Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 622

Chapter 616 Two new supernatural powers

The flames in the left and right hands are constantly compressed, and the body exudes a mysterious rhythm. At this moment, Zou Heng feels that the whole person is suddenly several times more dangerous than before.

The strange faces in the distance and those evil-level evils, looking at Zou Heng in this state, each one has a bit of shock in his heart. Compared with the strange faces that are powerful enough to kill the gods, these evil-level evils, I can clearly feel the deadly threat that Zou Heng brings to them at this moment.

As for Zou Heng who happened to be involved in this matter, the aura exuding from his body is not much improved compared to just now, but it is different from the powerful aura that was raised just now because of the blessed power. At this moment The breath on Zou Heng’s body is entirely his own power.

This means that Zou Heng’s strength has broken through the realm of the gods and reached a new height, becoming a warlock of the realm of becoming gods.

And these evil-level evils originally in the realm of phantasmagoria, they are not the magicians who have never seen the realm of becoming gods, they naturally know the power of magicians of the realm of gods, but they have encountered none of the magicians of the realm of gods. Zou Heng felt dangerous to them at this moment.

Zou Heng kept his arms open. After the surrounding flames were completely compressed on his palms, Zou Heng suddenly clenched both hands.

The flame in his left hand had been compressed to a very faint flame. As Zou Heng clenched his fist, the flame went out directly, as if it had crushed a faint spark.

In his right hand, the flame that seemed to be compressed to the extreme, when Zou Heng clenched his fist, there was an explosion in the palm of his hand, and at the same time, the fire burst from his fingers. He came out, but there was not much noise.

After crushing the flames in the left and right palms, Zou Heng’s figure slowly stood up from the ground. With his movements, the breath released from his body became stronger again.

“Interesting, I actually broke through in this situation, and it seems that I have more than one magical power!”

Looking at Zou Heng at this moment, the face showed a lot of facial makeup, and at the same time showed a very interested expression, and said in a low voice at the same time.

After standing upright, the skin on Zou Heng’s body began to recover quickly. Just now, under the burning of the flame, Zou Heng’s entire skin was burned by the power of the flame. Now although his body releases a powerful force Breath, but the whole person still looks quite miserable.

The skin on the surface of the body quickly recovered, and Zou Heng quickly looked like he had recovered. He stood there, staring directly at the strange face and other evils in front of him, and at the same time feeling the changes in his body.

In the flames just now, Zou Heng finally succeeded in breaking through to the realm of becoming a god. This breakthrough speed was much earlier than Zou Heng himself expected. After all, Zou Heng knew his situation well, and his mana accumulation in the late stage of the realm of Yun Shen. It’s still a little short, not enough for him to quickly break through to the realm of becoming a god. The reason why he was able to break through just now can only be said to be good luck.

When he set out before, he was helped by the ugly sorcerer. The mana in his body was improved, and he was one step closer to becoming a god. Then, under the situation just now, the earth turbidity in Zou Heng’s body was transformed into His power, and his own magic power, because of external stimuli, merged into one, coupled with the power that was temporarily blessed on him, so that he met all the conditions for stepping into the realm of becoming a god.

Especially when the power transformed from the earth’s turbid energy merged with the mana in the body, Zou Heng felt that the original magical power was conceived, as if a little thing was missing, and it was completely supplemented.

The two seeds of magical powers rejoined at that moment, and each completed a process of complementation and sublimation, and then separated again, truly gestating.

Now Zou Heng’s body has only one power left, which contains the characteristics of the power transformed from the mana in his body and the earth’s muddy energy, and perfectly integrates his own will, which is flowing in his body.

This flow of power made Zou Heng feel that this was like his own hands and feet, completely his own thing, and inseparable from himself.

With the flow of this power, Zou Heng felt a kind of enlightenment, that kind of mysterious and mysterious rhythm, and now he perceives it so clearly, because this is what he has already touched, at the moment when the magical power was conceived , Zou Heng has already experienced this mysterious and mysterious rhythm more deeply.

This mysterious and mysterious rhythm seems to be echoing something between heaven and earth, allowing Zou Heng to perceive something more mysterious and deeper. This kind of thing is Tao.

From embarking on the path of a sorcerer, starting to practice magic techniques, until the moment when he truly achieved supernatural powers, Zou Heng finally had a feeling of being close to what he was after. This was an indescribable strange feeling.

Seeing Zou Heng who had recovered quickly from his injuries, on the treacherous side opposite him, he finally no longer waited for Zou Heng to slowly experience his own changes. At the same time, his eyes lit up with black light on the numerous faces. , And then black rays of light shot towards Zou Heng’s body.

The black rays of light approached, and Zou Heng, who was standing still, did not see any movement, and his body began to shrink quickly, until it was hard to see with the naked eye, completely avoiding the dense black rays, and quickly ‘S approached the deceitful side.

The treacherous face also seemed to feel the danger, so the countless black light disappeared instantly, and then under the numerous masks, ripples like water waves appeared, spreading towards the surrounding layer by layer.

At this moment, the surrounding space seems to have become a wavy lake. The spread of the ripples becomes larger and larger, and all the surrounding scenery also spreads as the ripples spread, and something happens. Subtle distortion.

But among the layers of ripples, Zou Heng has shrunk to a figure that is hard to see with the naked eye, but abruptly, following the changes of the ripples, he is still approaching the strange face.

Sudden face suddenly felt that an invisible force was acting on its many facial makeup, and its facial makeup began to shrink rapidly at this time.

After realizing this, Gui Mian immediately used the power of one of the facial masks to make his body bigger.

It didn’t use the previous method of cracking the effect of Zou Heng’s square inch spell. It used the method of taking advantage of the trend to reach the limit of the magic effect, so as to break Zou Heng’s method.

Because the treacherous side has already sensed that at this time, Zou Heng, whose cultivation base has broken through to the realm of gods, uses completely different methods from the square inch technique just now. This is a power that truly belongs to supernatural powers, exactly like a rule. On the body, it is not that easy to crack.

But even if the crooked side at this time has already used the ability of one of its masks to fight against Zou Heng’s magical powers and make his body bigger, there is still no effect that can offset the magical powers.

The sly side feels that at this moment, its own strength has been greatly weakened, even if its large number of masks are still the original size, but this is only the result of its ability to maintain, in fact, Zou Heng’s magical powers have already been exerted. Its role.

At this time, Zou Heng had already reached the face of the treacherous face. He shrank to a body that was hard to see with the naked eye. At this time, he recovered instantly, and his body rapidly became bigger. The maximum height that can be reached.

Zou Heng, who had grown into such a huge body, immediately waved his hand and slammed a punch forward. Under the power of his punch, the void in front seemed to be frozen again, and the treacherous face was in a large number of masks. At this time, there was another mask, which met Zou Heng’s fist, and was smashed by his punch, and the remaining power of this punch shocked the void violently, spreading the other masks of the strange face. When he reached the attack range, he was also shattered by the power of this punch.

Zou Heng’s body is still swelling. At this time, his body shape is about to exceed a thousand feet high, and it seems that there is no stopping the trend.

Looking at Zou Heng, whose body became so tall, he already understood the effect of Zou Heng’s supernatural powers. Among its numerous masks, there was another light on the surface of the mask, and then the light spread to other masks. , The part of the power weakened by Zou Heng’s supernatural powers returned to the deceptive body.

The masks began to increase in size after the power suppressed by the magical powers recovered, but compared to the size of Zou Heng’s incident, it was completely insignificant.

Zou Heng, whose body was constantly swelling, looked at the strange faces and other evils around him. At this time, he felt that they seemed very small, like ants that could be trampled to death by raising their feet, so he lifted one leg. The power in the body was running, and he stepped forward suddenly.


As Zou Heng’s footsteps fell, there was another huge roar on the ground, and the earth quaked fiercely. A huge deep pit appeared on the ground where Zou Heng stepped on it.

The power of this blow was very strong. Although it was unable to get the tricky face, but among the evil-level evils that came with the tricky face, some of them could not dodge and were hit by the power of Zou Heng’s blow. Zou Heng was trampled to death on the spot.

Just as Zou Heng was about to raise his foot to attack again, a thick black beam of light hit him from below, leaving a large wound on Zou Heng’s body, causing Zou Heng to retreat two steps at once. The body also began to shrink rapidly.

After Zou Heng’s body had shrunk to a certain extent, the wound made by the black light just now was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. This was not a normal recovery, it was really just that the wound was shrinking. But it can also have a recovery effect.

After the wound is small to a certain extent, it becomes a trivial injury for Zou Heng. This is one of Zou Hengxin’s two magical powers, big and small!

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