Count of Wizards

Chapter 63

Chapter 61 Mirror of Truth

Strolling on Christo Avenue in the eastern district of Ruen, Connor, who has been disguised as a brown-haired and black-eyed Suso from the Kaman Empire minority ethnic Suso, glanced covertly at the street number plate, he was looking for Charles’s memory 31 Cristo Street, where the Munchen Club is located

He had to admire the courage of the owner who founded the Mönshing Club. It is necessary to know that there is a church of Storm Church about two streets away from the Cristo Street where the Mönshing Club is located. ten minutes!

When he reached a somewhat dilapidated mansion, Connor stopped, squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully. Although the mansion does not have a house number, he observed that the house numbers on the left and right sides of the house are different. It was the 32nd and 30th, so Connor carefully verified it and boldly assumed that the dilapidated mansion in front of him was 31 Cristo Ave., the clubhouse in Munchen.

took a deep breath, Connor pushed his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and walked towards the house.

Before Connor knocked on the door of the house, there was a low voice in the pressing door of the house, and said to him: “Suso, this is a private property, please do not come in without invitation!”

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Connor’s face. He said faintly: “The truth is up, I was introduced by Mendes!”

After Connor said this, the door of the house was silent for about three minutes. Just as Connor frowned to himself, wondering if the person who had just spoken had already left, the low voice in the door spoke again. Said: “What truth? What Mendes? I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I repeat, this house is a private property. It’s a private property. According to the constitution of the Empire, it’s a private property. All the problems arise. ······The consequences are at your own risk!”

The low voice in the listener’s door was full of threats. Not only was Connor not afraid, on the contrary, he still wanted to laugh. Why is the reflection arc of the guy behind the door so long? Three minutes passed, and he pretended that he could not hear anything. Understand, what did you do earlier? Isn’t this just a lice on your head-is there a problem?

With a light cough, Connor continued to follow Charles’s memory of entering the clubhouse and said: “Everything in the world will die, only the truth will last forever. I want to get knowledge from here, and the clubhouse will let me go in!”


As soon as Connor’s voice fell, the door of the house opened a small slit that only allowed one person to communicate.

“Fast forward!” The low voice sounded again.

Walking into the house, Connor saw two men in casual clothes and masks, staring at him as closely as they were, and one of them was holding a simple mirror in his hand.

“This gentleman, are you extraordinary?” The deep voice sounded from the masked man who didn’t hold the mirror. It was obvious that he had just been talking to Connor.

Connor didn’t speak, but just nodded, and at the same time, Connor’s thoughts moved, and he temporarily lifted his breath holding technique, revealing his aura of wizardry.

Feeling the aura of the wizard on Connor, the two masked men looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. The owner with a low voice said again: “I’m glad that there is another walker on the road of truth who can join our party. First of all, I I have to make one thing clear to you, Mr. We are an unorganized free wizard gathering here. As long as we don’t betray everyone, we are all voluntary if we want to come or not!”

“Very good!” Connor nodded calmly. Hearing the introduction of the masked man, Connor’s tense heart was slightly lowered, and the clubhouse in Munchen was exactly what he wanted.

“Because of the special location here, sir, in order to prevent people who attend the gathering from carrying things that shouldn’t exist, so everyone who attends the gathering must be checked aside by this copy of the realm of truth to confirm that there is no problem. Only then can you participate in the party!” If the owner with a low voice looked at Connor deeply, he said:

“A copy of the Mirror of Truth?” Connor was taken aback and looked at the simple mirror in the hands of another masked man. If he remembers correctly, Reyes gave him the mysterious copy. The study book “The Chronicles of Byzantium” once recorded such a record of the realm of truth. The ninth emperor of the Byzantine Empire, Bastituta, once held the realm of truth against three legendary wizards, fighting for seven days and seven nights, and the light of the mirror of truth was shining. Throughout the Byzantine capital of Fort Augustus, the souls of three legendary wizards were purified, and their heads were hung high above the walls of Fort Augustus, naked to show off his reputation to the enemies of Bastituta!

In the book “Reyes Alchemy”, the realm of truth is clearly considered by Reyes to be a powerful existence that surpasses the five-level demonized items. UU Kanshu belongs to the unknowable range.

“Sir, please rest assured, if you don’t have any demonized items with eavesdropping, guiding, possessing, etc., this imitation of the realm of truth will not cause any harm to you. Of course, sir, if you think this is a bit difficult for you. , You can choose to leave, we will not make it difficult for others, but please be sure to keep the secrets about the Munxing Club!” The owner of the hoarse voice said sincerely:

“Haha…” Connor sneered, and immediately said to the masked man holding the simple mirror who never spoke: “Come on! But it’s better not to let me feel threatened, otherwise… ”

Although the owner with a low voice said very well that he could choose to leave if he didn’t accept the examination, but Connor didn’t believe a word of his nonsense. He was sure that if he wanted to leave, the two masked men in front of him would be sure. You will do it!

The two masked men glanced at each other, the one holding the simple mirror nodded, took the mirror to Connor, and began to chant in a low voice: “The Great Mirror of Truth…”

“Chip! Start testing and analysis. Once there is any abnormality in this mirror, notify me immediately!” Looking at the simple mirror that gradually showed a burst of white light as it chanted, Connor squinted his eyes and watched carefully. I ordered the auxiliary chip in my heart.

“Dip! Following the subject’s will, the chip starts to work…”

Feeling the white light from the quaint mirror in the masked man’s hand hitting himself, Connor could not help but frowned. Although his brows were frowned, it did not mean that Connor had discovered something unfavorable to him from the white light. On the contrary, except for the white light from the mirror, which made Connor feel a little warm, the rest of Connor didn’t notice anything unusual.

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