Count of Wizards

Chapter 37

Chapter 36 Evar Estate

Mr. Harvey’s birthday party, although it is called a birthday party, is actually a social occasion. The well-dressed gentlemen are busy in this event, broadening their contacts, finding business partners, political allies, and being able to capture Own lover. The young ladies and wives are also wearing gorgeous and gorgeous evening dresses, fighting each other, showing their charming beauty.

When the magnificent carriage stopped in front of the “Ebar” manor, Connor tidied up his formal wear. Although this expensive formal wear was customized based on Connor’s personal waistline, arm span, etc., it might be because Connor always feels a little awkward because of new clothes, or Connor is not used to formal clothes.

Connor took out his wallet and handed a gold pound note to the coachman. This is a social occasion. Connor needs to maintain his aristocratic dignity to ensure that he can integrate into the circle more quickly and smoothly. So although there are affordable public carriages to ride, Connor still chooses to pay the expensive rental fees for luxury carriages.

“Sir, I will wait for you here!” Taking the banknotes, the trained coachman whispered:

nodded, Connor got off the carriage and walked towards the gate of the manor.

The “Eval” manor itself is the suburb of Ruen. The most famous large manors, swimming pools, hunting grounds, grape fields, etc. are all available. At this time, they are dressed up in the background of the birthday party held by Mr. Harvey in the manor. Even more beautiful, starting from the gate of the manor made of patterned rock, all the way to the main house in the manor are all decorated with various flowers.

At this time, Mr. Harvey Sanchez’s heir, his eldest son George Sanchez has long since disappeared from the casual teasing of Connor in the Green University class, and he is honestly smiling with the housekeeper on his face, replacing his aging man. Father, at the gate of the manor, greeting the guests politely.

“Hi! Connor!” Seeing Connor arriving as scheduled, a bright color flashed in George’s eyes, and he greeted:

put the birthday gift he prepared for Mr. Harvey on the gift receiving table. Connor and George gave a light hug.

“I have to say, George, you are like the president of Sanchez Bank now, I am very optimistic about you!” After looking at George, Connor blinked his eyes and said seriously:

“Then please future Earl Ferguson, take care of Sanchez Bank’s business!” George also joked; “Connor, you go in first, I will introduce a surprise to you in a moment, believe me you will like it! ”

Shrugging, Connor said goodbye to George and entered the venue. He knew that George’s surprise was nothing more than a woman, and she should be a beautiful woman. She should be more beautiful than Rebecca, otherwise he would not be described as super big. You know that Rebecca is just a big beauty in George’s eyes, and it’s not yet a super name.

The rectangular banquet hall of the manor is very large, about the size of half a football field, accommodating dozens of waiters in blue vests and hundreds of coveted guests. The high-pitched guests will not make people feel that there is Any crowded ground paved with white tiles, under the shining of seven huge crystal lamps, looks gorgeous without losing weight.

There was cheerful music in the banquet hall. The Ruen City Symphony Orchestra, which was invited by Mr. Harvey Sanchez at a high price, was playing on one side of the banquet hall. Although this was suspected of being arty, I have to say that the effect was very good. The whole banquet The atmosphere of the hall suddenly became elegant.

There are long tables in the four corners of the banquet hall, where there are sirloin beef, baked snails with cheese, char-grilled lamb chops, tomato soup, various salads and fruits…etc. But what surprised Connor the most was the small cans of black caviar placed in the “C” position on the long table. The caviar particles are full and round, and the color is bright and transparent. Obviously, this is the best sturgeon caviar.

Caviar of this quality, because of its scarcity and cumbersome and meticulous processing, makes it easy to directly break if a program is wrong. Not to mention the fact that it is placed in the capital of the Carman Empire, Bernabéu, even in the city of origin, Ruen, at least two golds. Pound a small can, and now at Mr. Harvey’s banquet here, dozens of cans are placed at random for the guests to eat!

“George, this kid’s family is such a tyrant! You dare to help yourself with this stuff!” With emotion, Connor was not polite, and directly picked up a small can and ate quietly in the corner. He knew very well about drinking on such occasions. It is definitely unavoidable, so as long as you are smart enough, you must eat something first, get a paddle to save the time, suddenly drink and get drunk.

This state in the banquet hall lasted for about twenty minutes. With the end of the symphony orchestra’s music, in the UU reading www.uukā banquet hall, everyone knew that the Lord was coming! They stopped talking and focused on the center of the banquet hall.

At this time, there appeared a middle-aged man with white temples and a cane. Although he was not tall and he was still holding a cane, the straightness of the waist of this middle-aged man would not give anyone the impression of a rickety face. Although a little blessed, it is vaguely similar to Connor’s good friend George, and George is standing respectfully one step behind the middle-aged man.

“Mr. Harvey Sanchez, the spirit is really good! This kid George wants to take over, it looks like it will take a few years!” Looking at the bright eyes of the middle-aged man, Connor sighed in his heart:

“Ahem!” After a light cough, Mr. Harvey looked around and saw everyone watching him. He nodded in satisfaction and said loudly: “Good evening everyone, I am glad to have so many good friends. In the midst of my busy schedule, to be able to attend the birthday party of this nasty old man of mine, I will not be too nonsense to disturb everyone Yaxing. I hope everyone can spend a good night in Elva tonight!

“Cheers! To health!!!”

“For health!!” The gentlemen and ladies in the banquet hall raised their glasses one after another and responded in unison.

With the end of Mr. Harvey’s toast, the birthday party officially began. The seven huge crystal lamps hanging on the ceiling were slightly dimmed. At the same time, the symphony orchestra also played melodious dance music. Gentlemen sent invitations to their favorite ladies, and a couple of men and women walked into the hall and performed a classic Byzantine court dance.

In such a link, Connor originally wanted to eat melon silently, but it seems that he was topped by others…

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