Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 613

Chapter 607 Contact master

It may be that Zou Heng’s injury is serious and he needs to take a good rest on his own, so other people will come to bother him all night.

After thinking a lot, Zou Heng practiced again for a while, feeling that the time passed quickly.

It is worth mentioning that Zou Heng took the time to take a look at his party, and the only trophy he got was the strange axe he got after killing the blood woodcutter.

When he got this thing before, he didn’t have time to look at it, so he took it directly to his waist bag, and now he has the opportunity to look at this strange treasure.

After some simple research, Zou Heng roughly figured out the function of this axe. Its main function is to cut down. As long as it can be touched, it can cut damage. Even if it is not strong enough, it cannot cause too strong. Damage can also be superimposed again and again to make the damage continue to deepen.

In simple terms, the effect is the same as cutting a tree. Ordinary people use an axe to cut down a thick tree. There is no way to cut it down at one time, but it can leave a wound. Towering trees can also be cut off.

The strange treasure of the axe obtained from the blood woodsman is a kind of effect that continuously increases and expands the damage. It does not seem to be very useful, but it mainly depends on how to use it and who uses it. Zou Heng felt that this was different. Bao is pretty good, at least not worse than the mountain hammer in his hand.

After a night’s rest, Zou Heng’s injuries were almost healed. He also saw Xing Zhao and others again soon after dawn.

“How is the injury of the national teacher?” As soon as we met, Xing Zhao immediately became concerned about Zou Heng’s injury.

“There is nothing serious anymore!”

Upon hearing this, Zou Heng smiled and replied.

“That’s good. With regard to what happened to Da Cang, both the state leaders of Yu and Yu have already known. They had a discussion last night. The two countries will continue their previous alliance and continue to fight against the disaster together.”

“Now both Yu and Yu have shrunk the land close to Da Cang back. Since yesterday, many Da Cang people have entered Yu and Yu, but so far, from the spiritual fantasy The evils that come out of the world of desire are still raging in the realm of the universe, and have not yet appeared in our two countries.”

After Zou Heng said that his injury was not serious, Xing Zhao directly talked about the topic. It can be seen that from yesterday to today, Xing Zhao should have done a lot of things, and he clearly felt that he had a sense of urgency.

But this is normal. Under the current situation, if the speech is slow, then it is a bit abnormal.

After listening to Xing Zhao’s words, Zou Heng asked the other party: “What news is there now about those evils that came out of the realm of psychic desires?”

Xing Zhao shook his head when he heard the words, “The people that Yu Country had arranged in Da Cang before had already arranged for them to come back as much as possible when the evil and evil surged out. Therefore, we know very little about the situation on Da Cang’s side now. Only from some of the warlocks who had escaped from the arrogance, I got a little news!

“With the great kingdom as the center, those who came out of the realm of spiritual fantasy are evil and they are spreading in all directions. The several cities around the great kingdom have all the evils. Now in those cities, I am afraid Many of them no longer exist. According to the warlock who escaped, those who attacked those cities were evil-level evil!”

“Then what countermeasures can be discussed last night so far?” Zou Heng asked again.

In fact, when asked this sentence, Zou Heng did not expect to get any useful answer. After all, things have just happened. Moreover, in the face of such a disaster, it seems that there is no very safe countermeasure, nothing more than uniting together.

“The current countermeasure is to try to find a way to confine a large number of evils within the realm of the sky, and then do everything possible to eliminate them. It is best to close the passage to the spiritual world, as for the sky and the earth. The disaster, I will only talk about it now!” Xing Zhao said to Zou Heng.

Hearing this sentence, Zou Heng’s heart moved. Judging from the meaning of this sentence, Xing Zhao and others should have really discussed some countermeasures, and the strength of Yu Guo might be stronger than he thought. , Otherwise he would not have the confidence to say such a thing.

Noting Zou Heng looking at his gaze, Xing Zhao said again: “The national teacher is still young, and he still lacks some understanding of some things. There are actually more masters in the realm of gods in this world than you think, except In addition to the masters in the state of becoming gods, there are some remote places, and there are also some masters living in seclusion. Now that disaster is coming, I have invited these masters to come, plus other warlocks in Yu, we may not have the opportunity to fight evil. !”

“It turns out that the juniors do have a little experience, and don’t know many masters!” Zou Heng nodded again after hearing the words.

“The only thing we can do at the moment is to gather all available forces as much as possible, and then the national teacher will return to the kingdom of Yu. I also hope that you will gather the masters of the kingdom of Yu as soon as possible and act with us!”

“This is natural!”

After talking with Xing Zhao for one morning, Zou Heng left the capital of Yu State and prepared to return to Da Cang.

At present, Yu Guo has just begun to prepare to deal with the evils that have run out of the psychic desire world. All the countermeasures that have been devised at present are only methods that have been discussed overnight. The specific implementation needs to be carefully planned.

The most important thing now is to gather strength first. Of course, it is best to find more masters. Those warlocks whose cultivation level is below the alchemist realm, unless the number is large enough, otherwise they really won’t have any effect.

After a few hours, Zou Heng returned to the capital of Yu Kingdom, and then went straight to the palace. After entering the palace, Zou Heng found that many officials were still in the palace.

As soon as Zou Heng appeared, everyone’s eyes focused on him, and Zhao Yu stood up directly, walked in front of Zou Heng a few steps, and asked in the first sentence.

“The national teacher is back. I heard that you were injured. How is your injury now?”

“Thank your Majesty for your concern, my injury is no longer a serious problem!” Zou Heng nodded and said.

“That would be great. When the national teacher came back, my country Yu was finally a little emboldened. I was discussing with the ministers about the situation on Da Cang’s side. According to the information discovered, Da Cang already has more than a dozen cities. It was reduced to an empty city, and the people in the city were slaughtered by evil and strangers. If those evil and strangers enter the kingdom of Yu, with the strength of the kingdom of Yu, I am afraid that they can only pay Da Cang’s footsteps!

After hearing Zou Heng’s words, Zhao Yu looked at Zou Heng up and down again. After really seeing no problem, he hurriedly told Zou Heng about the situation on Da Cang’s side.

Since receiving the news from Yu State yesterday, Zhao Yu and the Manchu civil and military of Yu State have been discussing countermeasures. Although Yu State put forward some seemingly feasible countermeasures, as the leader of a country, Zhao Yu Yu felt that everything must be done on his own after all, otherwise they would not help Yu country again when Yu Guo was overwhelmed by himself.

But compared with Yu, the strength of Yu is still far behind. There are not too many powerful warlocks at all to ensure that Yu can safely deal with disasters. Before Zou Heng returned, Zhao Yu and the hundreds of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty had already been in It was time to discuss the measures to be taken when Yu was unable to withstand the disaster.

Fortunately, now that Zou Heng is back, there is a powerful master who is in charge, which will make people feel more at ease.

After understanding the results of everyone’s discussion, Zou Heng briefly talked about his own experience in Da Cang, and did not propose any very reliable countermeasures. He just asked these officials to find out the powerful warlocks in Yu Kingdom as soon as possible. Yu Guo has something to do, cooperate as much as possible.

After that, Zou Heng stayed in the palace temporarily, and new news came from followers at any time.

In a blink of an eye, another night passed. At the meeting the next morning, new news came back. The content of the news was about Dacang. The source of the news was also from Dacang’s warlock. I received this message. Zhang Xiaonian, who had the news, told everyone the latest news at the morning meeting of Yu State.

“According to the news from Da Cang, at least 30 cities in Da Cang are empty due to evils. Among these 30 cities, there are ten people who can escape, and the people in Da Cang are killed or injured in the millions!”

Zhang Xiaonian used very concise language to tell the main news he was going to say without any superfluous modification, but these numbers alone are enough to make people feel scared.

Moreover, with those evil activities, the number of deaths and injuries will continue to expand. After all, the land of the great world is too big. In addition to those living on the border, there are still a large number of people among the great people today. The people didn’t escape, but it was obvious that their speed of escaping could not keep up with the speed of evil and evil, so the number of deaths would only continue to expand.

Because of the news that Zhang Xiaonian said at the meeting, the subsequent reports by others seemed to be a little trivial. Everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts. As the ruler of the Kingdom of Yu, they did not want such a thing. , Will happen in Yu Kingdom.

Fortunately, shortly after the end of the court meeting, Yu Guo’s side, Xing Zhao’s subpoena had arrived.

The content of the transmission did not ask Zou Heng to do anything. He only told Zou Heng that he had already contacted some masters. In view of the situation of Da Cang, some people are planning to clean up some evils in Da Cang first, so as to win some vitality for the people of Da Cang. It was noon.

When the time came to what Xing Zhao said, Zou Heng saw the sun hanging in the sky, the light suddenly became brighter, and then a dazzling beam of light fell from the sun to the ground, the position is exactly in the sky. direction.

Such a scenario is very similar to the vision once dominated by Great Cang, but there are obvious differences between the two. Obviously, it is not the same person who uses the means. This time the vision seems to be slightly less powerful, but it can be used. Those who use this method are already very good.

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