Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 639

Chapter 633 Kaido

The strength in Zou Heng’s body continued to grow, and the speed of the traction of the evil and earth qi was also increased, but at this time, the yin and yang turntable seemed to have its bearing capacity to its limit, and some of it could not keep up with the speed of Zou Heng’s traction. Up.

Therefore, Zou Heng could only maintain the traction speed at one state.

After discovering this situation, the gods who pushed the yin and yang turntable felt a little surprised. They felt that it would take time to wipe out the evil yin concealment, that is, how to pull out its power a little bit, and they have basically never thought about it. In the end, what affected the obliteration of the evil Yin and the Yin, was actually the obliteration speed of the Yin and Yang Grinding Disc could not keep up, which was really unexpected.

After Zou Heng maintained a relatively stable state, his cultivation speed gradually slowed down, but he was still improving steadily.

The accumulation of power in the body has been increasing, gradually starting from the late stage of becoming a **** to a higher realm.

After the sorcerer’s cultivation reaches the realm of becoming a god, he can choose to become a **** or continue along the path of the sorcerer if he continues to improve.

For becoming a god, Zou Heng is considered to be a better understanding, because in the process of helping Ji Changshou become a god, Ji Changshou has explained a lot to him, and Zou Heng is also a participant, so he understands this better.

However, Zou Heng didn’t have much interest in becoming a god, he was still more willing to follow the path of the warlock and go one step further.

As for the next realm after becoming a god, Zou Heng also has a certain understanding from Min Xiaoxing and others.

After becoming a **** realm, the next realm is called Hua Dao realm. This realm is a realm corresponding to the gods. According to Min Xiaoxing’s description, this realm is a realm in which one’s own will is transformed into one’s own Tao.

From this point, it can be seen that the gods are different from the warlocks of the Huadao realm. The warlocks are still practicing their own body, while the gods are contacting the rules of heaven and earth, slowly trying to master some of the rules of heaven and earth.

What Zou Heng needs to do next is to make himself break through the realm of Huadao, and this is not as easy as before. As Zou Heng’s body accumulates more and more power, he has gradually reached the peak of the realm of becoming a god, but this At that time, there was no natural breakthrough to the realm of Huadao.

In this regard, Zou Heng is also a little bit puzzled. According to Min Xiaoxing’s statement, Zou Heng has completely reached the standard of breaking through the realm of Hua Dao by his own will. Even to a certain extent, Zou Heng’s own will has already been partially transformed. The characteristics of Taoism.

Finding that his own cultivation level could not make a breakthrough, Zou Heng knew that there must be something else in his cultivation that he had overlooked.

The power in the body continued to work, and Zou Heng gradually felt a sense of fullness, so he began to transform part of the power in his body into earth energy and scattered it into the earth. This was originally what he should do. .

As the evil and earth qi in the earth are constantly being wiped out, the power of the yin is indeed being weakened, but at the same time the earth qi in the earth has become weaker and weaker and must be supplemented. And Zou Heng can do this easily.

Right now, his cultivation was stuck at the pinnacle of the realm of becoming a god, and he couldn’t break through for a while. The power in his body was just used to vent it out.

At the same time, Zou Heng was also thinking about how far he was from breaking through his cultivation base.

According to Min Xiaoxing, Zou Heng felt that there seemed to be no problem with his cultivation breakthrough. He didn’t know where he was still short of time. He could only continue to understand the rules of heaven and earth while thinking about his own shortcomings.

During this process, Zou Heng began to slowly organize himself, thinking about which step he hadn’t stepped firmly since he started to practice, so that his cultivation level was actually stuck.

After some careful thinking, Zou Heng gradually had a clear understanding in his heart. He probably thought of himself, what is wrong with him.

In fact, this problem is not difficult to think clearly. Combining your own experience and the experience of people with Min Xiaoxing as a comparison, it is easy to find some differences and then find out your own problems.

The practice of a sorcerer begins with a magic technique. The fundamental method itself is also a kind of magic technique. In different realms, the magician can master more powerful magic techniques until he masters magical powers. If Zou Heng really has any shortcomings If that is the case, then his problem should be the time spent immersing in the magic technique, not as good as Min Xiaoxing and the others.

Think about Min Xiaoxing and others. They practiced longer than Zou Heng. In addition to their own supernatural powers, they also mastered many other techniques in the process of cultivation. In this respect, Zou Heng may not be worse than them. But when it comes to the time spent in each technique, Zou Heng is definitely not as good as them.

As a warlock, one’s own cultivation is important, but the mastery of spells is also important. If you say that you are so bad, you may be so bad.

However, Zou Heng is not bad in terms of his mastery of spells. He has many spells that can be cultivated to the realm of true meaning, although most of them are just small spells, but they are already quite good.

Therefore, what really hindered oneself from breaking through to the realm of Huadao should not be the lack of mastery of magic techniques, but the lack of some other things.

As soon as he thought about this, Zou Heng began to explore what he was missing.

I saw on the surface of Zou Heng’s body, gradually appeared one after another radiant runes, there were more than ten in total, each of these runes represented a technique that was cultivated to the realm of true meaning. .

After these runes appeared on the surface of Zou Heng’s body, they began to wander around Zou Heng’s body. After contacting each other from time to time, they tried to combine with each other, but there was nothing suitable. In practice, I have actually tried it.

Now, after the runes on Zou Heng’s body began to collide with each other again, Zou Heng had a strange feeling.

He discovered that when each of these runes collided, there was a sign that they could be put together. It was like two puzzle pieces that were originally inappropriate. Now they are under the influence of an inexplicable force like glue. It can also be combined forcibly.

However, this combination made Zou Heng feel the opportunity to break through the realm of Huadao.

“Trace to the source, Huadao, that’s it!”

Zou Heng realized this wonderful feeling, and he suddenly understood it.

The cultivation of magic techniques, from the beginning to the realm of traceability, but for the vast majority of sorcerers, the cultivation of a magic technique to the realm of its true meaning is almost the peak, and there are very few people who can reach the realm of traceability. , Many sorcerers pursue a magic technique to cultivate to the realm of true meaning.

Zou Heng had come into contact with the realm of tracing before, and even through the realm of tracing, combined one or two spells, but at this time, he had a new understanding of the realm of tracing.

The cultivation of a sorcerer lies in the magic technique. Even after reaching the state of becoming a **** and mastering the magical powers, it still lies in the technique. The tracing of the magic technique is not only the realm of the magic technique itself, but also a kind of tracing of the sorcerer’s cultivation. .

Just like the saying circulated among sorcerers, most of the spells can be regarded as split from higher-level spells. The source of spells is traced back to that higher level. Of spells.

And as the foundation of sorcerer’s practice, the tracing of the technique is also the tracing of the cultivation. Tracing is the foundation of cultivation and the path to the path of pursuit.

The power in the body continued to operate, and Zou Heng felt that he already knew how to break through the existing realm and truly enter the realm of Huadao.

In the state of being in contact with the rules of heaven and earth, many of the heaven and earth principles are clearly displayed in front of Zou Heng’s eyes at this moment. Therefore, those who have cultivated to the proficient state and did not continue to practice the techniques in the depths. In this state, he reached the realm of true meaning in an instant.

New runes appeared on the surface of Zou Heng’s body. Each rune represented a new technique. Originally, there were only a dozen runes on Zou Heng’s body. At this moment, this number is rapidly increasing, and soon the number will be hundreds.

And the number of runes has been hundreds of, under the quick combination of each other, it is easy to have the right rune, and then combine with each other, and then Zou Heng will master a new spell, even though this new one The spells of Zou Heng had no effect on the current Zou Heng, but at the moment when these new spells were mastered by Zou Heng, he seemed to see a ladder leading to the Tao.

This ladder is made up of runes that emit light, and each rune represents a spell. Tracing back to the root, that is the way of the warlock.

At this moment, Zou Heng felt that he was about to break through to the realm of Huadao, and the feeling of fullness in his body disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Zou Heng suddenly felt a strange feeling. It was not because of something wrong with his cultivation, nor because of his own shortcomings, but for an instant, Zou Heng suddenly felt that he was disconnected from the rules of heaven and earth. When the connection was made, the consciousness was suddenly bounced back.

At the moment when his consciousness was bounced back, Zou Heng felt that the rules of heaven and earth were alive, and he actually had a malicious intent towards himself, which caused a bad guess in his heart, and the progress of his cultivation could not be interrupted.

At the same time, the gods around him also discovered this change in the rules of the heavens and the earth. At the same time, above the sky, the weather was not good. Suddenly, dark clouds were covered with the sun’s rays. It dimmed in an instant, the world seemed to be plunged into darkness, and a very depressed feeling appeared instantly.

A rumbling sound rang out from the sky, and then the light of thunder fell to the ground, and the strong evil spirit began to gradually emerge from the clouds.

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