Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Chu Bai: Thanks To The God Of Otsutsuki For Sending Hundreds Of Pairs Of Reincarnation Eyes! Thank You Boss!

“In this world! How could there be such a brazen person.” Uchiha Madara murmured. After a short silence, he subconsciously glanced at his good friend, and said, “It’s even more annoying than Qianju Zhujian.”

Senshou Bashirama: “???”

After Senshou Zhujian realized it, he was furious, “Madara! Even you…”

Senjujuma said that no matter how good his relationship with Madara is, he can’t bear it. Comparing this idiot to him? You are humiliating him!!

“Is there a possibility, I mean if. Chu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly and said, he looked at the God of Datongmu, and was immediately amused, “It’s not that I really can’t do anything about you…

“Your immortality has a limit!”

“Impossible.” The God of Datongmu spoke with confidence.

“That’s what you said!” Chu Bai stared at the other party for a while, then suddenly laughed.

As soon as he thought about it, the body of Datongmu God shook, and he screamed uncontrollably.

His eye sockets were suddenly empty, and blood flowed down from them unstoppably.

Chu Bai used the reality gem to remove the twelve gouyu reincarnation eyes of the God of Otsutsuki. He glanced at the eyes of reincarnation that were floating in mid-air and were still active, and looked at the god of Otsutsuki with great interest, saying, “Don’t give up, quickly use your powerful recovery ability! Create a pair of reincarnation eyes”

“You, you bastard…” Datongmu God opened his eyes again with a hideous face, and another pair of reincarnation eyes appeared, but this time it was Jiugouyu’s.

Chu Bai’s thoughts moved again, and a mournful howl sounded out.

The God of Datongmu recovered once, and Chu Bai took it off once.

Soon, he had a pair of reincarnation eyes of twelve gou jade, two pairs of nine gou jade reincarnation eyes, four pairs of six gou jade reincarnation eyes, and twelve pairs of normal reincarnation eyes.

“Continue to recover! Don’t give up.” Chu Bai looked very serious and kept encouraging him.

The eye sockets of Datongmu God were empty at the moment, his face was expressionless, his head was lowered, and he looked like he was dying of grief. Kill me! Or seal me.

Chu Bai sighed regretfully, “That’s it…it’s such a pity.”

“It seems that I can only do it!” Chu Bai used Advanced’s horse to drive away all the evil spirits of Datongmu God in an instant.

Feeling the refilled pupil power in his pupils, and his body once again being penetrated by the chains of reality, there was no surprise on the face of Otsutsuki God, only horror and disbelief.

He was trembling all over, struggling like a pig being killed, and growling, “Don’t…don’t do this! Kill me…kill me!!!”

Under everyone’s trembling and fearful eyes, Chu Bai stretched out his magic hand again…

Take it away again and again… Take it away, restore it…

Finally, the God of Otsutsuki couldn’t stand it anymore, he looked up to the sky and let out a desperate roar, “Ah! You should die, you should die.”

493 God Otsutsuki used a forbidden move, every drop of his blood, every cell squeezed out the ultimate power at this moment. There are flames burning all over his body.

“I will die with you!”

The power of Otsutsuki God expanded rapidly at this moment. When he burned his eternal life and penetrated his life power for a moment, he even surpassed the limit of the reality gem that Chu Bai could carry.

He broke free from the chains of reality, stretched out his hand to Chu Bai’s neck with a hideous expression.

“…It’s really scary.” Chu Bai said casually. The palm of Datongmu God just slashed across Chu Bai’s neck without catching anything.

…What is this?” Datongmu God’s eyes were filled with confusion, he felt a little bit, and asked a little uncertainly, “Did you use the power of space?”

“You can’t escape! I also hold the space…how come?”

Otsutsuki God fell into a daze for the second time. He tried his best to sense, but he could only feel that everything around him was normal.

With a ferocious face, he desperately hit Chu Bai with his fists, but all he hit were phantoms.

This is the power of the Space Stone.

Even if the destructive power exceeds the power of the reality gem that Chu Bai can carry?

That doesn’t mean that Otsutsuki God’s understanding of space can surpass the universe-level space gem.

And as long as he can’t go beyond, then no matter how strong he is! As long as Chu Bai doesn’t want to, then he will never be able to touch the space where Ban Bai is.

“Asshole! Asshole… Hahahaha, since you value this world so much, I will let you witness the destruction of this world with your own eyes! Let you witness with your own eyes the destruction of the One Piece and the original God world powerhouse you brought .”

The God of Datongmu laughed suddenly, turned his head and rushed towards Zhongli, Lei Movie and others.

The expressions of the gods of Tivat changed slightly, but there was no time to dodge. However, just like attacking Chu Bai before, the God of Datongmu also passed through their bodies.

“Is there a possibility,” Chu Bai stared at the trembling back of the God of Wood, and said peacefully, “From the beginning to the end, it’s not me but you who are in this space.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!” Desperation appeared on the face of Otsutsuki God, he roared and threw himself on the ground, the terrifying and fiery blue fire, centered on him, spread rapidly to the surroundings, entwined around the entire planet above.

No matter when, no matter where, all the aborigines of the Naruto world are trembling. Feels like the end of the world is coming…

But soon, they discovered to their bewilderment that there was nothing special about the flame except that it looked terrifying and spread everywhere they could see. Can’t do any harm to anyone!

So, they quickly continued to do what they should do.

The desperate blow of Otsutsuki God was like a drop of water falling into the sea, without causing any waves.

He became more and more desperate, attacking the earth in vain, and attacking those who he could never reach… He felt a little bit that his life was being burned until he reached the end of his life… …

“I’m not reconciled! Why…why did I come to this world with good intentions, but ended up in this fate.”

Limp in the void, the God of Otsutsuki muttered to himself. Starting from the fingertips, he turned into fly ash bit by bit, until finally, he disappeared completely.

Chu Bai slowly landed on the ground, he waved his hand lightly, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Mikoto, Konan, Tsunade and others who were tied to the tree before fell down… their faces were still With panic.

However, Chu Bai also checked, and they were just frightened. Emmm, although the God of Otsutsuki is collecting them, it is purely influenced by the obsession of the traverser, he does not have that kind of human desire… …

Many Hokage experts gathered together, with different expressions, looking at each other, and even whispering to each other.

In the end, Otsutsuki Kaguya and the others were elected as representatives and walked towards Chu Bai.

“This gentleman!” Senju Bashima scratched his head, and said with a simple and honest face, “Thank you for saving our world…although…”

Qianshou Zhujian sensed it. At this moment, the planet is in a mess and half of its vitality has been taken out. There is a gloomy look in the eyes, “Our home is still…”

Chu Bai interrupted Senju Bashima’s words with a calm expression, “It’s okay! This can be recovered.”

“…What?” Senshou Bashima’s expression changed dramatically.

Chu Bai casually snapped his fingers, the power of the Reality Gem activated at this moment. Of course, Chu Bai did not directly restore the ninja world……

After all, there are too many reality gems to load. Chu Bai probably has to die once…no, even several times…

Although Chu Bai didn’t die, he wasn’t prepared to throw away several lives here. What he chose was to use the Reality Gem to veto the fact that the Divine Tree extracted the life force of the planet.

next moment.

The sacred tree under everyone’s feet withered and curled up at an extremely terrifying speed.

In contrast, the planet that was on the verge of death became alive again at this moment. Withered trees grow again from the earth, flowers bloom…

Singing birds and fragrant flowers!

Everything in the world was sensed by the six-level four people, and they all froze in place. My mind went blank.

At the same time, a crisp sound came from Chu Bai’s ear, “It has been detected that you have completed the task! Submit it.

Yes, Chu Bai didn’t actually save the world of Naruto just because of Senshou Zhujian’s words. It was because he hadn’t finished the mission prompt before, and he realized that simply killing the God of Otsutsuki doesn’t mean that the world will be fine…..

“Yes.” Chu Bai nodded slightly, and then, he didn’t pay attention to the method of making sharing eyes. After all, he just obtained several hundred pairs of reincarnation eyes!

“This, this, this, this, sir! You, you!” Senshou Bashima finally came to his senses, his face flushed red, his voice stammered, and he was so excited that he was incoherent. After a long time, he barely managed to utter a sentence, “That… Excuse me, do we need to pay you?”

Madara Uchiha and Sage of the Six Paths tensed up suddenly, feeling a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

They calculated it in their hearts, and sadly found that with the power shown by this person, surpassing the god of Otsutsuki, and the grace to restore the ninja world… Even if they sell the entire ninja world (bcbc) If it is lost, it may not necessarily be worth the reward paid to him…

“That’s unnecessary.” Chu Bai replied with a smile.

“How can this work!” Senshou Hashirama’s expression became serious for a moment, “If [doing something but not getting paid…then who will work in the future? Which ninja will participate in Rentu? It must be given! ”

The corners of Uchiha Madara’s mouth twitched, wishing to let Senju Bashirama go away, and he agreed.

It must be given, it must be given…but the point is, they can’t afford it!

However, although Madara Uchiha was rebellious, at least he had no problem with his mind. He understood that it was Senju Bashirama who communicated with Chu Bai, and if he inserted it for no reason, he might annoy the other party, and by then it would be completely over.

“Let me first introduce our origins and identities!” Chu Bai paused and said, “After

The queen explained Chu Bai’s origin in everyone’s ears tacitly. By the way, very convincingly projected the vision of the past……

Of course, the queen is also very black-bellied, projecting those scenes of the world, after being saved, to be loyal to Chu Bai.

Originally, Chu Bai didn’t feel any problem when he saw this. However, when he finally saw, Steve was serious about introducing him to the Scarlet Witch

……Okay, the queen will stop here. “The corner of Chu Bai’s mouth twitched wildly. What the fuck, why are you pouring everything out?!

“Understood!” The queen stopped in a very tacit understanding.

The four six-level powerhouses looked at each other with different expressions at the moment.

In the end, the Sage of the Six Paths made a decision, and he bowed slightly to Chu Bai, “Thank you for saving our world! We would like to dedicate our world to you just like the worlds you saved. loyalty.”

“Yes!” Senshou Hashirama nodded, and said with a serious face, “There is no problem in Muye Village…but other villages…”

“There must be no problem.” Uchiha Madara finally couldn’t help but speak, he glanced at Five Kage behind him expressionlessly, “Otherwise, they can just come out and say it now.”

Five Kages:

Nima, even if they have objections, they dare not leave!

And, don’t mention Chu Bai… It’s okay to just have Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara. If they don’t agree, Senjujuma might even speak for them with a single-minded mind. After all, it was the super wizard who thought of distributing the Nine-Tailed Beast back then…

But the point is, there is the Sage of the Six Paths who is the ancestor of the Ninja Sect next to him, and the Sage of the Six Paths his mother… Qianjuzhujian wants to speak for them, but it is useless.

Looking at each other painfully, the bigwigs of the Keburen village nodded repeatedly.

“Whatever you say is what you say!”

“The person who saved our world wants to become the king of our world, that’s a matter of course.

“I firmly support all your decisions!”

“Loyalty! I will kill the daimyo of our village after I go back… Our nominal leader is only this gentleman.”


Eyelids twitched silently, and Chu Bai rubbed the center of his brows, “Queen, it seems that there is one more world you want to supervise.”

“Boss,” the queen’s voice did not fluctuate at all, “I hope that you can send a few sophons to Trisolaran as soon as possible. With the continuous expansion of your world domination, although my computing power is far away Not exhausted, but the sophons as my eyes are no longer enough. After all, every world needs to place one!”

“…Okay.” Chu Bai nodded, rubbing the center of his brows with a headache, “Also, when will our base make Sophon…”

“It will take another two weeks or so.” The Queen’s voice was calm.

A pensive look appeared on Chu Bai’s face, and then he smiled, his eyes – swept across the four people in front of him, and then looked at the many ninjas behind.

“To be honest, I don’t really care too much about your allegiance to me directly…Everyone! You already know our purpose, so, are you willing to join the Salvation Army and accompany us to save the world? ”

“No problem! This sir.” The Third Hokage, who was still in his prime, walked forward quickly, with a flattering smile on his face, “Your will” is our direction

“That! Although I’m a little embarrassed.” Senshou Zhuma scratched his head, and he said softly, “We will follow you to save the world… Is there any mission reward?”

“Actually, we are ninjas… In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you want to save the world or just let us kill…” Senju Zhuma shyly said, “Just give us money.

Gods of Teyvat: 11

Many Naruto world powerhouses at the scene: “…

Nima, although this is the truth! But you can’t tell the truth like this?!

N Chu Bai was also in a complicated mood, the first thing he thought of was Hawkeye before, and the reason for unemployment was so plain and simple.

However, he was not angry, and said calmly, “After joining the Salvation Army! There are basic performance merits, and after completing the mission, there will be additional meritorious rewards.”

“Queen, show them the price list you made.”

And when the powerhouses in front of them saw that they joined the Salvation Army, even if they were Jonin, the meritorious deeds they got every day were converted into cash, which was equivalent to the bonus for completing an A-level mission, they all stopped breathing.

Especially in movies, Naruto and other Ninja Village leaders, after silently calculating in their hearts for a moment, despair appeared on their faces. Isn’t this the end? The strong men above the upper ninja in their own ninja village, this was directly hollowed out.

What is the concept of doing nothing, as long as you join, you can get an A-level bonus in one day? Even a movie-level can’t resist this temptation…

Not to mention, the later meritorious deeds can be exchanged for a bunch of things that sound awesome. So what is the eye of God, does it have something to do with God?

Man-made Devil Fruits… Devils! Compared with gods, there is a high probability that they are also at the same level of power.

What’s more…they saw in it, the clearly priced Sangouyu Sharingan, White Smoke, Immortal Body, and the price is very cheap…

Even at the end, Uchiha Madara saw the Common Eye of Reincarnation, although the price of the later exploits was too high to imagine. But his heart attack was almost obvious…

Uchiha Madara wants to laugh very much now, laughing up to the sky, he wants to laugh at himself crazily. At this moment, he deeply felt that he had paid so much for opening these eyes in the past.

How ridiculous it is to suffer so much…

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