Count of Wizards

Chapter 1189

Chapter 1157 Incident (4)

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Although Reyes hadn’t finished speaking, he could not help but let out a cold snort when he heard Hummels here, and said coldly to Reyes:

“Reyes, you and I have known each other for decades, and I am also very familiar with your style of behavior. Although you and I have had a festival, but you are not there yet. Just for our time, set up such a big game to deal with me. , Let’s talk about it! What is it for you!”

Speaking of this, Hummels seemed to understand something, his eyes were cold, he looked at Reyes who was at ease, and then at Elena who was sitting silently under the olive tree. He said deeply: “Still Say that Reyes, you want to emulate, what you did in Ruen that year, caused a big change, like helping Edel to the bishop, and helping Elena to the position of the pope, so that she too Your puppet!”

After Hummels said this, Elena, who was already suspicious of the Ruen incident at the time, suddenly realized that her face not only changed slightly. Even though she was like this, Reyes, as the protagonist, was still the same. His expression was indifferent, and he shook his head slightly and said, “Hummels, you think too much. If you are the Pope, you might be fooled a second time by this kind of trick.”

“But it’s a pity that the current pope is your old man. This old man is shrewd. How can I repeat the trick with him?”

“But what you said is correct. Although you and I have some feasts, you have lost more and less wins with me. How can I set up such a big game for you because of these feasts. Where is the dead place?” A weird smile appeared on Reyes’ elegant face. He paused, then looked at Hummels, and said in a deep voice:

“Humels, I am not afraid to tell you until now, what I am conspiring to do is something on your body! This thing is as important to me as the position of the pope is to you. I have to get it anyway!”

After hearing what Reyes said, Hummels looked at him deeply, and then he did something that neither Reyes nor Elena had thought of. He took a tenth from his arms. Exquisite and gorgeous jade card, and then said to Reyes, “Reyes, I don’t know what you are going to take from me, but this is my space jade card. All my things are here, as long as you are willing to leave. , Don’t participate in the internal affairs of our Storm Church, this jade medal is yours!”

I was still a little worried. Reyes wanted to use her to achieve the goal of controlling the storm church. Seeing that Humels was such a bachelor, she was willing to pay such a humiliating condition, and she had to dissuade Reyes. , The whole person is tense in an instant.

In Elena’s view, although she had reached an agreement with Reyes, under Hummels’ favorable conditions, Reyes did not seem to insist on the necessity of the agreement with her. After all, the two of them were also talented for their own interests. Temporarily united together, they don’t have any ties other than benefits, and they were even enemies of life and death not long ago. As long as the benefits are sufficient, Reyes can sell her to Humels!

According to the method proposed by Hummels, Reyes basically does not need to do anything next, and can get what he wants. If he refuses, he will bear any risks arising from fighting Hummels. , And there may not be anything, so in such a situation, what choice Reyes will make, seems to be self-evident!

Thinking of this, Elena looked at Reyes worriedly. If Reyes really chooses to agree to Hummels at this time, then there is only one dead end waiting for her… ···

Looking at Hummels’ jade card, Reyes fell into silence. A minute later, under the gaze of Jelena and Hummels, he shook his head with a wry smile and said:

“Humels, you really gave me a big problem. If it wasn’t you today, but another person proposed this deal to me, I would definitely not have any hesitation, and I would agree to you immediately.”

Feeling the rejection in Reyes’ words, Humels’s face not only changed to look hard, he took the jade medal he was holding back into his arms. He never expected that he would have swallowed so much, Reyes At this moment, Reyes continued to say:

“It’s a pity that just like Hummels you know me, I also know you very well!”

“Hu Mels, your acting style, I know very well, if I took your jade medal and handed it to you today, although it is temporarily safe and seems to have gained a lot of benefits, You will definitely hate me forever!”

“Without Jelena’s restraint, you will inherit the pope’s position in the Church of the Storm and there will be no more rivals, so even if your old man doesn’t like you, for The development of the Storm Church has to let you succeed.”

“And when Hummels becomes the pope, I’m afraid the Storm Church will do its best to hunt me down, so I am sorry, although I have some skills, I am afraid of being pursued and killed by the Storm Church!” Lei As soon as Jess’s voice fell, he was fighting undeclared, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and a mental storm hit Humels.

Hummels, although he has played against Reyes several times in the past few decades, he is fully aware of Reyes’s methods, but this time he has been cautiously guarding Reyes in his heart. Sneak attack, but this time Reyes’ mental storm seemed to be extraordinarily powerful. It directly penetrated his Hummels’ defense and hit Hummels’ body, making Hummels’ majestic face. , I can’t help but show up a touch of soreness…

“Reyes, you have come this far…” Looking at Reyes not far away, Hummels gritted his teeth and said in a complex tone:

Hearing Hummels’ emotions, Reyes’ elegant face showed a smile, and said lightly: “This time I was seriously injured in the battle with an old thing like McKennie, but thanks to this. Given the old things, I have also learned a lot. It is only the last step before becoming a third-level wizard, and this step of mine lies with you, Humels!”

Hummels adjusted his condition, snorted coldly, looked at Reyes with a calm expression, and said in a deep voice, “Reyes, although you are very strong, but if I don’t expect it to be bad now, there is no injury on your body. Healed, you are so confident that you can keep me here?”

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