Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 255

Chapter 258

Wang Shoufu’s mansion, the master bedroom wing.

“I heard that the emperor is holding a poetry meeting today? Why didn’t you go?”

After finishing packing, Wang Shoufu’s wife was lying on his side.

“en.” He responded in a low, muffled voice.

After a long while, it seems to be explaining, seems to be talking to himself

“It’s a bit ridiculous, I’m talking about myself”

An invitation card written by the emperor himself, inviting him, a Grade 4 scholar, to participate in the poetry meeting.

Even if I don’t go, I will send someone to respond, even if it is to find a reason for being unwell.

But he didn’t say anything, took the invitation, didn’t say go, didn’t say no.

In the end, the old minister did not go to see the emperor.

“Alas…” A long sigh came from behind.

At this moment, the world-famous Grade 4 scholar, with Overwhelming Righteousness Qi in his chest, is probably not as good as a Grade 5 scholar.

Scholar, after all, is inseparable from the dynasty.

“If you do this, they will know that they won’t obey”

Mrs. Wang is a little worried.

“They?” Wang Shoufu sneered “How could they know about scholar’s…. integrity!”

A scholar would never say to the outside world that he would lose Overwhelming Righteousness Qi if he left the dynasty.

In fact, even the scholars themselves don’t know, they just think that losing Overwhelming Righteousness Qi is a betrayal of their beliefs.

The two are not in conflict, more like a double constraint.

“Go to sleep, the Medicine Refinement Master will be here tomorrow, and I’m relieved that Runzhi’s affairs will be settled.”

Wang Shoufu pursed his lips, “the lights went out”

After speaking, the room suddenly plunged into darkness.

After a few more breaths, a rapid cough sounded.


“It’s okay, rest”


The next morning,

In the wing of Xigeng Garden.

Old Sovereign Emperor rarely did not return to the palace, so he stayed in this Xigeng Garden for one night.

He had a good night’s sleep, but it hurt the show clothes outside.

An emperor is easy to serve, and the key is that there are so many concubines.

Xiuyi not only have to guard against those who are scheming, but also guard against their own brothers, in case someone can’t think of it and gets into the concubine’s wing.

Li Zhi didn’t participate in the defense. After all, he was Prince Consort, the uncle of the emperor’s family, so he still had privileges.

However, while enjoying the privileges, we also have to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities.

For example, before the emperor got up, he was already waiting at the door, waiting for the emperor to get up and greet him.

“Prince Consort can’t be standing all night, right?”

The old Sovereign emperor is a little lethargic. I don’t know if it’s because of drinking too much or because of playing poker with his concubine. .

“Replying to his Majesty, Prince Consort has been waiting outside the door since he sobered up yesterday.”

The big partner sold Li Zhi well.

Li Zhi really just woke up, and before he even came back to his senses from the severe pain, Guo Jingyu urged him to wait outside the wing.

Without him, it is already dawn, and the emperor will get up at any time.

“Prince Consort, come in and talk, after all, he is my uncle, and he pointed out that I love Princess so much.”

tsk tsk , the old Sovereign emperor is a real understanding person , I know what Uncle does.

Li Zhi went in in response, suddenly stopped at the door, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Crack, is there still a concubine in the emperor’s room? I just go in like this, so I won’t be gouged out because I see something I shouldn’t see!

Gu Mo

Li Zhi really didn’t expect. He just got promoted to Grade 4, and before he had time to shake his prestige, he was first dismantled by father-in-law. So good-for-nothing broke out in a cold sweat.

He stood at the door, waited for a long time, and agreed to open the door with an obedient appearance, and welcomed Li Zhi in.

As expected, I’m waiting here, as expected of the emperor, it’s easy to confuse people with this set of tricks!

If Li Zhi couldn’t figure it out today, he just went in like this, then Old Sovereign designated a way to wake him up.

If he figured it out on his own, the purpose of the Old Sovereign emperor would have been achieved.

It’s just a small disembarkation. It is estimated that for the Old Sovereign emperor, this is easier than eating and drinking.

In Nuoda’s wing, the emperor had already started to eat. When Li Zhi came in, he beckons with the hand and motioned Li Zhi to sit down.

“Come here, Prince Consort must have never had breakfast before, sit down and eat together. The chef here is trained by the royal chef in the palace”

Li Zhi hurriedly Nodding, he sat down slightly cautiously, only daring to use the back half of his buttocks, next to the front half of the stool.

Li Zhi recalled yesterday’s Old Sovereign emperor and today’s Old Sovereign emperor, and felt completely different.

Yesterday’s Old Sovereign emperor still maintained his majesty, but he was kind and amiable. He was like an old man presiding over a banquet.

And today’s Old Sovereign emperor is kind and kind on the surface, but he actually digs holes for himself in various ways.

The most annoying thing is not just digging a pit, but there is still water in the pit, and there is mud in the water. After you fall in, you suddenly find that there is shit in the mud.

The most amazing thing is that the mud horse is actually mixed with poison!

“Prince Consort was a showman yesterday, and his literary talent is stronger than the youngster of an era”

The rule of not speaking and sleeping does not apply to the emperor, the most important thing is The reason may be that the historian is not there.

Otherwise, with a stroke of the historian’s pen, the emperor said something during a meal in a certain year and a certain month.

Not a single word of rudeness, but every word of it.

“If I go back to the Imperial Father, I just felt a love burst out in my chest last night, and the poem came naturally.”

Old Sovereign was a little surprised. Glancing at Li Zhi.

Dare to say love in front of Lao Tzu, it seems that times have really changed, and love and love are no longer behind their backs.

The Emperor Old Sovereign didn’t care about Li Zhi’s bold words, nodded

“What’s the name of the poem?”

Li Zhi thought about “Hui Ling” New Year, Xigeng Garden to give love”

This poem is a section of Xinhai’s miscellaneous poems, this part is indeed full of love, but the rest…

Li Zhi simply intercepted a small part, and don’t want to abandon it later. By the way, he renamed it very shameless.

pa! ! One promised that the chopsticks fell to the ground.

I was stunned, it was a long experience, it was the first time I saw such a person in my life.

If it were me being stalked by such a man, I would be planted in his hands for the rest of my life.

Promise to think so.

“What is the year of Huiling…” The Old Sovereign pondered a few words and waved his hand, “Prince Consort stays, others leave first”

“No!” Everyone responded. With a bang, Qi Qi exited.

“Change it, change it to the last year of Huiling”

“This!” Li Zhi raised his head suddenly, suddenly feeling that it was rude to look directly at the emperor, and lowered his head quickly.

In the last years of Huiling, the Old Sovereign Emperor was the Hui Spirit Emperor. What did he mean?

No wonder he wants to let everyone else go out, this sentence is too contrived!

“You should be thankful that you and Princess have a level of heart-to-heart connection with Daoist Dao Companion, and even the use of love is inappropriate compared to Jin Jian. Looking at Li Zhi meaningfully.

It is indeed a near-perfect couple. The mutual attraction from in the depth of one’s soul is stronger than any emotion in the world.

A person can betray his faith, his brother, his family, but he cannot betray his own soul.

“With you here, I can rest assured to hand over the country to Princess”

After saying that, the Old Sovereign Emperor asked Li Zhi to go out too, and he asked himself to be quiet.

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