Count of Wizards

Chapter 27

Chapter 26 notes

“Mr. Connor, please come in, the master tells you to go to his study and wait for him!” Before Connor could open his mouth, the old man dressed as a housekeeper was the first to speak:

“Master?” Connor was shocked. In his memory, his mentor Reyes had always been alone, living here alone, when did an extra housekeeper come out?

As if seeing Connor’s question, the old butler smiled slightly and explained: “I’m Victor, the professor’s butler. I just came here from the professor’s home a few days ago. Mr. Connor called me. Old Victor will do it!”

“That’s it, there’s Lauvictor butler!” Connor nodded politely, and then walked to the second floor of the villa, Reyes’ study.

Connor is no stranger to Reyes’s study. In his memory, Reyes is often in the study to instruct his own knowledge.

The door of the study room opened, standing on the gorgeous and delicate carpet, Connor smelled a faint scent, and a touch of envy flashed in his eyes. Connor focused his eyes on the three large wooden bookshelves and desk in the room. on.

The wood surfaces of the desks and bookshelves have very beautiful golden textures that look like tabby. This is the unique symbol and characteristic of the precious and unusual wood Tabby. Tabby is not planted on the territory of the Kaman Empire. It is only found in the Empire colony on the New World. A small amount of planting does not count except for the small planting. It takes a full 100 years for this kind of tabby wood to become a material before it can be used as furniture.

Tabby wood is expensive not only because its texture is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye, but also because tabby wood emits a unique fragrance. If people smell this fragrance, they will have peace of mind and calm the irritability. effect.

Now in the Luen market, the price of one cubic meter of tabby wood is only more than five hundred gold pounds. In this way, there is still no market. As long as the tabby wood enters the market, it will be bought in less than an hour. And the three large bookshelves and desks in Professor Reyes’s room, according to Connor’s estimate, are at least five thousand gold pounds to start…

Sitting on the sofa in the study, Connor, who had nothing to do, browsed the furnishings in the room at will. On the bookshelf, the slightly yellowed books were illuminated by the orange light of the gas lamp in the study, which made the whole room very feel. On the desk, there is a bottle of bright red wine with no label and a book of spread notes.

Connor looked at this notebook with great interest. In his impression, his tutor, Professor Reyes, seemed to have a habit of taking notes.

The note paper is rough and mixed with some small black spots. At first glance, it is a cheap and inferior paper. Observing this, Connor is more and more interested in this unfolded note. Professor Reyes is a A person who pays great attention to the quality of life, the paper he uses is all smooth, white, and one-penny special high-end paper. Professor Reyes would never use such inferior paper!

Obviously all kinds of clues indicate that this note on Professor Reyes’s desk is not Professor Reyes’s own.

Who would this notebook belong to?

A hint of hesitation flashed in Connor’s eyes, his heart was struggling, do you want to get up from the sofa and look at the contents of that notebook! Maybe that notebook will have the background of his own mysterious and powerful mentor.

Glancing at the closed door, Connor made a choice, got up quickly, and approached the desk.

It can be seen that the text on the note is the Kaman script commonly used in the Kaman Empire, but the handwriting is very scribble, and the writing of the text can be described as ugly once, which further confirms Connor’s judgment that he has the famous empire. Professor Reyes, who has a Ph.D. from Renford University, a higher education institution, would never write such words.

“On July 13, Sir Mountbatten had a tryst with his lover Eva at the Leganes Hotel at 119 Narcissus Street.”

“On September 21st, Mrs. Anneck, wife of the wealthy businessman Wilbeka, secretly lent her brother, 500 gold pounds to pay off the gambling debt.”

“On November 8th, the municipal tax commissioner Mr. Neres accepted that the timber merchant Garley bribed 50 gold pounds to help Garley evade taxes.”



“Fuck, this is all someone else’s handle?” Reluctant to read the contents of the note clearly, Connor exclaimed in his heart:

Looking at the scribbled handwriting on the notes, Connor felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but his classmates, friends, family…etc. didn’t have such a bad font.

“Valverde!” The name of a dead person suddenly appeared in Connor’s mind!

“Yes, this is Valverde’s handwriting!” Realizing this, Connor’s face sank instantly, UU reading is now on Professor Reyes’s desk with this notebook lying on the desk. The handwriting is exactly the same as the handwriting of Valverde’s investigation report on Rebecca! Connor can confirm this without using auxiliary chips!

“Why did Valverde’s notes appear on Reyes’s desk? Is there anything of his own in Valverde’s notes?”

These two problems are like two heavy mountains. Connor can’t breathe under pressure, but before Connor can think about it, there is a sound of footsteps outside the study.

“Push! Push! Push!·······”

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Connor quickly stepped back on the sofa without thinking.


With a muffled sound, the door of the study room was opened, and a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing came in.

“Teacher!” Although he had doubts, when seeing Professor Reyes, Connor could only pretend that nothing happened, and stood up respectfully to say hello.

After taking a look at Connor, Reyes showed a meaningful smile on his face. He patted Connor on the shoulder and said, “In just a few days, Connor, you gave me a surprise. You really deserve to be me. The most important student!”

“Surprise? What kind of surprise?” Although I don’t know what the surprise Reyes said he gave him, Connor still pretended to be grateful and said respectfully: “You can get a mentor. It’s an honor for Connor!”

Nodded in satisfaction, Reyes walked back to the desk, he pondered for a moment, closed the spread note on the desk, and then smiled and handed it to Connor. “This thing will serve as Connor. You become a junior Apprentice, the gift of officially walking into the wizarding world, right?”

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