Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

In the past two days, the big brothers living in the dark streets are not in a good mood.

When they are in a bad mood, they directly lead to the subtle atmosphere of the dark street.

Especially those little ones, I think that the old boss is too violent, it is really difficult for them to be embarrassed… In fact, it’s bluntly, there has really been no big change in the dark streets in the past two days – the grandfathers on the street stalls are still squatting. The pipe is playing chess with leisurely chess, and the fire can take off your shoes and pump your ears. The nanny who cooks at the house at home still smiles and saves most of the rations to take home, leaving only one A small part will be eaten by Dagu, if you don’t let her bring a kitchen knife to hack you.

In addition to the irreversible npc-style characters that have existed for a long time in these two dark streets, the dark street has added another npc for public service in these two days.

Generally speaking, npc is a very popular service for the public. But those who have played games know that although npc is serving the public, in many cases, they are far more popular than the service.

Therefore, when Jin Yuwen sat on the back of the buns, he led Dabai, Xiaobai, Xiaoxue and other more than 20 disabled animals to pull huge garbage trucks, knocking on the dark streets and big sisters. At the time of the door, the big sisters who were in a good mood couldn’t help but drop the cup and pat the table.

“Collect garbage!” Hey!! “Collect garbage!” Hey -! “Onsite service!” ! “Package you are satisfied!” ! The voice of Jin Yu, who has been forced to be familiar, sounded outside the door of Da Yu’s sister, and with every shout of Jin Yu, there was always a singer of one or two different beasts.

Sitting in the room, a bald head screamed directly to the water that had been drunk in his mouth, and then accepted the wiping of his own hands with a blank expression. At the same time, he recalled that he was two days ago because of I heard this voice too violent and directly opened the door and slammed ‘going out’, resulting in a painful picture of four a-class beasts.

You said that you collect garbage when you collect garbage! You can’t come by yourself! You carry four a-class aliens and a group of disabled animals, and sometimes add two more fun (small green and big-tailed wolves) to collect garbage is dry hair? ! Isn’t this a bully? ! We don’t mind if you take up the garbage disposal office. We all decided to throw the **** on the street. How can you sell it after you get it cheap? ! And still mandatory! ! what? You said that this garbage collection is absolutely voluntary? Never ask for it? ! Volunteer your sister! ! If I volunteered to say that Mao Laozi said yesterday: There is no garbage today, the six a-class beasts and a large group of disabled, more than 20 different beasts from f to b are instantly squatting at the gate of Laozi. Don’t go before? ! Your sister’s still screaming at the old man’s teeth! ! Still screaming and screaming one after another! ! Is this still voluntary? ! I voluntarily go to the point where you will not swallow the garbage! ! And the most rude to the bald head is that yesterday, because there was almost no garbage, the former hunter of his family’s sergeant directly sent a bag of flour to the garbage, even though the bag of flour was worth a few dollars. But if you continue in the long run, will you not let them pass this day? ! Compared with the resentment of these amnesties, Jin Yu felt that he actually led his own beasts to collect garbage. The charges were really unsatisfactory and very beneficial to the people.

You said that for those who can earn thousands of ‘Zijincoins’ in a random task, or to move the gdp of a town on the capital star to a negative growth, the dumplings are ten gold coins ( Three hundred meat buns of money), what can this be? This is not worth mentioning at all, is it not? But the problem is not really the ten gold coins or three hundred meat buns. The big ones don’t need these money, but they really lack security. If there are more than twenty different animals screaming at your door every day. Tooth decay, even if they are not malicious, but in your heart, there will be chills! ! Therefore, after Jin Yule led the beasts to pick up the garbage truck and collect the garbage from house to house for three days, Li Xiao and the orange thorns squatted with a pair of glasses and looked very book-like. The Sven man walked into the unrecognized garbage disposal office.

“Hey? Big Brother? How come you and the oranges? This is?” The time is worth a few gold coins with a bunch of strange animals grinning, Jin Yu’s face with a very satisfied smile, and that smile is in a small Against the backdrop of piles of gold coins, it looks quite ugly.


That, hello.

“Svenwen’s glasses book saw a little blush and coughed twice after seeing Jin Yu’s smile. Then he reached out and introduced himself: “My name is Wu Xiao, I am a street security office.”

“… This is a cold spot for a while.

Then the buns extended their claws instead of their own boss and Wu Xiao’s claws. Jin Yu raised his right hand and rubbed his ears. He smiled: “Do you want to say it again?” Is there a completely ineffective existence of the street security office in this era? ? ! “Hey, Xiaojin, although I know your feelings very well, but this one can be.”

Li Xiaoton snorted, and it was a solution for the glasses that had already blushing and looked at the paws of the buns.

Although this book seems to be quite good bully and easy to push down, but the bully and the person who pushed him is not very good to deal with, and this book itself is not without skill.

However, no matter which year and time, there is a backing or a different one… Jin Yu looked at Li Xiao’s behavior and face and basically grasped the situation of this book, since there is a backing character, and he himself Not annoying, then listening to him can be no problem.

Reaching out to bring the buns back, Jin Yu reveals an elegant and gentle smile: “Hello, I am Jin Yu, well, I came here, I don’t know what happened to Mr. Wu coming to me?” Looking at Jin Yu’s smile Wu Xiao and I couldn’t help but blush, and then took a deep breath: “That, I have received complaints from many people in these three days.

It is said that your garbage collection has caused both physical and psychological damage. If you continue this way, the dark street front street will let the younger brothers go to our office to cry. If they cry, they will jump. Nie River.

“”and so? “So, for our quiet considerations and the safety of the younger brother, my, solemn request, Mr. Jin, can you not collect garbage?” “Wu Xiao seriously asked questions.”

Jin Yuwen’s look is unchanged, and he continues to laugh: “Do you want me to go to the door of your office with a group of beasts to cry and scream, and then take them to the Nile River to swim?” Obviously Wu Xiao did not Thinking of this layer, he stayed for granted.

“This is actually not very good.

“But I have to feed so many people with more than 20 mouths, I am not easy.”

Jin Yu stretched his hand and sighed.

“Hey, are you going to lead the beasts to trash in the future?” Wu Xiao scratched his head and thought it was incredible. “You have four a-class beasts here. If you pick up a few tasks, you can support them.” what.

“Golden nodded and nodded: “The words are like this, but you look at the disability of their injuries now, how can I take them out of the task? Actually… I want to open a pet shop in a different animal, but I don’t have gold coins.” Wu Xiao has already been rejected by Jin Yu’s words, but I don’t know what to do. When it comes to their street security office, In the dark street, this place is really just a display. He also knows that this is the way his family made it for him to find something to do.

Originally, he was just a safe and stable day to see if there was any street fight in the dark street. However, the wooden box that received a complaint complaint yesterday was suddenly directly blasted, so Wu Xiao felt that since Such a fierce problem, and it is the first concentration problem in so many years, he must handle it anyway.

What he didn’t expect was that this problem was really difficult to handle.

He doesn’t want to break his life, but he wants to calm his grievances. How can this be good? When Wu Xiao was so worried, he suddenly heard the phrase “opening a pet shop”, so in an instant, the book was left open.

“Ah! If you are because there is no gold coin to open the store, I can lend you money!!” This will solve the problem.

However, Jin Yu looked at the excited expression of this book, turned his head and scratched his white chin.

“Who is your family who manages the money?” “…” In a word, he killed the glasses.

“So, I still collect garbage.

“Golden nodded.”

“Wait! You wait! I, I, I can…! You can be your sister.

“Wu Xiao was almost stunned by Jin Yu’s sentence. The result was a sudden and very powerful words after the excitement, which directly led Jin Yu to turn his eyes.

A faint push of glasses, Wu Xiao, who has changed his momentum, is very interested in watching Jin Yu, and then said: “We don’t pay, just let those guys raise funds.”

I think if they are thinking about their safety and peace in the future, they should be happy to donate money for a shop.

“Wang Xiaojin couldn’t help but pick an eyebrow,” the former smiled calmly. “I share a body with him. I manage the money.”

“…So Jin Yu is silent again.

Well, in this world, since the | attack has become a reality, he really does not have to make a fuss.

On the side of Li Xiao and Orange Liang saw Jin Yu still calm expression, slightly relieved, this guy in front of the eyes is already the back of the dark street, the strength is the hunter eight, than Li Xiaosheng Two levels higher, so I can’t afford it.

“Since you have already thought of a solution, then the next fundraising will be called, because I am penniless, so please do not charge the fundraising agency fee… Ah, forget it, I will go directly with my own beast. It’s the last time to collect garbage.

“So Wu Xiao, Li Xiao, and Orange Liang are collectively silent. Orange is in the heart of the Tucao: How much do you love money? Because you are afraid of people’s corruption agency fees, you come to your door?! In fact, what you want is what you want.” In the experience of a collective garbage collection of people’s fun? Collecting garbage received you this child! The dark goods of the second street have to do more in the last life…?!

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