Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 173

Chapter 173

Just as Jin Yu was extremely entangled in thinking about the buns that he and Qi Qinglin might have in the future, suddenly his face appeared red, yellow and green.

Calmly looking at the three teenagers opposite, Jin Yu said: “The recent family is not happy, temporarily closed, please come back next time.

“When the frame yellow hairs and green hairs heard the words of Jin Yu, they collectively shook their heads: “We are not coming to buy exotic animals.”

“Then you smoked?” Or did the small basket run again? “The goods that can make these three boys move at the same time have no second person except the basket.”

Hey, looking at the three teenagers, Jin Yu feels that it is still a good one. The small basket will not stop in the end, whether it is three choices or all election days.

The boss of Jinda is not the most pre-historic existence that can irritate people. That sentence gives the three teenagers a spurred look in a burst of white, but Jin Yu will not think of life and death, he will lead to the future in the future. For many years.

The frame three originally considered the ferocity and revenge of a whale. For the task of the elders to explain and use the basket as a bargaining chip, there is still some scruples and resistance. Nima is not able to wait for them. It is definitely the revenge of a certain fish and the death of a group of animals controlled by the host.

But because of the basket, even if the mission risk factor is SSS, they have to do it.

However, that courage was removed half after seeing the domineering of a fish.

Originally, as long as Jin Yu said a few more ordinary words, he could be bullied and exposed to scare these three teenagers.

but! Don’t be too ferocious when you talk on your feet and stimulate your feet! A fierce will cause rebellion! ! Therefore, a teenager who was irritated and could not withstand the stimuli who could go to shi for love, was born in this moment of evil – “Golden Brother, I am forced, you must believe me.”

“Golden boss, I must see how far you have run next time!” “…” I will give you a sly every day.

After that, it will be counted.

Listening to the words of these three teenagers, the boss of Jinda was so unbelievable in his eyes that Nima was not the three boys in front of him. He was pumping himself! It is called the most in the history of the Royal Society of the Orphans. I don’t know if there is no one in the sky, no one is going to make a small head in front of him. Even if there is a small basket, it is too strange.

When Jin Yu still didn’t want to understand, he suddenly felt that the scenery in front of him was beginning to shake. Unconsciously, before he sank into the darkness, he finally realized that the three boys didn’t smoke. It was his unlucky pumping. ! ! After the collapse of the biggest hidden boss of the capital star, the three youngsters of red, yellow and green felt that they were too great. Even if the one could be overcast, they should be invincible. ! But before they got up, the three thought about the disaster after the fish woke up, the collective swallowed, and the green hair raised his right hand to inform his cousin.

“My brother, I got it.”

“There is a sturdy and sturdy one, three feet high, and the doubtful eyes cast by the next few guys, with huge pears coming to the front of the old man: “That, you see, Jin Yu has been put It fell, and someone sent him over in a while.

“!! So the younger generation in the corner collectively Sparta, seeing the eyes of Ling Chong is watching a fantasy existence.

Helping the old man to hang his grandson and grandmother, this is not important. What is important is that the goods will not dare to be swallowed up and lived. It will not be better to go out every day and go to the pit with the huge risk of the Thunder? ! “…had it?” Long Changyi said on behalf of everyone.

But finally, there are still people who know the inside story.

“Cough, what, the bug is not chasing the shadow.”

“The expression on the face of the night phoenix seems to be a schadenfreude.

“My father looks like he promised to sell this to him after he made it.”

“The crowd heard the collective silence, and then they silently read it in their hearts: love makes people brain-dead.”

After the reading, these guys are very irresponsible and continue to watch the fun.

After twenty minutes, Jin Yu, who was in a coma, was brought in. After he saw him, his face was happy.

To tell the truth, this grandson is not only a man who can’t be a baby, but everything else is quite right. Now the only thing is gone. Hey, they will be able to occupy the top ten families for a long time. One throne! Seeing the smile of the old man, everyone else was cold, and then the collectively watched Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin were pumped a pipe of blood.

Waving his hand and letting his grandson and granddaughter send home, the old man finally sat down with satisfaction and looked at the old man next to him: “Oh, hahahaha! I did it! Laozi’s grandson went to the baby, now, You guys?!” So the old man, the old man, the old man, the old man, and the old man, who were stared at by the old man, were all shocked.

Looking at the old man’s eyes with a bit of speechless, Nima, you really got a hand! However, since the old man has done it, some of them can never be considered! ! Therefore, several old men turned and looked at their grandchildren in the corner.

… “I don’t have a sweetheart yet!” Long Chang’s body stretched like a steel plate.

“I don’t have it!” The night phoenix hurriedly opened.

“I, that hasn’t caught up yet,” Ling Chong retracted.

“I haven’t married Sasha yet!” Zhang Liangshan just spoke, and the old man of the marshal said: “Take it quickly!” Nima is really not easy. If this kid suddenly likes a man later, he won’t be happy.

Long Changyi’s people are very serious and nervous about their old men. Even if they are unhappy, they can’t force them.

So the old man set his gaze on Jin Qian and Shan Bailu. These two can finally be accompanied by grandchildren.

So Jin Lao felt very painful, and his eyes on his grandson were very pit.

“I recently researched that technology myself, and when the research is done, I will go to life.

Jin Jin was very calm and helped the glasses frame, he did not want to be a mouse.

So Jin Lao was relieved and sighed, and the old man’s beard was tilted up. He said: “Don’t think that I don’t know you are a vet!!” With this huge snoring, Jin Qian’s original calm look Not calm.

Then, um, it was stunned.

Then, I was drawn with the mountain Bailu.

“…” “Old gold, I am also good for your gold family.

“The old man took a picture of Kim’s shoulder.

The latter almost spit out a blood, and Nima gave us a baby who was born to kill the cow. Is this for our family? ! Are we actually feuding? ! Regardless of how the old man died, how the other people robbed the rest of the life, and anyway, the younger brothers of Qinglin and Jinyu and the baby of Jin Qian and Shan Bailu have already confirmed their existence today.

After returning to his own store, Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin, after waking up, basically responded to the first time – “I want to marry my ancestors.”

“”……”I want, too.

Yan Qinglin touched his own little bear that he hadn’t touched for three days.

“I want to go home with a beast!!” “…” You are now the mother of the family.

Yan Qinglin continued to comfort.

“I haven’t been so pitted in this life… I want to go back to Earth. The capital star is terrible. I don’t want to be born when I don’t want to be a son. I don’t want to be a girl when I am six years old. Hey!!” Looking at Jin Yu’s nose and tears, he rushed to the ground. Yan Qinglin’s forehead had a blue vein, and his son could not, but his wife could not return to Earth! ! “This is not over.

I have pitted them for a lifetime and avenged you! “At this moment, the capital star N, including the old man, is a chill, how does it feel like being stared by a beast? Well, it must be an illusion, an illusion! One day later The 10-year-old Yu Qinglin Jin Yu’s retaliatory action began in this way, and the suspects were almost all smothered by the scorpion.

Has reached the point of not leaving home.

Ten months later, Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin, who were forced to prepare for their thoughts, saw a slap in the most luxurious and comfortable baby room in the family’s most luxurious and comfortable baby room. .

Then, um, there is no more… (! Fog!) The author has something to say: -0 – and listen to the next decomposition… oh.

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