Count of Wizards

Chapter 75

Chapter 73 Secret company

After hesitating, Connor followed the strong man and walked to the warehouse.

After walking into the warehouse and going around a few times, Bisping led Connor into a very hidden secret passage.

As soon as he entered the secret path, Connor smelled a very strong smell of medicine, and when he perceives the smell of this medicine carefully, he can also detect a faint **** smell from it! In addition to the smell, Connor also found a place that shocked him extremely. His mental power could not be released in this basement. The whole basement seemed to be restraining his mental power!

“Ah… the walls here are mixed with the powder of the Lost Stone, the apprentice-level wizard can’t use mental power in this room!” Bispin, who seemed to see Connor’s worry, walked in front of him. The husband explained:

Hearing the word “Stone of Absence”, Connor subconsciously flashed a different color in his eyes, but he immediately reduced the color in his eyes, and nodded gently. The dog continued to follow Bisping.

“Where is this place? Where does this secret path lead?” Connor’s mind turned quickly.

After studying “Reyes Alchemy”, Connor knew very well how cherished the spirit-restraining mineral of the Lost Stone, if it was really like Bisping said, if the wall of the secret path was mixed with the Lost Stone powder. , Then the construction cost of this secret passage is conservatively estimated to be more than 20,000 gold pounds!

So the question is, why is there such a costly secret path here, and what is hidden in this secret path?

did not let Connor think for too long, the answer appeared in front of him. After walking in the secret road for about three minutes, a bronze gate appeared in his sight.


Bisping gently knocked on the door rhythmically, and the door opened silently.

waved at Connor, and Bisping whispered, “Fast forward!”

Although I don’t know what is behind this bronze gate, but now, Connor just has to bite the bullet and walk into this gate.

walked through the door, and Connor found him in a room of about fifty square meters. The room was small and there were no partitions. Everything in the room could be seen.

At this time, in this room, two sturdy red-haired young men were sitting cross-legged on the ground meditating. There were a few bottles of medicine in front of them. The smell of medicine that Connor smelled at the entrance of the secret passage seemed to be these. In addition to the smell of the medicine, the **** smell of the two red-haired young people also drifted into Connor’s nasal cavity.

didn’t seem to notice Connor and Bispin’s coming into the house. The two red-haired young people were still immersed in their own world, without any intention of ending the meditation.

“Where is the thing the professor asked you to give me?” When he came to this room, Bisping’s gloomy expression on the face of the brawny man disappeared quite a lot.

Connor did not speak, and silently handed the small box that Professor Reyes gave him to Bisping. In this uncertain situation, Connor felt that more words must be lost, and less talk and more listening is still very useful. necessary.

took the small box from Connor. Bisping did not open the small box directly, but held the small box in his palm with his big hand.

In the next second, this somewhat quaint little box burst into a strange light like red blood.

Looking at the weird red light, Connor was grateful that he had not made the decision to open the small box. The **** red light in front of him clearly proved that the small box was far from simple as it seemed.

‘Are you really a disciple of Professor Reyes? When the red light of the small box disappeared, Bisping didn’t open the box in a hurry. Instead, his eyes flashed brightly and began to question Connor.

“That’s right!” Connor nodded and admitted categorically:

“Unexpectedly, the professor would also accept disciples. If it weren’t for the information the adult gave me to confirm this, I still can’t believe this fact!” A smile appeared on Bisping’s angular face.

“This is the safe house of our secret agency. It is used to store some things every day. When needed, it serves as a gathering place for people!” It seemed that Connor was curious about this room, and Bisping introduced Connor to it. .

“Our secret society?” Connor’s expression remained unchanged when he heard this word, but he was already overwhelmed in his heart.

What is   Secret Society? Sounds like the name of an organization? Our secret society? Is it possible that Professor Reyes and Bisping in front of him are both members of this organization called the Secret Society?

“You got what the instructor gave you. The next step the instructor asks me to take back what you gave him!” Connor tried to keep his tone as calm as he could, slowly speaking, smelling the potion in the secret tunnel. Later, Connor ordered the chip to analyze what kind of medicine it was based on the taste of the medicine according to his current knowledge, and just now the chip finished the analysis and gave Connor an answer.

And based on this answer, Connor made a bold and logical conjecture. Based on this conjecture, Connor does not want to know anything about the secret society now, and just wants to escape here quickly.

“Hey, no wonder the professor will accept you as a junior apprentice as a disciple, and realize so quickly what we have done…” Glancing at Connor, Bisping said with a smile.

“What are you talking about? What are you doing? I don’t have any interest. I’m just here to complete the task my mentor gave me!” Seeing that Bisping did not hide the slightest, Connor trembled, but in order to prevent Biss Connor still pretended to be puzzled and impatient because he had cheated him.

“Papa Papa!”

Bisping clapped gently, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes looking at Connor.

“To be honest, Connor, if I were as young as you now, I might be deceived by your acting skills, but I am now…” Bisping shook his head before continuing to bring the corners of his mouth. Said with a smile: “You guessed it right. Both of my men were shot by demon bullets. We did it in the No. 7 Secret Warehouse of the Church of Storms. The puppies of the Church of Storms are now hunting down the city. Three, by the way, the senior apprentice of Constantine, who was also easily killed by me, so what else do young people want to know?”

Seeing that Bisping had admitted everything, Connor knew that he was disguising himself and it was meaningless, so he smiled bitterly and said, “What do you need me to do now?”

“You just need to be a good professor and entrust you with the task!” Bisping suppressed the smile on his face and said solemnly:

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