Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Jin Yu looked at the white teeth gently bitten out of the teeth, but also with a stinging right hand, silent curse for Mao is not a dream.

Just black unicorn, oh no, it should be said that this guy named Qi Qinglin said, every word is opened, he knows, but after they are together, he does not understand.

Even if you really understand it, he still has to understand it! ! Jin Yu was incomparably sullen, and did not think that he still had such a day to escape from reality. He said that he wanted to be the same year… but he even came to the end of the world to eat people! But now, he feels that his ability to withstand is really fragile, really.

“Why don’t you talk?” Yan Qinglin looked at Jin Yu, who had been surprised by the initiative to let the white sand tiger bite, and now the low pressure and silence, the eyes flashed a little bit puzzled: “Do you are stimulated by energy? The brain is broken?” “…” Jin Yu began to try to inhale and exhale, he did not know the brain damage of this fierce animal skin! ! “If it is not like this… Then, you because I admit that you are my partner, and happy to say nothing?” Yan Qinglin said that the cold face slowly revealed a smile “Although you really don’t deserve me in terms of identity, I don’t mind.”

No matter how toss others, it will not affect us.

“”! ! Xiaoye went! ! “I can’t bear it any more! I don’t have to bear it anymore! Jin Yu directly stretched out his fist and yelled at Yan Qinglin. His face was black and extreme: “Your sister can’t match you!” Xiaoye still thinks you are not worthy of my grandfather! ! How far is it to me? ! “Jin Yu fried his hair because of Qing Qinglin, but even so, the fist he shot didn’t hit a ferocious boss, but instead he was stunned by the right hand with the green face. The smile on the face was gone, and the whole ice of the year was cold and said: “Although I admit that you are my partner, you should not provoke me if nothing is wrong.

You must know that before you were dare to yell at me, you have already died without a city.

“”…” heard the words of Jin Yumo, the silence of hard work.

Is there anyone more sad than he is? ! The beast is amazing! The boss is amazing! ! When the younger man has reached a hundred s-class beasts, you have to kill you! ! Yan Qinglin saw a hint of helplessness in the eyes of Jin Yu’s murderous attempt. The hand that had originally held Jin Yu’s hand turned into a light grip, and could not help but sigh: “I have not carried out a domestic violence against you, nor Forcing you to do something, why are you so tossing?” I can’t hurt me, and I am sulking.

At this time, Yan Qinglin boss has subtly noticed a thunder point of Jin Yu, so he did not say the last sentence because of instinct.

After all, it was less than an hour before it was with Kim, because he said that the word weak is causing Jin Yu’s hair to be no longer twice, so boss presupposes: everything and ‘weakness’ The word-related words and phrases will cause a strong rebound in the fish in the arms. If it is not good, it will be pumped by the fish tail, so it is forbidden.

Sure enough, after the last sentence of the thunder, the chances of Yan Qinglin’s acceptance in Jinyu were greatly increased. Jin Yu’s face was a bit suffocated after listening to Yan Qinglin’s words. It seems to be true… I’ve got rid of the ‘domestic violence’, which I don’t know how to mix in. This guy hasn’t really done anything bad about him since he woke up, even though he forced him to eat a weird snake, let He just didn’t have a painful death, but it was this guy who just checked his situation for the first time to help him recover, and he could hear it from this guy’s words. He was all in good intentions.

So, is he a little fussed? Or is he a little nervous? In fact, think carefully, if you follow the guy who is holding him, do not force him to do anything, protect him from harm, but also let him eat and drink, this is simply a huge purple gold in the sky. Block? As for what is called a ‘companion’, as long as it is not forced, isn’t that a title a title? This is definitely a profitable sale. What is he tossing and rejecting? ! And the most important thing is, did he refuse? Silently turned a blank eye, Jin Yu looked at the handsome and unspeakable face on the top of his head, and said with a black face: “You really won’t force me to do anything?” Yan Qinglin saw Jin Yu’s attitude rare. I became gentle, and I didn’t go to the depths to think about some of my own welfare. I was very serious and nodded. “This is nature.

“You will protect me?” Let me eat and drink without worry? “This is completely attached. In fact, after a fish has listened to the answer of the first article, the corner of the mouth has been unconsciously tilted up.

“This is the responsibility of the superior.

“Yu Qinglin sees Jin Yu smile, and the momentum of the whole body has become mild.”

“With me, the whole dark street, even all other undeveloped hunting planets, can be tossed with you.

My strength and power are bigger than your imagination.

“For the black unicorn boss, this kind of sentence and tone of the game to show off the companion Jin Yu decided to ignore, the strength of the young master does not say stunned, as for the power? Have you seen the power of the big guy himself to play alone? And when you think about it carefully, the person who appeared before is also very awkward. In that small warehouse, it is like avoiding chasing.

If you are really the head of the superpower, how can you get here? However, at this time, Jin Yu has transformed most of the defensiveness and hostility of the Kirin boss into the tolerance and shortness of ‘self-person’. Anyway, facing a look that is true to you, If you want to protect your guy, even if Jin Yu’s heart is still a big hostility, at this time, there is no way to go down.

Some helplessly sighed, Jin Yu held his arm and sat up from the arms of Yan Qinglin, then turned to the guy and said: “Well, I don’t care if you are really powerful or being chased and killed, but From today, you are your own.

And for my own people, I can’t guarantee anything else. I can guarantee that no matter what huge danger or challenge you face, whether you have a lot of money or strength, whether you want to stay temporarily or stay forever, As long as you come, I will prepare a room for you to completely relax and trust; as long as you say, I will support you unconditionally.

“My strength is weak, but I can never betray.”

“So, what is the partner, except that Lao Tzu is not willing to be crushed, this is the model partner. Is there a woody thing? Of course, Jin Yu’s last suspected boss has not said anything, so his remarks are heard in Yan Qinglin. In the ear, like the vow of the most loyal and warm, it is so direct and deep in the heart of the boss.

The golden double ochre quickly deepens. When Jin Yu still feels that his own practice is appropriate and good, he is dragged into a hard state by a strong force, and in the next moment, the lips are Some cold but soft things covered, some strong but careful touch.

! ! ! When Xiaoxue’s paws were carrying a big bag of breakfast, sitting on the back and sitting on the white and happy to buy breakfast, they saw that their boss’s adults had opened their feet and suspected that they would not move. The man whose strength is absolutely above the sss level is full of red.

“Scratch! Next time, suddenly, suddenly, that oh, I will let the buns and big white bite you!” He definitely did not admit that he had just lost his heartbeat and accelerated! For the first time in his life, he was smashed to the ground, and he was sitting on the ground with a gloomy look at his own companion. He just had a conditioned reflex! If you really shot, this guy is not dead enough at one time! However, when Yan Qinglin’s gloomy gaze saw the face of Jin Yu’s red rice, he suddenly went all the way, shook his head helplessly, and Yan Qinglin sighed in his heart, his partner was actually a temper. And the ability is very good, that is, sometimes too fond of tossing, and now it is easy to be shy… Forget it, look at what he just said to make himself happy, this time I will not care about him.

Unconsciously stood up from the ground, Yan Qinglin patted the dust on his body, then sneered and glanced at the buns and white next to him: “Just rely on them? Do you want them to change their teeth again?” “… …” So Jin Yu gritted his teeth! Isn’t it a fierce beast boss! ! You have to have a hairy hair! ! Wait for Laozi to find a bunch of a-class aliens! ! And the beggar and Dabai, who were threatened by innocence and beggars, were crying silently at this time. We have a little bit of jj in the last generation! Lying in the middle of the gun was also hated by the boss, which also let us live? !

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