbelievable, and his expression represented the expression of most people at the White House.

“Hey, he has this courage to slam the door, but it does not mean that he has this ability to directly grab people!!” A middle-aged uncle is very uncomfortable opening, next to his wife Bai Jia side squinted.

“At least he dares to do this. When you first came to marry me, I even fainted everyone with the drug, so I stole it! The old lady’s marriage is said to be laughed out by other sisters of Baijia!!” Baisha’s The cousin waved a hole directly and his face was very embarrassing.

“Don’t be excited about your wife! Others’ methods are not much better! It’s not a laxative that is secretly sneaking in or buying it! In fact, everyone is the same!” The uncle saw his wife violently appease, but this appease directly gave the house The other men and women are violent.

Ah, good Bai Ling and her family Xuanhai are still very calm.

“When our family seems to be coming from the brother-in-law, it is taking the sister out of the group of everyone…” Baisha glanced at the sweet sister’s brother-in-law at the show, and then looked at the monitor that had been played outside. Husband, pumping his mouth and feeling that even if Zhang Liangshan can pass this evening, it will be difficult to support the whole wedding tomorrow.

“White brother-in-law is a good basaltic family!” Nima, they are as good as the fighters in the mobile phone rumored before the Cataclysm, Nokia! boom! One.

Bai Ling slammed his foot on the table.

“Oh! Go all your dissatisfaction to the wild man who wants to rob our sisters!! He has already hit the yard all the way, and will soon be at the main entrance! Brothers and sisters will give me -!!” Hey!! On!!”… The collective roar of the house made the white house tremble.

Also let the Zhangliangshan in the yard shocked everyone.

“In the report, I feel that the surrounding area is full of murderousness and it is recommended to retreat.

“The power of this soldier is a hunch.

Zhang Liangshan a black face, “Nima back !! I marry a wife also retreat **** !!” “If you dare to I retreat today, and so I had married one by one on a false beat you! And! If I did not focus on When the law goes to the daughter-in-law, then you will give the same son a bachelor’s bachelor in addition to the foundation!!” So, the soldiers and soldiers of the special army that had just been weak were instantly resurrected.

Eyes are one by one with amazing murderousness, nothing, no wife can stir up the foundation, what life is not to be ah ah ah! ! So, when the white-sister big sister took the white family and friends group with red eyes and rushed down, the pair was the same red eyes, the same angry Zhang Liangshan’s pro-guard.

So, the task progress at this time: 50%.

(Emma is making rapid progress, and the power of the daughter-in-law is extremely great.

Jin Yu looked at the hundreds of people who had been huddled together, and sneaked his family to prevent the violent from rushing.

He is not afraid that his son will be accidentally injured when he rushes up. Really, he is afraid that his son will rush to the accident and will accidentally injure this group of people. Others say that if they accidentally injured their big brother or the big sister of the white family, The former can still run, the latter… it’s really hard to run.

“Son, calm, calm, know? You will also marry a woman in the future, rest assured, your wife will not be so pitted.”

So calm, wait until you get your aunt, you have a cake to eat.

Really, I don’t lie to you, the cake is eaten casually, and we are not afraid of anything.

“Well, I said that Jin Yu has finally calmed his son’s eyes and puts his son in the light. He is thinking about continuing to watch the fun. There is no relationship between Jin and Yu Jinlin because of the debut of the dumplings. The quasi-heir is the only two younger brothers left.

“Hey, who am I? The boss of Jinda recently did not sell the beasts and sold the zebras? Don’t, how do you say that your store is the pet store of the capital star, and what is the zebra?” Long Chang Li looked at the ridiculous opening. He was disqualified from dealing with the family heirs and defeated the family. He was also severely punished by the dragon heir, and he was now severely punished. The identity of the family and its own assets are almost nothing.

This is a painful experience for Long Chang Li, but the wood has already become a boat. He has no possibility of turning over. After ten months of depression, he finally wants to open a little, and has redefined the goal of life – – Use your own everything to give up Long Long and disgusting Jin Yu and others! ! So, he is here.

Then, at a glance, I saw the dumplings on Jin Yu’s head.

Direct irony.

Then directly smashed the horse cell.

At this point, the melee has been going on for about an hour, removing an hour before the slamming of the white house guard, and four hours from the end of the mission.

The task process is 50%, and the remaining four steps are to enter the Baijiazu house, find Baisha, defeat the future father-in-law, and take away Baisha.

However, it seems that the process is biased.

After Long Changli opened his mouth and said the words “zebra”, Jin Yu’s face was distorted very quickly.

Not far from the side, watching the lively Jin Qian night phoenix and other people, the conditional reflexes followed back three steps, thinking that it is not reliable, simply regardless of the image directly with both hands covered ears.

Waiting for the magic sound to wear what the brain will be dead really! Just as they licked their ears.

A cry that is comparable to the ultrasonic mental attack resounded through the entire white house in a few seconds. The sound wave attack that can make people have a nightmare without a suspense, put down the dragon standing in front of Jin Yu. And his younger brother, then continue to lay down the white family and the special army.

Here we have to say that Zhang Haohan’s luck is quite good. When he heard the magic sound, he slammed his ears and said that he had heard his nephew screaming many times, almost every time. It’s twitching in the past and waking up and waking up, and the hardships in it are not enough for outsiders.

Once he felt that this scorpion was simply a demon king, and he was still pitted than the two of them, and how far it would be to go anyway in the future! but! When he saw his big sister and brother-in-law twisting his face and fainting, he decided that even if his future scorpion was pitted again, he would unconditionally pet for a lifetime! ! Jumping up to the ear and rushing to the white house, the task progress is 90%.

(This cliff is a miracle.

It took about fifteen minutes to find Baisha, and Zhang Liangshan looked at the black-faced trembling father-in-law who was in front of him and took a slap.

Sure enough, the magic sound of his nephew did not have this.

“Hey, hey! You, you think! Laozi, Laozi will faint?!” White father grinned: “You dream, Laozi’s niece will not give you!! Ah-!!” Zhang Liangshan does not Hesitant punches lie behind the father-in-law, and then stunned the person to pick up his wife, shaking his head: “Women, father-in-law is not a power and martial arts.”

“The meaning of this goods is blocking the door is dry? Baisha holding the black group of fried hair helplessly said: “If the father does not express his attitude, the mother will let him sleep on the floor.

Hey, you are so lucky, this is the voice of the dumplings? “I can’t help but block my ears. Baisha’s look is not calm: “In the future, we must not be able to provoke the little devil, so terrible.

“Well, my wife, you can rest assured that our family is very close to their home, and they are used to it when they listen.”

“…” You listened to what I meant to feed?! “And then we will be able to stick to it in the end!” ! “”…” I went to Mao for a long time. I think the life in the future is very hot. Can the old lady not marry? (The answer is no, the task completion degree: 100%.)

Congratulations to the miracle-level end of the epic mission, rewarding my wife! Here, Zhang Liangshan first brought the white house’s niece out of the white house’s ancestral home. In the other yard, Jin Yu looked at the white house’s crumbling wall and the cracking roof was finally calm. The mouth of his own son was swaying along the paws of Yan Qinglin.

“The wind is tight! Rush!” A cold wind blew, and the white man looked at his own ancestral home and the land-stricken goods, swaying the place where he could smoke, and screaming at the bustling old man: “Hey, Hao, life!! Your good deeds and grandson’s good things -!!” The author has something to say: 23333 Emma can’t, I want to laugh -0-! Rolling and rolling, the zebra horse is definitely a miraculous phrase… oh.

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