Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 645

Chapter 639 Dark despair

Enjoying this feeling of manipulating everyone’s destiny, as well as the constant supply of negative emotions, there is a sense of satisfaction in the heart at this moment.

However, with the emergence of this sense of satisfaction, it shifted its gaze to Zou Heng and Min Xiaoxing, etc. Now, only Zou Heng and others, plus Yu Guo in Zou Heng’s bag, are not under its control. Within the range, the next thing the sly side has to do is to bring Zou Heng and others into his control range.

Moving forward step by step, the sly body followed the big net in the sky, and step by step actually walked down from the sky.

At this moment, only Zou Heng is still paying attention to it. Min Xiaoxing and others around him need to do their best to resist not being immersed in dreams and being completely corroded by negative emotions.

Looking at the treacherous face at this moment, watching the opponent approaching him step by step, Zou Heng felt a great horror, and he was attacking him quickly.

This feeling made Zou Heng’s heartbeat speed up a bit, and the blood flow rate in his body also speeded up several times.

Even with a fearless will, Zou Heng is actually a little nervous at this moment. The red eyes on the sly face seem to contain endless temptation and sin, and they are always attracting his attention. Zou Heng also needs to stabilize his mind to keep himself awake all the time.

As the deceit approached step by step, Zou Heng felt that the other party was putting more and more pressure on him. Under that terrifying pressure, Zou Heng finally chose to take the lead.

The blood woodsaw axe in his hand swung forward, and the power in Zou Heng’s body was running crazily at this moment. Under the huge pressure, his own will was perfectly integrated into the blow.

The Xueqiao Axe traversed a mysterious trajectory, wherever it passed, the space was easily separated. In this boundless darkness, a light appeared in the place where the axe traversed.

With a touch of light, Zou Heng’s blood wood axe slashed down fiercely, and when it was about to approach the top of the head of the deceitful face, the volume of the blood wood axe actually increased several times.

The eyes of the sly face were blinking blood-red, and the sly face’s body became illusory, as if it did not exist in this world. This feeling is a bit similar to the past. The magical powers displayed by the enlightened sorcerer of Yu Kingdom seemed to isolate himself from the world for an instant.

However, at the moment when Zou Heng’s axe fell, even if it seemed that the face was not in this world, it was still chopped down by this axe.

That blow with Zou Heng’s will broke through the space in an instant, and the power and will seemed to follow the deceit, found its true body, and cut it in half with an axe.

After cutting off the treacherous body, the power of this axe was not exhausted, and it continued to chop the ground, leaving a bottomless gully.

After issuing such a powerful blow, Zou Heng did not relax at this moment. Instead, he quickly changed the direction of the attack and aimed the target at the huge net in the sky.

Just like the shadows before, Zou Heng was very aware of the tricky side at this time, and there was no way to be easily killed, so after cutting his body in half, Zou Heng directly prepared to rescue those trapped in the net. The people and gods in.

The huge axe cut across the net in the sky and instantly tore the net. Some people fell from the net immediately, but when they fell into the air, they were all hung in the air. It did not continue to fall to the ground.

Zou Henggang wanted to continue swinging the blood woodsaw axe in his hand, followed by the alarm bell in his heart, and instantly moved his mind, and the magical powers of the size and size shrank his body, and then hid away.

As soon as he dodges, he saw two sharp steps, which actually penetrated the void, and then sank deeply into the ground.

Zou Heng’s eyes flashed, and he turned around and wanted to cut off those two steps, but before he could move, Zou Heng felt that he was submerged by a black light, and his body was slammed into the ground. Among.

Even though his body has become smaller at this time, under the black light, Zou Heng still suffered some injuries. The skin on his body seemed to have been burned by fire, and he was still entrenched with an evil spirit to stop him. The recovery of the wound.

Zou Heng kept his body shrinking and flew out from the ground in an instant. After that, he attacked the crooked surface that had recondensed into his body again. But this time, it was a black light that greeted him again. Flew out in a rampage.

At the moment of landing, Zou Heng turned himself into a dust, and did not rush out rashly, but even if he used his magical powers to change, Zou Heng could not hide himself and create a new one for himself. A chance to breathe.

After discovering that Zou Heng had disappeared suddenly, the sly face shot out black light directly, cutting off the ground abruptly, and then found Zou Heng’s figure.

Zou Heng, who had turned back into a human form, had not yet healed his wounds. Two sharp steps pierced his body directly, nailing Zou Heng’s whole body to the ground.

At the same time, Zou Heng suddenly felt that the ground beneath him was shaking, and a powerful evil spirit, like a volcano about to erupt, was about to rush out.

After less than two breaths, from under Zou Heng’s body, an evil gas turned into a pillar of energy, and it rushed up directly from Zou Heng’s back. This was an attack from the evil Yin hiding place, representing It has been out of trouble.

The ground under Zou Heng’s body was washed away, but his figure was fixed by two sharp steps, still firmly confined in place, bearing the scourge of evil spirits.


Suddenly, he fixed Zou Heng’s treacherous face and let out a sound of surprise.

The treacherous side discovered that the texture of the two feet inserted on Zou Heng’s shoulders at this moment had actually changed, as if they had suddenly become two pieces of wood. The next moment, the two pieces of wood broke directly.

The two feet stuck on his shoulders broke, and Zou Heng’s figure was immediately swept away. When he was still in the air, Zou Heng had already relieved his breath and stabilized his figure again.

Looking at the two steps that had turned into wood still stuck on his shoulders, Zou Heng stretched out his hand to pull them out, and threw them aside, then looked at the shadow that slowly rises from the ground. .

It was already expected that the other party could get rid of the concealment without being able to obliterate it before. It was just a treacherous aspect, and adding a concealment made people feel that there was no hope in this world.

“Interesting magical powers, unfortunately, I don’t want to play anymore, so let’s stop here!”

He looked at Zou Heng, who was recovering from the wound on his shoulder, and his voice sounded again. At the same time, Zou Heng suddenly felt that he was actually in a big net. Numerous tough silk threads contained the power of the rules of heaven and earth. , Entangle yourself firmly.

The endless negative emotions and the strong evil aura had already wrapped Zou Heng at this moment. When Zou Heng was still trying to struggle, a sly figure appeared in front of him, waving his two steps up and down. A circle of silk thread quickly wrapped around Zou Heng’s body, binding Zou Heng’s whole person firmly, and finally wrapped directly into a cocoon.

Zou Heng, who was wrapped in it, only felt that he was surrounded by a layer of extremely tough cages, and this layer of cages was woven by the rules of heaven and earth. He seemed to be given the power of the whole world. Trapped and suppressed, there is no way to move at all.

Seeing Zou Heng being wrapped tightly, another weird smile appeared on the face of the strange face, and then it opened its mouth wide and exhaled a strong evil spirit from it, pouring it on the cocoon.

“I want to see if you will fall in despair or die in despair!”

After pouring down the strong evil air, the strange voice sounded again.

Trapped in the cocoon, Zou Heng felt as if he was soaked in the evil spirit, and all kinds of negative emotions were multiplied by the evil spirit, constantly trying to shake his mind.

Even with Zou’s strong will, he feels that it is more and more difficult to stay awake. Zou Heng feels that his spirit is in a trance, and his thoughts begin to involuntarily start to think of things that make him feel unhappy, unhappy, and uncomfortable.

All sorts of mixed thoughts constantly appeared in his mind, suppressed a little this second, and new ones will appear in the next second.

Only his own will is not enough to deal with the situation he is facing at this time. Of course, it can also be said that Zou Heng’s will is not strong enough, so he can’t completely resist these.

With the influence of various negative emotions, some of Zou Heng’s desires began to be magnified. The first thing that was magnified was Zou Heng’s pursuit of becoming stronger, and then his pursuit of magic.

And this kind of desire made Zou Heng see a glimmer of life in despair at this moment.

Unable to resist the scouring of evil spirits and negative emotions, in the final analysis, it can be said that Zou Heng is not strong enough.

At this time, Zou Heng’s cultivation is already at the peak of the realm of becoming a god. He was about to break through before. Now as long as he goes one step further, he can reach a new realm. If he can break through at this time, his strength will definitely be huge. The promotion, this may be his first line of life.

Keeping close to his mind, Zou Heng pressed his last hope on a ray of life. The power in his body was circling crazily at this moment. On the surface of his body, a series of runes exuding shimmering light appeared. Came out, and walked around him constantly, combining with each other from time to time.

Through the continuous combination of these runes, Zou Heng once again felt the power of tracing the source, and at the same time, the cultivation base also showed signs of continuous breakthrough. On Zou Heng’s body, a mysterious rhythm radiated, and the runes on the surface of the body wandered. Gradually there are some rules, and the combination of each other gradually becomes more suitable.

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