Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 643

Chapter 637 Fire danger

In an instant, the environment between heaven and earth became a mess, the sky was turned upside down, the ocean was inverted, and the stars fell, and everything looked as if the end had come.

After the chaos of the rules of heaven and earth, it not only has a major impact on the strength of the gods, but also has a huge impact on the strength of the warlock.

At this time, most of the magical powers below the magical powers cannot be used. Even if the magical methods cultivated to the realm of true meaning can be used, the power is greatly reduced, and even the effect of the magical skills is greatly reduced because of the chaos of the rules of heaven and earth. , Which has an impact.

At this moment, everyone, including Zou Heng, could no longer take care of attacking the deceitful side. The first thing that everyone had to face was the chaos of heaven and earth.

Zou Heng felt that the sea around him was constantly scouring his body. Pieces of boulders were mixed in the sea, slapped on him, and the power of thunder was also mixed in the sea, bringing a trace of it to himself. Numbness.

The impact of all this on Zou Heng is actually not great. What really affects Zou Heng is under the chaotic rules of the world, which makes some routine behaviors constantly changing.

For example, Zou Heng wants to go forward, but suddenly goes left, wants to go backward, but suddenly goes down, the direction and space are in chaos, and this chaos is still changing, which leads to Zou Heng very much. It is difficult to grasp the direction of one’s actions, and if you want to control the direction, you can only use your strength to break free from the influence of the rules.

Under the chaos between the world and the earth, Zou Heng suddenly felt that a strong negative emotion appeared beside him, and then the strong evil spirit turned into a solid net, which was attached to his own for an instant. Body.

Zou Heng felt that at this moment, he seemed to have re-accepted the rules of heaven and earth, and the net that bound him seemed to be transformed by the rules of heaven and earth.

It’s just that the rules of heaven and earth at this time are all in chaos. After Zou Heng came into contact with the rules of heaven and earth, the chaos seemed to have passed into his consciousness, shaking his consciousness, distorting his cognition, as if he had to Assimilate him.

At this time, Zou Heng’s powerful will came into play. He used his will to forcibly suppress the influence of the rules of heaven and earth on him, but the net on his body was tightening tighter and tighter.


Zou Heng suddenly let out a violent roar. The moment the sound rang, everything around him shook violently, and then in the violent turbulence, the space around Zou Heng was completely shattered, and sea water poured into the shattered space. , Suddenly, everything around Zou Heng was emptied.

The net on him, even in this case, still sticks tightly to his body. Zou Heng wants to use his magical powers to enlarge the net so that he can get out easily. , But at this time, he felt a huge drag. This force was so strong that even Zou Heng at this moment felt a little hard to resist, and his body was involuntarily dragged over.

At the moment the body was dragged, Zou Heng saw the sly figure again. It was still entrenched on the net in the sky. On that headed face, the sly face was carrying a strange smile. Staring at Zou Heng closely, and a spider silk is connected to his body, dragging Zou horizontally in its direction.

Zou Heng looked at the weird smile, and he felt more and more that the other party was playing cats and mice, but no matter what, the resistance still couldn’t stop.

He quickly displayed his supernatural powers, large and small, enlarged the net tied to his body, and then easily got out. At this time, Zou Heng found that the chaotic rules between the world and the earth seemed to have gradually subsided, but it calmed down. The rules after that are still confusing compared to before.

Pieces of stones floated in the sky, and the previous sea water turned into a ball of water balls, which also floated in the air. The ground beneath the feet still exists, but the volume is much smaller than before.

Looking around, Zou Heng found the figures of other people. He saw the gods with golden light on their bodies. They were all wrapped in a net and were being hung in the air with golden light on their bodies. It’s already extremely bleak.

As for the illusory warlocks, with the exception of a few of them were also caught in the net, the others seemed to be safe and sound.

“Hehe, I have already felt your despair, but this is not enough. Don’t worry, I will make you completely desperate next, especially you, Zou Heng!”

The strange face looked at the people below, and said again, at the same time the strange smile on his face expanded a bit.

Lifting up two steps, the quirky face gestured forward. The passage of the phantom desire world that was opened before, as its movements began to rapidly expand, the passage of the entire phantom desire world was completely destroyed at this time. Tear apart, as if there was no barrier to the outside space for a moment.

Zou Heng felt that the outside world at this time was actually almost the same as that of the spiritual world. The chaotic rules of the world caused the external environment to be connected with the environment of the spiritual world, and there seemed to be nothing. The sense of violation.

After completely tearing open the passage of the psychic desire world, the two steps of the sly face were raised again, while gently hooking towards the psychic desire world in front, while gently hooking the net under him. .

“If you want to taste your despair, then you have to shatter all your hopes. You hope to keep some fire in the psychic world. This kind of meaningless hope, I don’t think it should exist!”

As the voice of the strange side fell again, from the realm of psychic desire, dozens of gods exuding golden light, and several environments of psychic world suitable for people’s life, as well as some small spaces, they quickly followed Flew out of the spiritual world of desire.

Zou Heng looked at the divine realm that exudes golden light, the environment and the small space suitable for human life. He knew that these might be the gods and warlocks. There are more fires than I imagined.

However, looking at the gods who were **** in the air, as well as the expressions of Min Xiaoxing and the others, whose expressions changed drastically in an instant, Zou Heng felt that all the fire they left behind was probably dug out.

Immediately afterwards, Zou Heng felt that in the bag on his waist, the country Yu, who was placed by himself, had a tendency to fly out of his bag. Zou Heng quickly patted the bag on his waist and directly isolated it. The kind of force that led Yu Guo to fly out.

And his action attracted the attention of the sly in the sky. The sly gaze stopped on Zou Heng’s waist bag, the strange smile on his face disappeared instantly, but a trace of reminiscence was revealed.

“I really miss the things of old friends, but unfortunately they are no longer there. If it weren’t for the sadness of them, I really can’t become the way I am now!”

After saying these words, the face lifted up the front foot, facing the gods that fly out, the environment suitable for life and the small space, and suddenly, a few environments suitable for ordinary people’s life And the small spaces shattered one after another, revealing many people with frightened faces inside.

These people are male and female. Most of them are young people and children. There is a small group of middle-aged people. Among them, warlocks account for a large proportion. Although most of them are not very good, it can be seen that these people The qualifications are very good, maybe all of them have been carefully selected.

Compared with these small spaces that are easily broken, and the environment suitable for human life in the world of phantasmagoria, the gods of those gods are relatively strong, and they are not broken immediately.

However, these gods exuding golden light did not last for long. They only lasted for two or three more breaths, and the golden light around the gods also dispersed, exposing the people inside, and several of them were exuding golden light. All of the gods have also been exposed together.

Zou Heng glanced over these gods, he saw the figure of Ji Changshou in it, and at the same time he also saw the figure of a deity who had a relationship, that is, the **** of the sea that he had met once.

In the other side’s God Realm, there are actually some people sheltering, and even in addition to people, there are some fish in the sea.

At this time, Min Xiaoxing and others in the air rose up again without hesitation. At this moment, they tried their best to prevent the treacherous side from harming those people. After all, these things in front of them, except for Zou Heng’s waist bag. Outside of Yu Kingdom, the last person still alive.

From the moment the aura exuded from Min Xiaoxing and the others, Zou Heng knew that Min Xiaoxing and the others were already planning to do their best. Their slightly illusory soul bodies had exploded power, which was obviously much stronger than before.

Seeing Min Xiaoxing and others rushing towards the sky, there was a contemptuous expression on the sly face, and there was no movement at all. Min Xiaoxing and others who had just flew up suddenly seemed to have been severely affected. Hit, some illusory soul bodies fell directly from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the originally dim sun suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a beam of light fell from the sun and shot straight at Min Xiaoxing and others.

Seeing this scene, Zou Heng immediately took a step forward. The huge blood wood axe in his hand blocked the ray of light, and at the same time displayed the magical powers of large and small, reducing and weakening the ray of light.

Seeing that Zou Heng blocked the attack, the sly side did not continue to let the attack continue. It gently evoked two steps. Those in God’s Domain and the people in the small space suddenly appeared on their bodies. The silk thread, then dragged by the silk thread, flew in the direction of the strange face.

At this moment, many people screamed out of fear, and they already felt despair in their hearts. The closer they were to the deceitful face, the more so. The horrible evil spirit made all hope in their hearts extinguished. Only fear and despair are left, and all the negative emotions that have been evoked.

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