Count of Wizards

Chapter 15

Chapter 14 start to act

“I don’t know if this potion is as magical as Varga said, but it is better than nothing. With this thing, maybe my plan will have more certainty?” Put the potion into the cello behind me properly. In the box, Connor did not return to his apartment, but got in a public car heading to the train station.

Tomorrow is Rebecca’s day to take the train to the country town of Dhaka, so before him, Connor has to take a step forward, step on a step, and arrange for the plan to be implemented. Connor has asked his friend George to take a leave of absence in school, so Connor has no academic worries now. After the weapon is in hand, he can concentrate on solving Rebecca’s matter!

Arriving at the completely medieval Gothic railway station in Ruen, there are two passages in front of Connor Ferguson. The first is a special passage for the nobles. Take this passage. You can board the train without going through security checks.

The other is a passage for ordinary people. Not only do they need to go through security checks, but there are also a lot of people. It takes a long time to get on the train.

As Connor, he could have gone through the fast lane dedicated to the nobles, but in order to conceal others and not reveal his identity, Connor honestly lined up on another road.

I have to say that even after several large-scale expansions, the construction of the Imperial Railway Transportation is still very bad, and it does not allow the vast majority of the people of the Empire to have a pleasant travel experience. Connor spent half an hour in line. It was his turn to go through security checks.

When trains and railways first appeared, train stations were not aware of security checks. Until the past ten years, some cult organizations took advantage of the gaps in the unsecurity of train stations to conduct several operations in places such as train stations. After this terrorist attack, the “Security Check Bill” on railway stations was officially passed through the parliament, and it was implemented in hundreds of railway stations across Kaman.

looked at the bald middle-aged man in charge of the security check, Connor smiled and passed the cello box behind him. Before entering the train, Connor had already transferred the guns and ammunition in the piano box to his body, and he could not see any traces under the cover of his wide black windbreaker.

checked Connor’s piano case, and the bald staff who found no problems returned the piano case to Connor. Then he signaled Connor to stand and he wanted to conduct a body search for security.

Connor smiled slightly, concealedly placed a dark green banknote in the hands of the bald staff, and said softly: “There is a self-defense dagger on his body, can you please help me?”

Seeing Connor’s movements, the bald staff looked a little bit strange, but when he looked down at the one shilling bill in his hand, his Adam’s apple still squirmed and then waved his hand. Signaled that Connor could pass.

passed the security check smoothly, and Connor safely transferred the prohibited items on his body to the piano box in the toilet for safety.

At the ticket window, after spending five pence to buy a one-hour train ticket, Connor waited quietly in the waiting room for an hour after the train appeared.

When the time was fifty minutes, the door of the waiting room opened. Following the turbulent flow of people, Connor went down the steps and found the steam train he was going to take on the platform.

It is almost the same as the train that appeared after the first industrial revolution on earth. The steam train in Conner’s line of sight now also has a black locomotive that constantly emits water vapor. Behind the locomotive is five or six sections for carrying. There are still some cargo boxes behind the passenger carriage, and it seems that this train is not just for carrying passengers.

After checking the ticket where the flight attendant aunt, Connor found his position according to the information on the train ticket.

On the earth, Connor don’t talk about trains. I don’t know how many times it has been built by high-speed rail, but it is the first experience for Connor to make this kind of the most primitive steam train. , Carefully looked at everything in the carriage.

When the steam train started, Connor’s freshness was gone. He reached into his coat pocket and gently stroked the sun badge that Professor Reyes gave him inside.

Connor didn’t know what would happen after he started it tomorrow. He didn’t know whether Rebecca would also have some magical abilities after being with Vidal, the worshipper wanted by the empire, but what Connor knew was , He has no retreat. If he doesn’t take the lead and kills Rebecca by UU Reading by surprise, then there is no doubt that what awaits him is death.

The sun badge he got from his mentor Reyes is his biggest support at the moment!

After getting the sun badge, Connor, who returned to the apartment, immediately wanted to use the chip to try to analyze the sun badge.

Fortunately, the chip can parse the sun badge, but the fly in the ointment is that there is too little information to be parsed. According to the analysis of the chip, the sun badge has a magical and extremely powerful energy, and according to Reye The method that Si gave him can indeed use this badge. The energy in the badge is enough for Connor to use it five times. After five times, the badge that runs out of energy will turn into dust and disappear in this world.

In addition, for the sun badge, the chip is unable to analyze more information due to limited knowledge. For Connor Ferguson, this information is also enough. The magic item sun badge is what he dared to do this time. Xiang Rebecca, Vidal, the emboldened couple of adulterers, coupled with the help of Mongolian medicine, revolver, kulun knife and other weapons, and the final sudden attack with mental arithmetic and unintentional, Connor believes that he will survive in the end. Yes, it will definitely be myself!



When the darkness began to envelope the beautiful town of Dhaka, Conor Ferguson, dressed in a black trench coat and sunglasses, walked out of Dhaka’s train station with his cello box on his back.

Dhaka is located in the southeast of the commercial city of Ruen. Three of the main four-day railways from Ruen to the outside world pass through the town of Dhaka. Therefore, with such a unique transportation advantage, the commercial development of the town of Dhaka is very Walking in the town quickly, you can clearly feel the breath of the industrial revolution.

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