Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Kim Yu stood on the street made of materials that I didn’t know, and looked up at the horses, deer, cows, and sheep with long wings flying around; huge bats, donkeys, and sparrows; The two-tailed cat and the three-four-tailed fox felt that they were dreaming.

This is an absurd and hard-pressed dream. Everything here is broken. High-rise buildings and thatched-roof houses coexist. The ancients in robes are followed by a light-skinned robot with a rolling screen in the air. Playing the world of animals, but what makes him feel speechless is that the opening headline is actually — to pay homage to our former home.

“Hey, if I can’t wake up within three minutes, I will go to the ruins tomorrow to find some sleeping pills.”

Jin Yu said as he went to a dilapidated wooden house on the side. After he arrived, he gave himself a slap.

“I am going to go! It hurts to kill the younger!!” Meng suddenly jumped from the place where Jin Yu’s tearful life licked his face, and then circled from the Stone Age to the different people of the punk empire. Under the strange vision, some of them wandered out, and when they left, they heard a discussion: “Hey, it is a sub-ethnic who can’t find a job and is not willing to accept reality!” “Oh… these are all The tenth I saw today? Hey, in fact, the Asians can go to the aristocrats as servants, but why are they so unsatisfied?” “Forget it, anyway, there are not many Asians anyway.” And they still have a disadvantage, and when they are a little less, they have to enter the reserve.

“…Asian kind? Protected area? Noble family? Servant?! In order to attract attention, Jin Yuzhen is in the corner of the wall, thinking about the few words he just heard.

Although Jin Yu is still mentally strong and believes that he is dreaming, the few phrases that have just made him feel a bad feeling from the bottom of his heart.

“Is it right? If you have a volcanic eruption in the end of the world, I will live with my pet. The earth is still not destroyed. How can Laozi suddenly cross?” Looking down at his chest, there is a semi-circular shape of blue jade on his neck. Just the gold hole is shrinking. The stone is still the stone, but the color is no longer pure blue like the sky and the sea. Among the blue, it was added with silk and green.

“… Is this funny?” Jin Yu silenced for a long time and had some difficult openings.

Then I used another hand to add a slap in the face of the other half of my good face, and sat down on the ground.

Looking at the surrounding environment with a bitter smile, Jin Yu’s mood is as messy as the environment.

The world is obviously not his world, although his world is already scarred and almost comes to an end, but in his time, there are no flying horses and cows, no bats bigger than people, no blue. Colored sky and stable land.

The disaster caused by the impact of an asteroid on the earth is of a world-class level. In just five days, the man who had previously dominated the earth on the earth has disappeared by ninety-nine, and the rest are all desperately fleeing, expecting to survive. .

Jin Yu is part of the rest of the people. Because of the special reasons of her family inheritance, he knows the language of the beast and is more able to control some little beasts through mental power.

Perhaps it is the luck of misfortune, because the end of the world’s disaster, his mental strength after tearing his head for a whole day, and then wake up, has become a geometric horror.

Because of this, Jin Yucai survived from the terrible disaster. Until he came here, he had been with a few beast brothers he had conquered for a month under such circumstances.

Originally, Jin Yu thought that maybe he would die until he died. His days would have passed under such circumstances. But just after blinking today, he came to the front and this is a very weird mix, but it is full of vitality. world.

At least, everyone’s face has no desperate look.

The question is, how did he come from? “Did it be another explosion when Xiaoye was sleeping?” Suddenly Jin Yu’s mind flashed a very dazzling light, and he was scared to death.

“Forget it, I want to do so much, anyway, I have come, and I am lucky to be alive!!” Shaking his head from the corner, Jin Yu Yang Tian shouted, “Little White, Big Flower, A Cat, A Dog, Ahu, A wolf!! You have been in heaven, you have a good life in the next life, the master is still alive, I will burn you money every month!!” This sound is more shocking than the wolverine The colorful mouse in the corner and the sparrows on the two wings of the eaves attracted a roar of a man who was solving the urgency. Jin Yuxiao hurriedly plunged back and ran back to a towering tower with the ‘Longmen Hotel’. In front of the hotel in the cloud, I thought about turning around and walking towards the thatched house that was swaying across the ‘Longmen Inn’ banner.

“Hey, old man, I will cook the dishes for you to cook the floor. How do you let me stay for one night?” After all, I just came to this strange place, who knows who is in danger when I spend the night in the open air? ! The old man sitting at the front desk and looking at the eyebrows, opened his eyes and glanced at the opposite Jinyu. The fangs revealed a gap: “I have a home robot.

“Although Jin Yu does not know the specific effects of home robots, it does not hinder his brain.”

“Hey, how cold is that thing, can I tell you, do you give your legs a back?” The old man said a glimmer of light in his eyes, and then continued: “I have a home robot.

“Hey, you see that you are lonely, no one is talking, how cool, I am warm in your heart!” “Whether the old man said that his family has a home robot, Jin Yu is still dead and looking for various reasons not to go. In the end, the old man finally got angry.”

“Which are you! How can the skin be so thick!!” Jin Yu is as good as a flow: “As long as you take me in for one night, I am your home.

“This sentence gives the old man’s face like a swallow of a hundred flies. Finally, the old man sighed: “Oh, anyway, one night, if you don’t go tomorrow, I will Just looking for a stranger to swallow you.

“Buzz said that he should not go out today. Is it a trouble to sit in the sun in the doorway?! Jin Yuwen said that he smiled when he was on the phone. “You can rest assured that you need to adapt to this place. I can adapt to it tomorrow.” of! “When the old man fixed the look of Jin Yu, he suddenly said: “Boy, you should not be smuggled?” Don’t think that if you look good, I will be able to get through, and I will never give in.

“Jin Yuwen uttered his mouth and immediately shook his head: “How come, I am a first-class law-abiding people!” The old man’s eyes were picked up. In the end, he only sneered two times and got up. Jin Yu, who looked at the back, couldn’t help but feel cold and sweat. At the same time, he made up his mind that he must figure out everything in this new place in the shortest possible time. Basic common sense, so that if you walked on the street, you would suddenly be caught in a bag and still in prison.

After a whole afternoon, plus a night of dead skin lazy face, abducted, awkward little child talking, old-age but not weak old man crossing the road, waiting for the tired dog to become a dead dog When he arrived at the thatched cottage called ‘Longmen Inn’, he had basically mastered the general situation of this new world.

This really is a world of mashups.

The time is 106825 years, and the location is among the galaxies named Xuanxing.

The planet he is now on is the parent star of the mysterious galaxies, known as the planet with the closest climate to the former Earth.

Through the little doll mouth Jin Yu knows that the human beings here are all from the planets of the Earth, but because of the different climates here, humans and animals have produced more or less variation.

Today, thousands of years later, although the climate has been stabilized under the unremitting efforts of mankind, the changes have penetrated into the blood and bone marrow and become part of the gene chain.

And because most of these changes are enhanced physical and offensive defense, the humans here have accepted this change, and even many younger generations are proud of it.

These heterogeneous human beings are called ‘new humans’ as far as the original human beings. Because the body is severely eroded by the environment and becomes quite weak, it becomes a ‘sub-human’.

The pure human beings have almost disappeared until now.

In addition to the parent star, there are more than a dozen planets that allow humans to survive, but the climatic ecology on those planets is still quite severe, and the mutated beasts and demon plants are hidden in every corner, so Few outside the explorers and hunters, humans will live on those planets for a long time.

But at the high point of each planet, there will be human-built hunters’ hotels as a presence that provides convenience and monitoring dynamics.

As the most extensive profession in the world today, there is one of every five people who is an explorer or hunter. They go to different planets to hunt beasts, find treasures to survive or get rich overnight.

They are mostly new human beings. They have the blood of a beast or the energy of a demon plant. They can strengthen certain parts of the body and survive and act in the harsh environment of the planet.

In addition to self-reinforcing, every explorer and hunter will have one or more different beasts that fight alongside him.

This is for Mao, Jin Yu will see the horses flying in the sky and the cats jumping and jumping.

Because the needs of the beasts are extremely high, there are a variety of exotic animal service industries on the parent star, such as the Alien Hospital, the Beast Skills Teaching Institute, and the estrus estrus bureau… Until the news was heard, Jin Yu was relieved.

Because at this time, he finally found a way to mix and eat. If he could not become a hunter and explorer without a laser sword, then he could also rely on his own strength. Become a **** veterinarian? Or a good hosting staff.

The tired Jin Yu was lying on the thatched bed of the thatched inn, and it was very fragrant. In his opinion, the life in the future will be very beautiful, but Jin Yu has forgotten one of the most difficult things to cross into the high-tech era. So that his future life basically bid farewell to the sunny days, returning to the chaos of passion burning…

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