Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 618

Chapter 612 Someone behind

Zou Heng looked at the strange face that appeared in front of him and the evil-level evils that appeared with the other party. He immediately felt a huge pressure on his body. At the same time, Zou Heng felt the space around him. Vaguely seems to be imprisoned, this is a means to prevent himself from escaping.

After hearing the tricky words, Zou Heng didn’t answer anything. He just reached out into his waist bag and took out all the things Xing Zhao had given him, except for the jade talisman, and immediately used it. Urge.

Following Zou Heng’s actions, Xing Zhao gave him everything except the jade charm that saved his life. All the other things were excited at this moment. A few yellow flags burned, and then a few beams of light shot up into the sky. It was also scattered into five-colored clouds in the air.

Several of them were golden in color. They were obviously specially made paper figures. Under the urging of Zou Heng’s mana, they grew up in the wind at this moment and became no different from real people. The breath exuding from their bodies has almost reached Yun Shen. realm.

Zou Heng could see that at this time, these paper men had the spiritual sustenance of a master. Although they were not soul sustenance, the effect was not far from the same. This is equivalent to one’s own side, and suddenly a few more help. My own master, the only pity is that the number of paper people is not large, there are only six in total, I am afraid it will not be of much help.

After landing, the six paper men entrusted by the master minds quickly swept around. When they saw the strange face on the opposite side and the huge number of evil-level evils around the other side, they instantly felt in their hearts. There is an indescribable mood.

Originally, they wanted to help Zou Heng, but now they are facing more than a dozen evil-level evils, plus a powerful strange side, how can they help Zou Heng? They will be torn to pieces soon!

Thinking of this, several people couldn’t help but look back at Zou Heng behind them, but felt that Zou Heng at this moment still exudes a strong will, thick and grand, but meticulous, fearless and fearless, daring to fight against the sky.

The few people seemed to be affected by this will for a moment, and there was no worry or fear in their hearts. There was only a willingness to fight, even if the opponent in front of them was indeed invincible.

At the same time, Zou Heng felt that he was suddenly blessed with a powerful force. This powerful force was formed by the convergence of many weak forces. Zou Heng seemed to be able to see that there was Some warlocks sitting together are constantly inputting mana into a **** grass man. There are also some colorfully dressed warlocks. They dance wildly and chant unknown spells in their mouths. Are praying for their own sacrifices.

These forces gathered on Zou Heng’s body, instantly causing the breath of Zou Heng’s body to begin to skyrocket, and the mana in his body began to circulate rapidly, and at the same time, some other effects of spells fell on Zou Heng’s body.

Zou Heng felt that under the action of these spells, his strength was increased, his speed was also increased, his body’s defensive ability was also enhanced a lot, and there were even some invisible enhancements, which were not directly reflected, but they were also blessed. On himself.

Feeling the soaring breath of Zou Heng’s body, and on the face like ink painting on the sly face, a somewhat surprised expression suddenly appeared. However, it seemed to quickly understand the reason for the increase in Zou Heng’s breath, so the voice sounded again.

“Interesting, look at some people who don’t give up, and really pin their hopes on you, but with you alone, even with their strength, what can you do? In my opinion, this Everything is originally a ridiculous thing. It seems to carry hope, but it is greedy for life and fear of death. Zou Heng, you are the victim of being pushed out by hypocritical people!”

When the sly face speaks, the power to deceive people’s hearts seems to have been amplified as never before. Even through the sustenance of the divine mind, the few warlocks who have only appeared here, after hearing the sly face, their thoughts can not help but follow Thinking about the other party’s words, I even felt that the other party’s words were very reasonable.

Naturally, Zou Heng would not be shaken by such words. At this time, he was experiencing the soaring power of his body. With the blessing of many warlocks, Zou Heng felt that he was as powerful as never before. Between gestures, the earth can shatter and the sky is torn apart. The power in his body makes him feel uncomfortable.

In this state, after Zou Heng finished speaking the tricky words, he directly attacked.

With a pinch of a magic trick in his hand, a circle of ocher light spread around Zou Heng’s body, and the mountain peak that had been cut just now quickly closed again after being enveloped by the ocher light.

Immediately afterwards, the earth began to vibrate slightly, Zou Heng lifted up gently with one hand, and whispered a word in his mouth.

“Get up!”

This word exit, on the shaking ground, quickly pushed a mountain from the ground. The top of the mountain was very sharp, and the whole looked like a huge stone thorn, which directly pierced the strange surface.

When this stone thorn appeared beside the face, a powerful evil aura burst out from the face, an invisible wave appeared around the body of the face, the stone thorn was as strong as a mountain peak. , After getting close to a certain area around the face, it smashed into powder directly.

However, at this time, the mountain that had been restored was also controlled by Zou Heng, and smashed toward the treacherous side. The earth-yellow light shrouded on it became extremely dazzling, the kind of will that seemed to be able to suppress everything, as if Even the surrounding space was suppressed.

The sly face, which looked like an ink painting, instantly changed at this time. It became a face with wounds all over the face, and the maimed face was not look-like. At the same time, the air in front of it also appeared like those wounds on the face. , Crisscrossing invisible grids, just like the previous method of cutting mountain peaks.

Zou Heng pinched the tactics in his hand, and displayed the square inch technique towards the sly face in front of him. Under the influence of the powerful force blessed by his body at this time, the square inch technique that Zou Heng displayed this time actually worked against the sly face. Yes, the other party’s huge face began to shrink in an instant, and its strength was also limited. Faced with the smashed mountain, the crisscross grid appeared in the air, and it failed to cut the mountain into pieces, but let it be a mountain. Smashed down.


A huge roar sounded, and the earth trembled fiercely. At this time, those evil spirits that appeared along with the creepy face all evaded one after another. At the same time, more than half of the evil spirits slammed towards Zou Heng after evading. Fight back.

Zou Heng’s huge body was suddenly entangled by a thick vine full of barbeds. The evil spirit entwined on the vine made Zou Heng feel a negative emotion of stubbornness and prejudice, and continued The tightening on Zou Heng.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of pale white flame also covered Zou Heng’s body. There was no sign or temperature at all, but it ignored most of Zou Heng’s defenses and directly applied power to Zou Heng. Horizontal body.

From this pale flame, Zou Heng felt an angry and cowardly mood, just like many people who have been wronged. They dare not vent the anger in their hearts to those who have caused them to be wronged. He vented it to the person closest to him, and caused them the same anger and cowardice.

In addition, there are still many methods that fell on Zou Heng, but these methods did not wait for Zou Heng to take action. At this time, the power blessed on him was partially offset by the power to protect him.

The mana in the body and the power transformed from the earth’s turbid energy circulated. Zou Heng directly raised his hand and tore off the vines entwined with him. Then, through the power transformed from the earth’s turbid energy in his body, the pale flame on his body was turned into Forcibly extinguished.

In the sky above Zou Heng’s head, colorful clouds rolled, dozens of thick thunder and lightning fell from the sky, followed by huge fireballs, exuding fiery temperature, hitting Those evil-level evils!

The few magicians who appeared here with the help of their souls also quickly started their hands at this time. After a few people cast spells, the thunder light in the clouds above their heads became more dazzling, and a thunder rushed out of the clouds. The dragon threw its teeth and claws at those evil things.

Others rubbed their hands, and a rotating tornado appeared in front of them. While flying towards the front, it expanded rapidly. By the way, the fireball falling from the sky was rolled into it and turned into a huge fire tornado, attacking the evil. Away.

At this time, Zou Heng felt that the effect of the Fangcun Dashu on Sorry Face had been destroyed. The other party had a special way of destroying the Fangcun Dashu. He did not forcefully fight the effect of Fangcun Dashu. Instead, he took advantage of the trend. Taking the initiative to shrink oneself, the result was that the extent of the final shrinkage exceeded the extent that Fangcun Dashu could do, so he successfully cracked Fangcun Dashu.

The effect of the Fangcun Dashu was cracked, and the sly figure reappeared in front of Zou Heng’s eyes. This time, when he appeared, the opponent separated more than a dozen clones. Each clone opened its mouth wide and spit out a pitch black. The beam of light shot towards Zou Heng’s body.

With his footsteps moved slightly to the left, Zou Heng’s figure instantly deflected for a large amount, quickly avoiding the tricky attack, and then Zou Heng’s heart moved, and a dozen soil **** appeared on the ground immediately, rolling forward. , And in the process of rolling, the volume of the earth ball became larger and larger, and it was covered with a layer of earthy yellow light.

This is the rolling stone technique that Zou Heng has not used for a long time, and coupled with the attack displayed by the move mountain technique, Zou Heng’s strength has increased greatly at this time. He feels that he has the support of many people behind him, and it seems that he can really fight against the tricky side. field.

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