Count of Wizards

Chapter 1166

Chapter 1134 untitled

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

But now Elena has been severely injured by Reyes, and even the Tier 3 enchanted item Cold Storm Staff is seriously damaged. To be honest, in the eyes of Connor, the current Elena , Let alone deal with Reyes, it is hard to say whether you can save your life in Frosinone!

So now that Irina can’t deal with Reyes, Connor and Irina have no common enemy. Therefore, it can be understood that Connor and Ilena have no basis for cooperation. Connor is now There is no need to cooperate with Jelena…

If it’s just because there is no need for cooperation, then Connor will not reject Margaret’s proposal. After all, in a sense, helping Elena is helping Margaret, and Connor doesn’t look at the monk’s face. Looking at the Buddha’s face, even if there is no need to help, it is not a big deal for Connor to take the lead and Rae Elena!

But now the problem lies in Hummels!

And in the mouth of Margaret, Jelena’s number one confidant, Hummels’ purpose in coming to Frosinone was probably directed at Jelena, to solve Jelena completely. This he became the biggest threat to the next pope of the Storm Church, so now Irina did not dare to go to the alchemist she knew, for fear that Humels would follow the vine, so Irina took her idea and hit herself.

After listening to Margaret talking about this passage at the time, Connor was really speechless. Although he admired the woman Elena, who was so precise in abacus, she hit herself, but Connor wanted it even more. Let’s greet you. The ancestor of Jelena.

Are you afraid of being followed by Hummels? Am I not afraid?

Hummels wants to deal with Elena, and he ran to repair the Cold Storm Staff for Elena and help her regain her strength. Isn’t this just rushing into Hummels’ gun?

If Hummels was not in Frosinone, Connor might gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He would have done this because Margaret knew nothing about it. He might have helped with this. But now Hummels, but just In Frosinone, it was impossible for him to hide from Hummels when he helped Elena repair the Cold Storm Staff.

After all, Frosinone, at present, he is the only alchemist at the official wizard level, and he is the only one who has the ability to help Elena repair the Cold Storm Staff, so just let Humels hear that Han When the violent staff is repaired, he will definitely think of his existence.

And Connor doesn’t have to think about it, knowing that once Hummels finds out that he is helping Elena, then he will definitely endure the anger of the strongest and most powerful red archbishop of the Storm Church. And he is a dark wizard himself. Hummels doesn’t even need a decent excuse to deal with himself.··········

At present, a Reyes has already made Connor exhausted and worried, let alone another Humels, who is as powerful as Reyes!

In the wizarding world, if a person like this is not guilty, he must not be offended. Even if he has to offend, he must not be offended under the eyes of others, right?

What’s more, Connor is not a lonely person with enough food and no worries about the whole family. He still has Varga and the entire Ferguson family? If Humels really wants to deal with him at that time, these are all his fate!

Therefore, for Connor, repairing the Cold Storm Staff for Irina is a matter of harm but no benefit. As long as the head is not flooded, anyone knows what choice to make?

Although Connor told Margaret just now that he spent half an hour and didn’t think of a reason to help Elena, in fact, Connor had already done it after hearing Margaret’s story. After choosing, the half-hour of silence was all thinking about how to tactfully reject Margaret’s request, so as to minimize the damage to the relationship between him and Margaret.

But unfortunately, in the end, things went against his wishes. He and Margaret still broke up. Connor couldn’t help feeling a headache when he thought of this. He shook his head and took out his wallet, and took out a golden pound from it. After the banknotes were placed on the table, Connor did not disturb anyone, and quietly left the cafe.



“Wow! Wow!”

In the early morning, when Gallardini, who was tied to a wooden stake, was sleeping, he suddenly poured cold water on his head. Gallardini was completely awake from his sleep. come.

Gallardini, who was dreaming of applauding with the little widow of the neighbor’s house, subconsciously wanted to swear, but when he saw the brawny man carrying a bucket in front of him fierce and wicked man, he was already angry. The opened mouth closed quickly, not only that, but a flattering smile quickly formed on his face.

Gallardini at this time, how humble and humble, but Gallardini doesn’t care. For people like him, it’s better to live than anything. Dignity is for people like him. , It is completely an unnecessary luxury.·············

For Gallardini’s intent to please, the fierce and brawny man didn’t seem to buy it. After giving Gallardini a menacing look, he silently retreated to the corner of the room.

Just when Gallardini was a little bit confused and didn’t know what he was going to do next, the low voice that had asked Gallardini once again sounded in this dim room.

“Galiardini, your answer is honest. I still have a question that I need to answer. Do you know the name of the boss behind Marat Grieg?”

Hearing this question, Gallardini’s head immediately shook like a rattle, and then he said with certainty: “I only know that this man is a cane with a bodyguard and looks very stylish. The old man, Marat Grigorian is very respectful to him, nodding at him from time to time, calling him Sir Ferguson, other than that, I don’t know more things!”

After Gallardini finished speaking, the voice was silent for a few minutes, and during these minutes, the brawny man who was standing in the corner of the room turned his fierce gaze to Gallardi. On Ni’s body, the whole person seems to be a little eager to try Gallardini.·············

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