Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 36 - Testy brother

Segman had a good time. He was the son of the king of water. He set a record of the fastest level of the first level of the trial tower two days ago. , But in the mouth of the aborigines of this world is a very sacred honor, so it is called the sacred record.

This news has been known to all other countries in his world. Today, Segman is the hero of the flowing country, the hero of the whole world, and the most talented and most powerful young man under 30. A genius.

This is beyond doubt, and the country of flow also celebrated the country for two full days.

Segman immersed himself in joy for two days, until one of his attendants hurried over and told him bad news.

That is…

“His Royal Highness! The sacred record of the first rank of the Trial Tower is broken! It is the sacred record set by your teacher Puri!” The servant’s voice sounded terrified.


Segman heard the news and toppled all the wine bottles stacked on his body to the ground. He gave himself a drunken state after getting a clear spell.

“This … this …” The attendant hesitated as if he was tangled about whether to tell the truth.

“Tell me who you are? The reckless husbands of the Darklands or the clowns of the Thundering Kingdom? Give me detailed names! Who is it!”

Segman valued this news very much. His second-ranked sacred record was set by his mentor at the peak of his youth. Segman relied on the blessings of more than 20 relics and some unknown customs clearance skills to make it break in.

He knows that people from other countries will not be indifferent! Refreshing the second sacred record was a threat to him.

“His Highness, this … I …”

“Come on! Anyone who set a sacred record will have his name on the Honor Stone! Do you come here to report the news without even remembering the name! Come on!” Segman hoped to hear the names of some “old opponents”, In this way he has the means to cope.

“The names of the creators of the sacred records ranked first on the second level are, tonight … your mother will die tonight, boiled meat in a black pot, fluffy rabbits, a song in the rain, a return to the country, and my mother has a dog barking.” Prince Segerman was given the name of the hero who was … ranked second in the Honor Stele.

“What did you say?” Prince Segman wondered if his sharpness had gone wrong, and he hadn’t retreated from the drunk state, but what he said to the attendant didn’t look like a person’s name, but rather … He, and his mother.

“These new names on the Stone of Glory are indeed these.” The servant said anxiously.

“Which? You can report it to me again.” Segman’s obsession with obsessive-compulsive disorder must be said by the attendant. The expression on his face seemed to be saying, “ I didn’t make it clear this time, be careful not to lose my life ”.

“This … this … this … the first name of the glory stone ranks second, and the first is that your mother will die tonight.”

“what did you say?”

“Your mother will die tonight.” The attendant felt that his brain was nervous enough to control him, and so was his mouth.

“say it one more time!”

“Your mother will die.”

“You are scolding me?” His Highness Segman responded. “You are not only scolding me! Are you scolding my mother?”

“Your Highness … Your Highness! I dare not! This is the name written on the Stone of Glory.” The attendant fell to his knees in panic, his forehead hitting the ground, and his whole body trembled.

“Listen! The felony of insulting the royal family can make you take the guillotine. I don’t know if you were sent by the prince of that country to humiliate me, but you still have one last chance to report the name on the monument of honor honestly. Now, start with the last name in the second place! “Segman said in a word, already in a murderous tone.

“Last one, the last one …” The attendant’s head was about to be drawn. He looked at the list of contents in his hand in anxiety and raised his head and blurted out without thinking. “A dog is barking?”

“Come, come with a sword!”

Segman couldn’t bear it anymore. The knight next to him handed a long sword directly. Segman decided to kill the outrageous servant on the spot.

“His Royal Highness! This is really a new name appearing on the Stone of Glory.” The sergeant uttered a wailing sound of despair.

When Segman was about to pull his sword and execute him on the spot, his teacher, the old mage Puri, hurried in.

“His Highness Segman, Highness Segman! Your servant is telling the truth!” Said the old mage.

“What’s the truth?” Segman didn’t understand the meaning of the old mage at all.

“There have been many new adventurers in the field of the Tower of Trial in the past two days, and the record of the first-class glory stone has been constantly refreshed, adding some puzzling names.” The old wizard quickly said.

“Inexplicable name? Mentor! The Trial Tower only records the real name of everyone, and no one in the world can take that name.”

Segman refers to this name as probably ‘your mother will die tonight’.

“Maybe there are some people, and there is more than one.” The old mage sorted out his beard and motioned Segman to follow him. “Now the trial tower has become very lively, and it is like a bazaar.”

“Bazaar? There is a time limit for us to enter the field of the trial tower! Who would be bored to go there to open a shop?”

Segman did not continue to argue with his mentor when he heard this. He kept up with his mentor and left the room. The attendant who came to report fell to the ground like a collapse.

They reached the plane of the Trial Tower directly through the portal.

In just two days, the scene of the Trial Tower in front of Segman’s eyes has been completely different. All his sights are all human figures. The costumes of these humans are so strange that Segman can faintly recognize them. One or two people should be dressed as mages.

He even saw a man walking with a horse’s head while jumping.

what is this? Was the portal of the Trial Tower discovered by a group of mental illness?

Segman was not in the mood to think so much. He and his mentor walked to the glory stone of the Trial Tower with a black face.

The first place of the glory stele of the first class is still the name of him and his comrades in arms, which makes Segman feel a little relaxed, and the second place is a full two minutes behind him.

Don’t look at these two minutes. His mentor Puri ’s sacred record of the first place in the past, but no one broke it for twenty years, UU 看书 www. until his birth.

The new sacred record that Segerman envisioned for himself would at least be kept for decades, and no one could even break it for his descendants to come and admire.

愿望 This wish could have been fulfilled … Segman felt threatened after some strange names began to appear on the glory stone.

“What’s wrong with these strange names?” Segman looked up and glanced at the second name of the Honor Stone. The attendant was right, the first name of the second team was’ tonight your mother Will die ‘.

“I can’t explain it.” The old mage shook his head suspiciously. He was trying to figure out where these strange people came from, and a bad news sounded in the ears of the old mage and Segman.

‘Congratulations to Mo Shigui, the song in the rain, the fluffy rabbit, your mother will die tonight, and her mother has a dog barking. Huesel Wichtorn breaks the speed record of the Iron Worm Tower of the Trial Tower. Two seconds, currently ranked first! ’

“This voice … wait, my sacred record is broken?” Segman never heard this strange female voice. This voice does not seem to be in their language, but he can understand it.

以往 In the past, he broke the sacred record and only responded to the stone stele, but the focus of his attention now is that the first record he had set was broken!

Segman watched his first name on the glory stone be erased. Those strange names pushed him to the second place. Segman widened his eyes, surprised and angry. Emotions rushed into his heart, especially when he saw the familiar name Husserl …

Hugh Zell is the prince of the country of dark inflammation, and he is absolutely dead.

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