Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 85: Joint statement of the countries of Krussia, Maga and Dakhs

In the Tianyi mercenary fleet, many drones flew out from the hatches of many battleships. The drones delivered many healing items and sent them to the Tianyi mercenaries outside.

The Tianyi mercenaries who received the healing items continued to treat the injured people.

Immediately afterwards, explosions occurred one after another in various areas, causing more serious casualties in an instant, the scene turned into hell, and the people panicked even more.

Many people dropped their luggage and crossed the checkpoint, just to rush into the spacecraft and leave the scene quickly.

The military and police officers in charge of maintaining order have increased the pressure. In addition to catching those people who crossed the checkpoint, they also have to appease the people.

It's just that the fear of the people at this time has reached a critical point, only because the explosion marks left at the scene, there are also stumped limbs and broken feet, and **** corpses scattered all over the field. Like being in hell.

"Bang." Tao Xiang shot and killed a militant who was trying to detonate the bomb. Looking at the militant she killed, Tao Xiang felt a nausea.

Tao Xiang covered her mouth with one hand, took a deep breath, and forcibly endured the nausea. This was the first time she shot someone to death, and it was at such a close range. At this time, Tao Xiang didn't think so much, so she had to cheer herself up quickly. , because there is a crisis hidden around, and the threat of death hangs over his head at all times.

Many international media are reporting on the terrorist attack at this time, and many innocent people have been killed.

At this time, some countries have sent rescue forces to carry out humanitarian assistance.

On the other side, Long Fei was performing surgery on the Alaya consciousness system for Meris at this time, and he didn't know what was happening outside at this time.

At the end of the operation, although Long Fei felt that the operation was successful, he had to wait for Max to wake up and check the situation before he could confirm whether the operation was really successful.

When walking out of the operating room, Long Fei saw that the mercenaries were very busy at this time, so Long Fei stopped a mercenary and asked what was going on.

After hearing the mercenary tell the story of the future, Long Fei immediately went to the command room.

Colonel Shrek was a little surprised when he saw Long Fei walk into the command room. It was the first time he saw the boss wearing surgical clothes.

"Boss, were you performing surgery to rescue the injured just now?"

"I was just performing surgery on a paralyzed mercenary. I want to know what happened during this stage of my surgery?"

"Boss, the thing is like this..." Shrek explained the whole thing in detail.

Long Fei frowned and asked: "Now that all our treatment cabins have been put into use, is it impossible to rescue a wounded person at this time?"

"Yes, boss."

"How much healing gel is left?"

"Less than 10% left."

"Have you requested support from the headquarters?"

"I had this hunch a few days ago, so I requested these supplies from the headquarters very early, and the commander-in-chief has already sent a fleet to deliver the resources."

"Well, how many days?"

"At full speed, it will take about four days if there are no accidents."

"Can't it go any faster?"

"No, boss, it's already the fastest speed."

Long Fei stretched out his hands to cover his forehead, shook his head and said, "I never thought that such a thing would happen to a guard entrustment. It's really unexpected."

"Well, there is one more thing to report, that is, the fleet that came to deliver the resources. They also sent the developed Barbatos and Astaroth Gundam."

"If I remember correctly, these two Gundams have just been built, and they were sent over directly. Don't they need to be adjusted and tested?"

"When it's delivered, they'll make some relevant adjustments."

"Forget it, when it is delivered, I will make some adjustments myself."

Just as Long Fei was about to leave and return to his room, Shrek stopped Long Fei: "Boss, can I ask you a question?"

"The newly developed and manufactured Barbatos and Astaroth Gundams are equipped with a system called the Alaya System. What kind of system is this, and how is it different from the PX system you developed before, boss? ?"

"I'll explain this another day." Long Fei directly left the command room and returned to his room to rest.

A spate of terrorist attacks in various places has slowed down the progress of evacuating people.

You can see the drone shooting from above, and every road is crowded with people.

In addition to the panic and casualties caused by the terrorist attacks, there were even people who were trampled to death during the escape process.

At this time, there are still nearly 1.5 million people waiting to be evacuated from the fifth colony satellite. At this time, the fifth colony satellite is getting closer and closer to the crisis of falling apart.

It is estimated that it can only last for five days at most.

Colonial satellites all over the country of Stunk sent a large number of spaceships to the fifth colonial satellite.

The three countries of Krussia, Majia and Dak were once attacked by Stunk. After signing the armistice agreement, the leaders of the three countries issued orders to send transport ships and spaceships after they returned to their own country. Go to the fifth colony satellite of the country of Stunk and help the country evacuate its citizens.

The actions of the three countries have attracted the surprise of many countries in the world. These three countries have been devastated by the War of Stunk. Although an armistice agreement has been signed with the country a few days ago, the hatred between the countries still remains. Now, the Three Kingdoms not only did not take the opportunity to make trouble, but instead offered assistance, which made the forces of all countries puzzled.

The leaders of the three countries of Krussia, Maga and Dakhs issued a joint statement.

"The war launched by the country of Stunk has caused casualties in our victimized countries. We have not forgotten that this kind of family and country hatred will be imprinted in the hearts of our descendants from generation to generation, but we and the Three Kingdoms do not want to let the hatred Go on, keep on hating, sadness will follow the hatred and cover everyone, I express regret for the suffering that the country of Stunk has suffered at this time, and I don’t want to take the opportunity to make things worse, and I just hope that the hatred will end here So far, we and the Three Kingdoms have decided to let go of our hatred and help, and we only hope that the Dunke Kingdom will forever remember the evil deeds we committed back then, and we can sincerely repent and not repeat the same mistakes."

The joint statement of the three countries instantly won applause and praise from many countries in the world.

In the colonial area of ​​District 7, many countries that are still at war saw the joint declaration of the three countries, which aroused resonance among the people, and even affected the government and those in power.

People from all over the world spontaneously walked on the streets and sat down to ask the country to stop the war, hoping that the war that caused hatred and sorrow would stop.

The people yearn for peace, but the government in power finds itself in a difficult situation.

A secret internet circle. At this moment, many people are projecting videos to discuss the current affairs. Every projected video is blurred. Not only can the appearance of the characters not be seen clearly, even the sound has been processed.

"Hmph, I didn't expect the joint declaration of those three small countries to affect our interests."

"The war cannot be stopped, otherwise our interests will be damaged."

"We have to find a way to expand the war."

"Then let other colonial satellites suffer terrorist attacks, and then frame each other, and let the home countries of these countries hate each other more and more, so that they can't let go of their hatred until one of them perishes."

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