Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

And regardless of the departure of Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin, what kind of shocks have been caused to the parties in the presence, and no matter how much the old guys will control the situation after they leave, in general, now Different from each other, at least Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin are completely different from the road between the top ten families.

Therefore, when both parties are not willing to compromise the concessions, they still have to do their own work, with a view to follow-up.

When a fish screamed with anger, it directly launched the function of transmitting the key on the neck. When he and Yan Qinglin stepped on a huge black crested head at the same time, the goods reacted and they impulsively Put it.

Looking at being trampled, there was no anger, but he was still happy to think that this is the phoenix calluse of the game. Jin Yu felt that if the beasts were like this, um, human beings should be quite happy.

Hey! 【the host! Master owner! ! 】 The fierce Jin Yu heard a familiar snoring, and then his face turned from the yin to the sunny and turned, from the white and white buns, Wang Wang, these fighting animals to the blue-eyed rabbit, the Golden Retriever, the beast, etc. The life assisted the beast, all the beasts in his shop stood in front of him, one by one with a panic look.

“What’s the matter?” Here is the earth, not the capital star. Even if he gives Dabai a wink and let it have a sudden incident, he will quickly run with a house of strange animals, but he can really see this running. The situation of the road appeared, Nima is very maddening.

“Are you being robbed or our store being robbed?” If the latter is the principle of revenge for death.

“We are going to be confiscated!” Xiaobao was sitting on the head of Wangwang’s head at this moment, holding a bamboo bite in his paws, like a bone that bites an enemy.

“We have just been sent back by the boss, the whole beasts in the dark street are rioting, but the beasts in our store are very good, except that a few owing flats have been corona by the second black, the others are I am waiting for the owner to come back.

“When the words of Jin Yu’s face are slightly better, he knows that his beast is definitely better than others.”

But… “So how come you come here?” And is it a big migration? “Hey, this can be explained.

“I didn’t wait for Xiaobao to answer. The oranges and Li Xiao appeared in the woods next to them, along with the small green and big-tailed wolves on the claws.

“Brother, I am sorry, it is our troubles.”

Li Xiao looked at Jin Yu’s face and smiled, and screamed at the small green head next to him: “I and the oranges knew that bad things happened after the riots. After all, such a large-scale alien riot is still the first in a million years. Once, for a time we were all a little bit, and the little green and big tail wolves were quite angry at the time, but they were more rational and think for us, just screaming a few times against the sky.

Originally, there is nothing like this. After all, after seeing such a picture, all the beasts with blood and wisdom will be angry. I and the oranges believe that when they are exhausted, we can go together to find a solution…” Orange looked at Li Xiao’s gloomy look and snorted: “Let me! The latter things are very simple. After the riots of the beasts, there are troops who have arrested and killed the animals. The animals that have no attacking power or are not moving in place are only caught, although I don’t think they are caught. After that there will be any good treatment, but! For those fighting animals that look very excited or are venting, the military is not so good.

“The instructions they received were to kill innocent people.”

“When I was orange, I looked at the paw and head of my big tail wolf and slammed it. “Nima, the stranger of Laozi’s family is screaming at the sky and not smashing his house to steal him. I haven’t eaten their wife, so I have to use a laser to shoot it! ! “We looked at the situation is not good, but now I don’t want to get a fight with the military, so I thought of it after hiding a wave.”

Li Xiao’s face was a little embarrassed: “But the army was dead and biting us, so I finally caught up in the store.”

As a last resort, they came here with all the strange animals.

After all, neither I nor the oranges believe that the little green and the wolf will be treated well after being taken away by the military.

“Is still kind?” “Orange brightly smiled and said: “I can thank God as long as they can give a happy Wolf! ! After Nima looked at the light screen, I was afraid that the wolf would be taken to the institute to be tossed! That is simply devastating! ! “After listening to Li Xiao and Orange, Jin Yu only smiles when he smiles. People are really digging their graves. The riots of the beasts can not only be a war with almost no solution between the beasts and human beings. In addition, there is also an infighting between people, this is really … pit · ah!! “Gold? “Gold brother?” Jin Yu? “Orange light shouted two no one cares, a touch of face: “Prehistoric whale! ! “”what? ! “A certain fish reacted.

“…you are really an antique. You have to talk to us quickly. What are you going to do now? Before we left, it seems that I heard that you were summoned to see the president. What do those top people think?” Yu Wenyan just rolled his eyes and sneered a few times to get some cold from the surrounding air. “What can they think? I don’t see rabbits don’t sprinkle eagle, no benefit, early, one by one.” I thought that things are not serious. The whimsical preparations and the fairies are fair and fair, and it is best for them to wash their brains and let them consciously return. This is their idea.

“Liao Xiao and Orange Liang both opened their eyes at the same time: “Their brains are clipped by the door panel?” ! “…”” silently, Jin Yu shook his head: “There are chips, but the chips are not comparable to what you want.”

Hey, anyway, I absolutely don’t think they can think about it. When the beasts are two idiots, even if there are more than half of the beasts, but at least one or two of them are smart and bald. Let’s take a look… The big guys should soon know that their ideas are wrong. They are not fools. After losing one or two times, they will choose the right method. After all, people are not fools, and, There are many people like you.

In fact, the more turbulent the year, the more uncomfortable the locomotives are. The water can carry the boat and the boat can be overturned. At this time, the water is like a wave period of turning over the boat. A bad, the established regime of the entire capital star. It will be subverted thoroughly.

There are many good and rational people, just more people who are vacillating. When people who are vacillating slowly return to rationality or think clearly, people can have enough cohesiveness and methods to face the current riots of alien tales… …and before this… I glanced at the silver beast that was surrounded by the butterfly and the golden monkey. Jin Yu sighed. He was a small person. What he could do was secretly take his search and rescue team every night. Bring those seriously wounded beasts back to the earth to raise them, at least let the strange beasts left for the master not to be completely chilled.

“Hey, the irreconcilable contradiction.

Jin Yuxi’s face was stunned, thinking about how the leader reconciled some irreconcilable contradictions. He only thought for a long time that he found himself wanting to marry. The face was at least the same species. What is the opposite of people and beasts now, how can you do it?! “Gold, what do you say?” “Orange does not hear the mutter of a fish.”

“I said! I went to see if the beast was saved!! In addition, I have to retreat for a while, nothing to bother me, even if there is something, don’t bother me!!” He walked to the silver armor. Next to the beast, Jin Yu used his mental power to check its condition, and then his heart was slightly loose.

Perhaps it is because in the belly of an old guy, the red blood next to the heart of this guy is finally not spreading to devour its life, and Jin Yu still sees a thin layer of pale green around the red light. Light spot, I think it should be the old guy’s handwriting.

… Thank you.

Small, but what is this? Is there something interesting happening? Oh, my other things, I just think it looks very interesting ………………I wipe! How long has it been! ! How did the old guy’s temperament change from a rigid, one-pronged tactic to a robotic genie? ! Did you directly skip the father mode and the mother mode and go straight to metamorphosis? ! Is this too unscientific? ! Hey You are thinking about the mess of things, people can’t understand, people are not shemale, saying that shaking m and shaking s is a **** horse, you know? Snapped! ! Meng Jinyu slaps a slap in front of his face, and then squats up and down, no, no, this place can no longer stay, Nima is more terrible than the alien riots! A planet has changed… T-T, who will save me? ! “What?” boss is simply an angel.

“No, I was ruined three times.

“Golden bitter face, turned to look at Li Xiao and orange: “I plan to organize two teams from this evening to bring back the injured or hidden animals. Do you both participate?” “Liao Xiao and Orange shine the same words as the glutinous rice: “Go! “It’s good to burn a few research institutes along the way! The institute thinks it has been lying numerous times.

“Then let’s plan,” [, I said that the collection of this **** I brought is super funny? ! This is an episode of the strange light and shadow of the beast! ! I spent a thousand gold coins! 】…… suddenly the air temperature drops to a negative number.

Jin Yu slowly turned his head and looked at a buns that were showing off.

Lao Tzu wants to make you a buns! ! – This is the strong heart activity of the boss of Jinda at this time.

The author has something to say:–Continue to accumulate 0-0 in credit…

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