Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 985

Chapter 985: The Final Battle

After Sui Xiong read the scroll as well as Fira’s last words, he stood silent for a long time.

Sui Xiong reached his hand out and gently touched the scroll, pulling out Fira, who was about to burn to death. Fira had long been pushed to his breaking point. Afterwards, the only thing that kept him alive and awake was the pain from being burnt. Once Fira was removed from the flame, his energy immediately diminished, and he fell into a deep slumber almost immediately.

Sui Xiong transferred a large amount of his strength to Fira in hopes that Fira could recuperate slowly over time. With a flick of Sui Xiong’s hand, the flame then flew up and landed on his forehead. In that instant, it burnt brightly, and flames shot up like a flaming arrow, almost burning up the entire temple but at the same time harming nothing that was contained here. As if he did not care for the pain of the burning fire, Sui Xiong walked out of the temple unhurriedly. He then waved his tentacles, wrapping up the entire temple and absorbing it into his own body.

The female tour guide from before, who was halfway through her guide speech, was shocked speechless. Likewise, the followers of the Supreme Lord were equally flabbergasted. Just before their very eyes, the temple that was ancient and broken down had disappeared without a trace. In its place, a large piece of stone plaque appeared.

On this stone plaque, there were several lines of words that no one in this world except for Sui Xiong could recognize. It said:

“As some live, he has already died. As some die, he still lives.”

With such a phrase, Sui Xiong paid tribute to all the heroes who had fought the long battle against evil.

“With condolences—Sui Xiong.”

After doing so, Sui Xiong could not continue to care about all the dirty matters that went on in this self-proclaimed Victory City. Instead, he activated his tentacles, crossed a specific boundary within the Void Mask and returned once again in front of the God of Virtue in the latter’s temple.

“How’s the situation outside?” the God of Virtue asked, “Also… your forehead… what happened?”

“The situation is dire,” Sui Xiong answered the God of Virtue’s first question peacefully and ignored the second question. All he did was quietly release the sleeping Fira as well as all the people who had been sealed in gently, of which they almost flooded the entire courtyard.

The God of Virtue glanced at the people, furrowed his brows and asked, “there are only so few people left?”

“This is already more than I expected.”

The God of Virtue sighed and glanced at Sui Xiong again. “Are you going to wage the final battle against the God of Light?”

“No,” Sui Xiong finally smiled. It was an extremely strange and cold smile, even on that clear jellyfish face. “I am going to beat him to death and put an end to all this for once and for all.”

With that, Sui Xiong turned and flew out of what could be the only remaining safe zone left on this world. He then flew in the sky towards the void while increasing in size all the while. His body grew bigger and bigger and slowly became bigger than that of the Main Plane, of a whole world, and eventually became so huge that he covered the skies. Any random tentacle that Sui Xiong lifted up could be bigger than a world by itself!

As for the flame that was burning steadily on his forehead, it grew in intensity as well and became more blinding than sunlight, illuminating an infinite number of worlds. The flame became so bright that it started causing the Supreme Lord’s new order to fall apart as well as good versus evil and order versus chaos to regain a balance.

Those who were already acclimatized to the new order were suddenly lost and confused with the return of the old order. They could only feel that there had been a big change in the world, and this caused their heart rates to rise. Only a few could truly understand what this big change meant, and these few people panicked even more.

The mass of gods who served the Supreme Lords were extremely shocked. Some took the initiative to set forth while others rushed to take action under the Supreme Lord’s orders. Quickly, they all gathered in front of Sui Xiong and formed a huge crowd. The Oracles who lacked the brains to think for themselves formed the frontline while the demigods and real gods followed behind in order. The vast lines were arranged in a battle formation of deadly accuracy, and all types of divine weapons were brought out and passed around. Countless boundaries and magic arrays rose from all directions and some people even clashed with each other due to their nerves or due to magical mismatches.

This vast god army included almost all the camps of this new world. Be it good or evil camps, orderly or chaotic camps, even evil gods, demons had all rushed forward to join the lines. They gripped their weapons tightly and chanted spells, getting their battle stances ready as if to fight a huge war. Their killing spirit fused together and influenced several nearby worlds. Followers could feel the call of their gods and they too, one by one, took out their weapons, shouted battle cries and got ready for war.

However, to Sui Xiong, they did not look heroic or mighty at all. Instead, they looked like a bunch of quails trapped in a cage, sticking tightly together and looking extremely pathetic. At first, he had not wanted to care about them. However, his heart wavered slightly and he glanced through the crowd. As expected, he did not see any trace of the Goddess of Wealth’s presence.

Somehow, Sui Xiong suddenly felt like laughing. He took a few steps forward. The array made out of the gods that looked like an iron wall suddenly vibrated slightly, like a light wind blowing over a water surface, and waves appeared.

With a few more steps forward, the bastards who had been extremely fierce before at the back of the lines now all had expressions of fear on their faces. If not for the greater fear of the Supreme Lord and his cruelty, they would have already escaped or retreated from the scene. Sui Xiong glanced at the army slightly before advancing forward again. This time, he took a few fast steps. Before the gods could react, he was already right in front of them. He had walked to the middle of this massive army which previously looked well prepared.

Sui Xiong did not slow down. He also did not take any major action. He simply continued to walk forward like a shadow that was invisible, slowly passing through the defensive line, which now did not seem so strong. Behind him, all the gods now looked on, frozen and shaking in fear, and none of them dared to make any move.

Soon, Sui Xiong reached the Human God System’s God Kingdom. Of course, in the past, this God Kingdom was called the “Court of Victory.” Now, it had been renamed as “Pioneer Nation.” Well, either way, the name was not too important to Sui Xiong. As long as the leader within was the same, did the name really matter? As Sui Xiong glanced at this God Kingdom, the God of Aristocracy came to mind.

That was someone whose luck and destiny was one of the worst he’d ever seen. They had used their entire life and energy on trying to become stronger. In doing so, they had committed bad deeds but had also done good deeds. More than once, they had gone against Sui Xiong and once had even concealed their identity to secretly pass some messages to Sui Xiong. If not for the God of Light announcing their crimes as well as the recordings of the God of Vagrants in the Void Mask temple, Sui Xiong would not even have known about it. Nevertheless, the God of Aristocracy was still a rather normal being in the end and had walked a rather normal path. Be it good or bad things, they did not have any crazy motives. As compared to the God of Light, the sly God of Aristocracy was simply like a dog in wolf’s clothing. As he thought to this point, Sui Xiong finally could not help himself and laughed aloud.

As he laughed, he raised his tentacles and aimed a blow directly at the Human God System’s God Kingdom. If he had truly done a good hit, the entire God Kingdom would have exploded into smithereens. All the followers, Oracles and gods in the God Kingdom, apart from the Supreme Lord, would probably die as well.

However, a hand which was equipped with an iron glove reached out and grasped Sui Xiong’s tentacles.

“Well now, you’re simply too impatient. This does not bode well for you,” the God of Light emerged from the God Kingdom and stood in front of Sui Xiong. As usual, he had on an evil smile that would give one goosebumps. “Are you satisfied with the little present that I gave you?”

Sui Xiong did not reply. The flame on his forehead, however, grew brighter and more intense.

“Actually, if I wanted to enter that old frog’s house, I could have done so easily,” the God of Light said. “It’s just that, if I had done so, I would not have any enemies left. That’s too boring. I would feel even more empty inside to the point where I would feel lonely, even… If I could not find a new match, my emptiness and loneliness would never be sated. The Master of Order was already far too weak and there was only you left to solve the problem of the emptiness in my heart. If you want to blame anything for this battle we have now, blame yourself for being too strong.”

Sui Xiong stood in front of the God of Light. He had on a peaceful and calm composure. Sui Xiong did not speak, nor did he take any action.

“I’ve discovered something. Normally, you’re not specialized in war. However, when you’re angry, you seem to be able to fight better. I’ve been thinking about this in earnest. How do I make you angry enough to fight? Of course, I need it to be entertaining for myself as well. One needs entertainment in life, right?”

Sui Xiong glanced at the God of Light coldly, as if he were staring at a corpse.

“I thus created a new order and chased all the fellows who were unwilling to be loyal to me to where you were. I must admit that they were stronger than I thought, given the amount of times they were able to resist me! This is especially so for that final scene with the flames, that was really fun,” the God of Light said laughingly. “You weren’t aware, right? I recorded down every instance where one of your followers jumped into the flame to burn. I’ve watched these scenes multiple times, and each time, I laugh for half a day! Do you want to watch it too? I can share a copy with you if you wish.”

Sui Xiong continued to stay silent. However, his tentacles slowly tensed up, like a string being puller taut, allowing him to become bulkier, bigger and stronger.

“Oh, yes, I got married later on. Do you know who my wife is?” the God of Light asked in a cheery fashion. “You definitely will be able to guess the answer. It’s probably simple for you to solve this riddle given your intelligence! Just now, when the mob was out there blocking your path, I had already given you a big hint.”

Sui Xiong could not help but smile wanly. He felt that the God of Light’s condescending way of mocking him was not only evil and lame, but also extremely pathetic. His scornful gaze naturally was noted by the God of Light. The God of Light retracted his cheery expression and ended his conversational mood as his face instead turned black.

“You’re really such a killjoy. Look at you! Why couldn’t you just play along?” the God of Light asked. “Now, you’ve made me regret delaying this battle for so long.”

Sui Xiong remained quiet. He was gathering up all the energy in his body, preparing to kill the God of Light with a single blow. He did not have any interest in furthering a conversation with the God of Light at all. Looking at Sui Xiong’s indifferent attitude, the God of Light finally lost his patience, raised his fist and smashed it into the Human God System’s God Kingdom that was by his side.

“That’s it, game over!”

With such a punch, the Human God System’s God Kingdom suddenly exploded. At the same time, countless worlds which had slowly been moving around all directions of the Great Circulation exploded simultaneously. The Great Circulation’s boundaries erupted… Light and darkness, good and evil, life and death, spirits and creatures… everything was now unbounded and began maniacally colliding with each other.

The infinite and everlasting Great Circulation became chaotic in an instant. Countless shooting stars formed in an instant and flew in all directions. Every shooting star managed to hit several big and small worlds in its path, causing them to explode and crash.

This all happened within a few seconds. This world, built upon the Great Circulation, now faced the possibility of becoming fully destroyed. Sui Xiong had not anticipated that the God of Light would be willing to destroy this entire world without hesitation. This stunned Sui Xiong into silence, and he was suddenly unsure as to how to proceed.

Should he be angry? By right, Sui Xiong should have been angered. However, he had already vented out all his frustration earlier. Even if he wanted to become angry again, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.

Should he be frustrated? That was for sure. However, as he glanced at that wily God of Light, who had a slightly maniacal look on his face, he felt that he no longer could react strongly to any strange things that happened now.

As such, even as he watched the world slowly crumble, Sui Xiong did not feel any real emotion in his heart. Instead, Sui Xiong just felt amused, like he was about to laugh.

The God of Light was already known to be extremely evil, and his actions now simply reiterated that very fact. If one were not evil to the point of being a little insane, one would definitely not stand by and watch the world burn at their feet! Sui Xiong could not help but suddenly think of Majin Boo in the cartoon Dragon Ball, who similarly had destroyed his entire world.

“What does this all mean?” Sui Xiong could not help but finally speak his mind. “This is like an acrobat performing on stage. One would take a long time to prepare for the performance and yet possibly mess up on their first show. Then, facing the audience’s boos and jeers, he then decided to rash the entire stage. This is akin to what you are doing now!”

The God of Light’s face twitched as he said coldly, “I guess you couldn’t stay mute forever.”

“It’s just that I learnt my lesson against people like you. Sometimes, speaking is simply useless,” Sui Xiong replied in a similarly cold fashion. “Furthermore, I am someone with manners. I would not disrupt the performance of even the worst performer on stage.”

Sui Xiong paused for a second before saying, “To be honest, your performance now is truly abysmal. As compared to the previous showdown where you lied and trick me, it is simply incomparable. Perhaps that is because you were more sincere the previous time.”

The God of Light’s expression became all the more venomous. “You aren’t the same Void Mask, Auscar, as I remembered you to be. Are you really him?”

“Well, you are not the God of Light, Wuther Rang, that I remember you to be either.” Sui Xiong’s face was stony and unreadable.

The God of Light was silent for a while before saying, “Do you know that I’ve hated you all this while…”

“You’ve said it all before! As someone who was originally full of evil intentions and especially as the evil, perverted being you’ve become, it’s no wonder you hate the calm and happy go lucky me. I’d expect that you would be jealous of me, even to the point of hate,” Sui Xiong spoke directly. He felt that he was in an extremely good condition today. Because of that, he could make his points clearly and speak well, much better than before. Although he had been harsher than he normally would be, he felt that is was enough for the current situation. There was nothing gentler he could utter towards the evil God of Light, after all.

“Now…” Sui Xiong dragged out his words on purpose. Once a curious expression had appeared on the God of Light’s face as planned, Sui Xiong activated his tentacles and lashed out with all the energy he had been slowly summoning.

“All you have to do is stand there and take my attack!”

With that, Sui Xiong lashed out. This one blow was as fast as the speed of light!

Although Sui Xiong’s tentacles possessed power that exceeded that of several small worlds combined, it did not disturb nor even move the tiniest dust mite that it passed. Sui Xiong had concentrated every single ounce of his power into this one blow. He did not even stop to think of what he should do if the attack should fail nor did he prepare a backup plan.

At this very moment, he was only focusing on one solitary aim. He wanted to hit and kill the God of Light, Wuther Rang, with this one blow!

The God of Light was not shocked by Sui Xiong’s sudden attack. Clearly, he was well prepared. Putting both his hands together firmly, he caught this attack by Sui Xiong. These two great Divine Powers, the two strongest creatures on this world with powers beyond imagination, had both used all their strength in their first exchange.

Sui Xiong’s giant tentacles and the God of Light’s equally giant fists clashed, causing an extremely shocking explosion. This large explosion’s strength wrapped around infinite numbers of worlds surrounding the two great Divine Powers. Be it those weak and defenseless small worlds or the stronger God Kingdoms that had been painstakingly developed by Divine Powers, it did not matter to the strength of the explosion’s shockwaves. With slight vibrations, the worlds crumbled and collapsed, bringing with them all the patron saints that tried to protect the land. All the people and land fused into one mess and were absorbed into the shockwaves, where they slowly floated aimlessly and joined other worlds which had met with similar fates.

If this had been a normal battle on a normal day, this one strike alone would have been enough to earn the admiration of the gods. Alas, at this very moment, the Great Circulation was spectacularly crumbling, and countless shooting stars were clashing all at once. Every second, the number of worlds they were destroyed became too many to count. It looked like doomsday, like the end of this world. This was why even such a scary scene could not attract anyone’s full attention.

This final battle between the two great Divine Powers, between the two beings who had transcended the highest realm of this world, did not have an audience.

Very soon, the shockwaves approached the Main Plane. As the strongest world among the Great Circulation, the Main Plane demonstrated a rather admirable display of strength. Even with such strong shockwaves hitting it, the Main Plane simply shook and vibrated uncontrollably but did not directly disintegrate.

However, as both Sui Xiong and the God of Light noticed, a single white shooting star silently flew off from the Main Plane, leaving it far behind.

“That old frog is truly ingenious and fast on his feet. I had hoped that he would perish along with the rest of the Main Plane…” The God of Light, upon recovering from defending that huge attack by Sui Xiong, shook his head. With a flash, he rushed to where Sui Xiong was standing and gave him a hard blow, pushing Sui Xiong towards the Main Plane violently. At this point, Sui Xiong had not yet recovered from their first exchange.

Sui Xiong put up a strong defense and managed to quickly and magnificently spin around just as he was about to hit the Main Plane, merely brushing its surface instead of colliding onto it before he surfaced back up again.

“What’s the point of that? It’s a waste of energy.” The God of Light shook his head and appeared before Sui Xiong before beginning his taunts. “The entire Great Circulation is about to be destroyed. What’s the use of saving the Main Plane, then?”

Sui Xiong ignored the garbage that was spewing from the God of Light’s mouth. He used his tentacles to grab hold of the God of Light’s leg before latching on with his entire body. Just as he stepped forward, he managed to trip the God of Light. Sui Xiong then immediately snatched up his tentacles and maniacally slapped at the God of Light from all directions blindly, prioritizing the number of hits. Within a short period of time, he managed to get in a sizeable number of blows. After a while, the God of Light found an opening for him to push Sui Xiong aside, flipping his body upright in the process.

“You stupid idiot, that’s extremely unbecoming of a great Divine Power!” the God of Light yelled in anger. “This method of battling makes you no different from lazy drunkards brawling in the streets!”

“I’ve never considered myself great nor glorious.” Sui Xiong smiled coldly. He sighed slightly and rushed over again. “Matters such as face, well, once I defeat you, that can be regained easily.”

This time, Sui Xiong’s battle tactics were the direct opposite of before. Now, he was fully invested in throwing wild punches, focusing on quantity. As long as he managed to grab hold onto the God of Light, he immediately activated his tentacles to get some punches in. The scene looked ugly and dirty. The God of Light was unable to go against the wild attacks of Sui Xiong, who was using all his might. He was, on more than one occasion, caught hold of and hit hard, so naturally, the God of Light suffered a fair bit.

After he had wrenched himself away from Sui Xiong’s hold for the umpteenth time, the God of Light raged as his anger reached an all-time high. He picked up a random world beside him, used it as a launching weapon and threw it hard towards Sui Xiong.

That world, made up of countless rocks and stones, hit Sui Xiong’s body and disintegrated on the spot. Sui Xiong, on the other hand, was only momentarily deterred before he came sprinting forward again. However, that short moment of rest was good enough for the God of Light. Black smoke started emitting from his hands and created a wide, giant sword that floated up. This was the weapon that the God of Light often used. Although the sword had become more and more negligible after the God of Light had become a great Divine Power, at this very moment, a weapon was still better than having none. Towards a creature like a jellyfish, which had a soft body, the God of Light felt that slicing Sui Xiong up would be more effective than using pokes and prods.

However, the God of Light’s instincts were wrong. His sword was extremely sharp and could easily cut apart Sui Xiong’s tentacles, or even cut them off. However, Sui Xiong would not be defeated so easily! After sustaining damages, he could easily recover. Even if his tentacles were cut off, they would return to within his body like a shooting star and regrow themselves.

In comparison, as long as the God of Light was caught by Sui Xiong, he would receive several beatings, and all he could do would be to attempt to hide his face. Sui Xiong’s many tentacles reached out and hit the God of Light endlessly. He had over a hundred tentacles, and even if 50 were used to grab hold of the God of Light, the remaining 50 could still be used to give 250 and more hard slaps, hitting the God of Light till he was extremely dizzy. Of course, as the God of Light was still a great Divine Power and an experienced fighter, even under such circumstances, he could still stay conscious and even find several opportunities between Sui Xiong’s beatings to fight back.

In this simple and focused battle of power, the God of Light could use his stronger reserves to gain an advantage. Furthermore, he was more familiar with this boundary, and this earned him a slight advantage while battling. This allowed him to hold on to about 1.5 times of Sui Xiong’s power. This was not too big of an advantage, but it helped the God of Light against Sui Xiong’s hundreds of tentacles, balancing out both parties. This neutrality caused the battle to become ceaseless, and it was hard to determine who was winning or losing. If the duo were to continue on, it was uncertain as to when they would end the battle. Perhaps, the God of Light and Sui Xiong would even battle for a few thousand years, or even till the skies had changed and the world was ancient. Even then, it was possible that a result would not be determined.

Instead, apart from the duo’s battleground, the Great Circulation’s giant tremors had slowly quietened down and were becoming peaceful. The disaster that the God of Light had brought upon it was soon passing.

Of course, both sides noticed this point. The God of Light’s face turned even blacker. He had not dreamt in his wildest dreams that the infinite amount of time he had spent on preparing would still not be enough to successfully destroy this entire world.

“How can this be!?” the God of Light could not help but blurt out. “The Great Circulation was already destroyed and seeping away, it should not have been reversed!”

“No matter how vigorously you shake a pail of water, eventually, the ripples will stop, and the water will become still again,” Sui Xiong replied casually, showing off and mocking the God of Light simultaneously.

“But… the things mixed into the water should be able to re-separate themselves and should have been mixed into a jumble…!”

Sui Xiong laughed coldly and chose not to reply. In reality, he himself was secretly shocked and confused as well. The Great Circulation’s ability to secure itself was something that he had not expected either.

The God of Light furrowed his brows in confusion, jabbed his sword out in an attack that forced Sui Xiong to back away and glanced around, thinking hard.

However, Sui Xiong did not allow the God of Light time to think. He simply took a deep breath before rushing forward and launching a massive attack.

The God of Light could not help but continue dueling. After a while, the God of Light managed to find an opening to hold Sui Xiong back again, allowing him some time to observe his surroundings and evaluate the situation before Sui Xiong rushed up to attack yet again. This cycle repeated itself several times before the God of Light’s eyes lit up and he smiled in satisfaction.

“I understand now!” the God of Light yelled loudly. “The reason why the Great Circulation could restore itself is because of its strong fulcrum. It works like an anchor, which helps ships to stay stationary when floating on water. As long as this fulcrum exists, no matter how much the Great Circulation is destroyed, it will eventually return to normal. Things like good and evil, order and chaos, all revolve around this central fulcrum and can be separated… It is all just a matter of time.”

Sui Xiong’s eyes narrowed slightly, showing that he had understood what the God of Light had uttered.

Within an instant, their bodies appeared before the Main Plane, with one attacking and one defending it. Without question, the Main Plane was the said fulcrum of the Great Circulation. As long as it still existed, even if all it was burnt land and smoke, it could still fulfil its role as the core of the Great Circulation and miraculously hold up the workings of it. If the God of Light wanted to destroy this entire world, he had to first destroy this fulcrum. If Sui Xiong wanted to stop him, he, on the other hand, had to protect this fulcrum. The two great Divine Powers finally reached a stage where they were battling fully for life and death.

Sui Xiong suffered a great disadvantage very quickly. If he wanted to protect the Main Plane, he lost the space and ability to attack the God of Light directly. No matter what method he used, as long as the God of Light redirected his attacks towards the Main Plane, all Sui Xiong could do was defend. Sui Xiong thus sustained multiple injuries very soon and they built up over time, greatly weakening him.

Even if Sui Xiong was fast in healing these injuries, his depleted energy could not be replenished that quickly. As compared to the God of Light, who was attacking happily, Sui Xiong was truly greatly disadvantaged.

As the God of Light launched his attacks, he taunted Sui Xiong as well. “Why do you still insist on protecting this world? Sooner or later, it will be destroyed.”

“Who says that the Main Plane is fated to be destroyed!?”

“Do you know how much time and energy I’ve spent to ensure the destruction of this world? I moved all the worlds one by one to outside of the Great Circulation’s boundary and plotted multiple explosions… that was hard work!”

“That’s your perverted mind talking! Why would you destroy this fully functional world!?” Sui Xiong roared angrily. “You’re already the dictator of this world, why do you still insist on destroying it!?”

The God of Light laughed coldly. “The dictator of this world? I’m far from it!”

His sword attacks became more and more harsh, cutting Sui Xiong cruelly and causing him to become further injured over time. Yet, Sui Xiong could clearly feel that the God of Light’s strength was still steadily increasing. It was not that the God of Light had yet another revelation. Rather, it was obvious that he had stored his energy someplace and was now gathering it back and using it to improve his strength. On the other hand, although Sui Xiong had almost the same tactic as him, his energy reserves were still being depleted by the God of Light. If he continued on this way, eventually, Sui Xiong would be too tired to continue fighting. At that point, he would no longer be able to protect the Main Plane and secure this world. Nevertheless, Sui Xiong did not give up and continued to fight hard.

Leon Igor and the others had fought to the end, he too of course had to follow that! Even if he failed in the end of the battle and the world was destroyed. if he did not fight with all his might, what face did he have to face Leon and the others? What right did he have to be called their leader? The flame on Sui Xiong’s forehead burned steadily, as if signifying the burning desire to fight in his heart. With both sides fighting hard and wanting to win, this battle was destined to end with one party being fully defeated and destroyed.

While the duo fought hard in their physical battle, they sustained a conversation. Well, it was more of a confrontational scolding.

“Auscar, what powers and status do you think a dictator of this world should have?”

“Anything that is unlike you!”

“Well, that’s obvious! Even though I have already conquered all the several races, God Systems and even the evil demons and the resurrected magic creature in this entire world, I’m still far from being a dictator, even though I have made my mark significantly…”

“Is that still not enough for you? I really hate you to the core!”

“This is me not being satisfied with mediocrity. What is wrong with a strong figure chasing dreams?”

“You’ve already reached such a high level of strength. How much stronger do you want to become!?”

“What do you know? The reason why I can control all these people is because they all fear me. Such a method of control is merely conquering and ruling by fear, and not true domination!”

“I don’t care about your matters of dictating!”

“That’s because you lack desire, you’re not thirsty enough to improve!”

“Who are you to say that? When you were my age, at that point, I could already kill thousands with my tentacles!”

“Being born early is a lazy advantage! If I were born earlier as well, the Master of Order would not have been able to oppress me for so many years!”

“Well, if you’re talking about leadership, the Master of Order did a much better job than you did!”

“You consider the Master of Order a good dictator? How ridiculous! A dictator should be admired by everyone and be able to control all, he owns everyone! I am this world and this world is me. That’s how one can be a true dictator?”

“You are this world? Well, since this world is about to be destroyed, why not die along with it!”

“Once I’ve destroyed the Great Circulation’s fulcrum, the Main Plane, and caused this entire world to be fully destroyed, I will embed my own body in the world and fuse with it to become one entity. That is where I will truly become the dictator of this entire world!”

“At the end of the day, you’re going to die anyway. Why not simplify things and let me kill you now!”

“I will not die so easily. Instead, I will rise up once again and, for the second time, leave all you bastards who have been holding me back and become so powerful that you will all be stunned!”

“You wish! You won’t be able to see such a day, because I am going to kill you before any of that can happen!”

The God of Light did not reply and instead fell silent for a long time.

As he stayed silent, the God of Light’s body suddenly gathered a frightening amount of strength that steadily increased to a point where Sui Xiong was shocked.

“You’ve made me angry now!” the God of Light suddenly said. “To kill you, I’m going to activate all the energy I’ve hidden in various places in one go. Although this is a huge issue for my plan to fuse with the new world later on and will require a large amount of time to replenish, you’ve created so much trouble for me that I have no choice but to unleash all my power on you!”

Of course, Sui Xiong was not about to allow the God of Light to gather all his energy that easily. He continued his attacks with all his might and yet was securely caught by the God of Light. The God of Light’s facial expression became extremely evil to the point of mania and eventually exploded. His entire face was insane, and he let out a cry of anger.


The infinite amount of energy that the God of Light had gathered first exploded from his body before forming into giant shockwaves, surging forwards and swallowing everything in sight. Without a fulcrum, the Great Circulation finally stopped being secure and began to be truly crumble. This simultaneous attack on the Void Mask as well as the Main Plane caused the God of Light much damage. At this point, he was standing in the Void with scars all over his body, and his energy was depleted. Since he had overused his powers in one go, his entire body was spewing blood like a torn ball that had been filled with water and was now overflowing. He did not look like a great Divine Power at all at this point.

Just now, since both sides had put in their all to fight, although he had used energy reserves from a while back to destroy both Sui Xiong and the Main Plane at the same time, he himself had been thrown in the ring of fire, and the overuse of powers had backfired on him as well. Now, the God of Light’s situation was extremely terrible. If Sui Xiong were to resurrect, he could kill the God of Light with one slap. The God of Light was in such terrible shape that even a normal Divine Power could probably kill him. Nevertheless, the God of Light smiled cheerily and seemed secure and happy.

His dreams were finally about to come to fruition. He had gone against his seniors, chased away his juniors and was about to finish the destruction he had started.

The resurrection of a great Divine Power depended on the source of the world. Now that the fulcrum of the Great Circulation was destroyed and the Great Circulation itself was slowly crumbling, the source of the world would soon disappear as well and resurrection would no longer be possible.

Be it the Master of Order, who had resisted the God of Light all this while, or Sui Xiong, who had recently been killed, as well as all their followers and other troublesome gods, audiences and even humans who had opposed him… They would all be dead meat and disappear. They were like dust on table surfaces, an eyesore. Now, the God of Light could finally blow them all away, clearing the table surface without any scars left. All his troubles would now be resolved.

This vast land, this Great Circulation, would only contain him alone.

“I… am the leader and owner of this world!” the God of Light couldn’t help but mutter to himself before he started laughing manically and uncontrollably. Once the Great Circulation was fully destroyed, he would rebuild a new world that he could fully control with his own hands. The emptiness within him would finally be solved!

Everything was going well. This was perfect!

Just at this very moment, the God of Light spotted something strange. Among the debris of the Main Plane, there was a young man floating peacefully and he was dressed in extremely strange clothes.

“What is this?” Glancing at the fellow, the God of Light did not think he was human for a second after the great destruction that had just taken place. Furthermore, he could not sense any power from the man. After all, even someone of his standard, a peer like the Void Mask, Auscar, had been destroyed and turned to smoke in his attack. How could a mere human still be alive? Needless to say, that was probably a shadow or some kind of treasure. It was possible that the power behind the Main Plane as the fulcrum of the Great Circulation was from this shadow. After all, this man was as strong as the fulcrum had been!

The God of Light was extremely curious, and he tried to wave his hands and use divine thought to bring the man before him. His divine thought, however, dissipated once it approached the man and was of no use at all, let alone carry out the task of bringing the thing to the God of Light. He furrowed his brows and thought for a while before his body flashed. A clone flew out from the God of Light’s body and carefully approached this new toy.

“He looks like a human… It’s just that he looks unscarred and is not nearly tall enough… Even a member of the aristocrats would be slightly taller than that… this person is so short that it’s pathetic!”

As the God of Light muttered to himself, his hand glowed, and a large long sword appeared. The God of Light tried to direct this sword towards the unknown creature. Even before his sword had touched it, the man opened his eyes. The knowing, glowing gaze in his eyes alerted the God of Light that it was an intellectual creature. He was a person, just not one that the God of Light was familiar with. He was unable to sense any godliness and yet was able to remain unscathed in the God of Light’s scary attack and explosion.

Sui Xiong had opened his eyes.

He was still slightly dizzy, and his brain was ringing. It was as if a group of tribesmen were waving their emblems and dancing in his head, calling out tribal chants.

Sui Xiong opened his mouth, burped and a foul-smelling taste of alcohol was emitted.

“Ah? Am I drunk?”

Sui Xiong paused for a second before slowly regaining consciousness, enough for him to consider what had happened. He steadied himself and glanced ahead.

In his eyes, this world looked extremely strange and mystical. It was no longer messy and about to be destroyed. Rather, it had formed into several scenes. These were scenes of destruction, of the previous battle and even of previous narratives from long, long ago. As if a long scroll had been unveiled before his eyes, each scene revealed a time period, from the ancient times so long ago that it couldn’t be named, when the Great Circulation had first started, to the present.

Sui Xiong glanced at the final page of the scroll meaningfully. He saw that the Spirit Plane and the Matter Plane had collided, everything was exploding and colliding, causing a giant mess. In this scene of utter chaos, a flushed and drunk young man who smelled of alcohol was floating in the midst of it.

“Was that… when I first crossed over to this world? Ah… I guessed I had crossed over before the Great Circulation had developed, which explains why I did not have a physical human body then…”

Sui Xiong’s body was so strong that it could not be destroyed by any sort of strength. Chaos thus flowed and used him as a core, slowly developing from having no order to some kind of structure and eventually became a giant circulation. With the formulation of this giant circulation, countless physical objects began to gather in the surroundings of Sui Xiong’s body and slowly wrapped him in the center. Layer by layer, piece by piece, a big world slowly formed, and this was the Main Plane.

Ah, so this was how the core of this world had been formed…

Further scenes afterwards showed history that Sui Xiong was aware of, and he thus did not observe them too carefully. He decided instead to fast forward through the scenes to find the time and scene where his own soul had awakened. Suddenly, he felt that some object had nudged him. Sui Xiong blinked and the scroll closed up and disappeared. The surroundings of Sui Xiong flashed back to normal.

Sui Xiong saw that the God of Light’s clone was standing anxiously in front of him, using what looked like an extremely sharp sword to prod his chest carefully. Although it was neither itchy nor painful, it annoyed Sui Xiong greatly.

“Attacking me while sleeping… you really have no shame!” Sui Xiong said coldly. “Well, you never had much honor to speak of anyway, so this is not exactly a surprise.”

With that, Sui Xiong reached out his hands and grabbed hold of the sword. Seeing as Sui Xiong had taken action and reached out, the God of Light’s clone reflexively lifted his sword and prepared to cut off Sui Xiong’s fingers. However, once the sharp sword touched Sui Xiong’s fingers, it did not hurt even a single hair on his fingers. Instead, Sui Xiong was able to grab the sword, and without much visible effort, pinch it till it became powder and dust.

“While I was sleeping, thank you for taking care of my friends…” While Sui Xiong was uttering courteous words, there was not a hint of cheeriness in his gaze nor smile. Sui Xiong flipped his body and stood upright, waved his arms and an in an instant, grabbed hold of the God of Light’s clone by the neck. He tightened his fingers slightly, and the clone hardened and exploded in an instant, becoming countless pieces of broken bone that scattered and flew everywhere.

“Now, it’s time for me to ‘give back.'”

As Sui Xiong spoke, he cracked his neck from left to right and twitched his limbs, as if he were warming up for a physical brawl.

“Now, let’s end this battle and decide the result!”

Before Sui Xiong finished that sentence, he had already appeared before the God of Light. He raised his fists and hit forward.

This fit hit nothing but air.

Towards this Sui Xiong, who was strong beyond comprehension, the God of Light had directly retreated without hesitation. Although he could not estimate Sui Xiong’s exact strength, instinct told the God of Light that he was no longer able to win this battle against Sui Xiong.

“This guy managed to stay unscathed in that major attack and explosion that I had launched… His level of self-defense is simply incomprehensible! Just now, the form he took on was also extremely unique, and I could not read it at all. His attacks are extremely strong as well… I’d better retreat and keep a good distance away from him first!”

The God of Light retreated extremely quickly and soon was distanced from Sui Xiong by a few hundreds of thousands of worlds. However, even before he had finished running away, Sui Xiong’s hand suddenly appeared and landed on the God of Light’s shoulder.

“Old friend, where exactly do you think you’re running to?”

The God of Light reached out a fist to hit Sui Xiong without hesitation, but all he managed to hit was air.

“Come, now, you’re being extremely unfriendly. It’s unbecoming, and I don’t like it.”

With these words, a force that was too strong for the God of Light to handle caused him to fly and land sprawling on the floor. Afterwards, he could only shield his face as he was beaten painfully and mercilessly.

Although Sui Xiong only had two hands and two legs to use this time unlike before, where he had hundreds of tentacles, the power of his hands and legs were incomparable to that of the tentacles. The fact that he was able to remain as the core of chaos, secure the Four Elements, be a part of the Great Circulation… well, with such a body, how could the God of Light possibly fight against something so strong? With one simple blow by Sui Xiong’s fists, the God of Light’s nose twisted sharply. With just one more hit, several of the God of Light’s teeth broke and flew out.

With just one kick, there were countless bones that broke within the God of Light’s body. It was so severe to the point where Sui Xiong refrained from kicking the God of Light a second time as it was likely that he would be stomped to death then and there.

With these two punches and a single kick, the God of Light was already severely injured, and he could not even catch his breath. All he could do was lie there lifelessly and breathe in shallowly. The powers of the great Divine Power became a joke when he was facing the true body of Sui Xiong. These powers could not even sustain any defense on the part of the God of Light, let alone allow him to recuperate at all.

At this point, Sui Xiong then grabbed hold of the God of Light’s armor, which was now torn and tattered, and lifted him up again.

“The God of Light, Wuther Rang, your wild heart, your crazy dreams, your foolish thoughts, all end today!”


Sui Xiong yelled at the top of his voice, raised an iron fist and thrust it hard through the God of Light’s chest with a single blow.

The God of Light’s body spasmed violently, and his eyes turned bloodshot. The God of Light’s gaze was full of indignation and anger. His mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say something. Before he could utter any words, however, his entire body became limp and he sagged slowly to the ground.

Sui Xiong was not someone who enjoyed beating around the bush. Since he had promised to kill the God of Light, he would definitely do so eventually!

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